Pint sized Perfection editon
League of legends general /lolg/
>Darius is strong
>t. shitter
>there are people that play more than one role
What champion pisses you off the most?
but but irelia is infertile user!
>I climbed due to my skill not my champ
>t. shitty dia v 0lp darius main with 2k games
You have 10 seconds to name a more balanced champion than Rammus.
Oh wait, you can't.
better than all the d5 0lp janna players desu
>Implying that will stop me from trying
Life, uh, finds a way.
Do you actually think that darius is that strong?
And people who climb with it are bad at this game.
Like, "I push one key and let my team carry me."
ye but consider this
a) janna player; knock down one bracket
b) support player; knock down one bracket
c) x5 0lp elo; knock down one bracket
u are comparing the darius to a s5 player rly :///!!
Where did this "LE MATING PRESS xDxDxD" meme come from and how can we put a stop to it?
Who was that retarded pro player that said something along the lines of "If you lose you can only blame yourself, not your teammates" I don't remember what he said verbatim
In a team game I'm pretty sure you have to work as a team to accomplish shit
love of god dude you were at half fucking health please stop FUCKING posting this
Not as strong as braindead easy to win lane with.
Bronze 5 to silver 5 was more difficult than silver5 to gold 5.
Gold 5 to plat 5 was more difficult than plat 5 to diamond 5.
Explain this lolbabs.
You get better and you encounter people stuck in said elos.
he's far an away the best performing and 2nd most frequently banned top laner in high elo
you used your second dash to add some extra burst. If you used that dash to dodge darius' q, you would've won
>get auto filled supp
>enemy blitz picked
>our adc goes ez
>go alistar
>check ranks while loading
>Ez gold 3
>ez literally mentally challenged
>checked after, unranked solo, gold 3 flex
>gold in flex is basically cerebral palsy victim.
>seen plat 1's in flex that are worse than the bronziest shit i've ever witnessed.
>was 99LP as well
>lost 17 LP
>rito matchmaking gg
>midgets tristana and poppy above anyone
>sivir c tier
I want all yordlefuckers to die.
Author here
Does Sivir deserve a promotion and if so how much?
I mean, blaming others isn't really conducive to your growth or improvement as a player.
>muh teammates
Yeah, they'll lose you games. A lot of them. Nothing really to be done about that, though.
What if i told you
I wasnt that reneketon
I wasnt even part of that game, i was just spectating a friend
I just post it because it gets (you)'s every time
>mating press your waifu daily
user thats too lewd
Human women LITERALLY da best.
Yordles should have their own separate metric imo.
Laning is easy with darius, but champions that have reusable, constant damage in lane such as trundle, irelia, and riven, or any champions that are ranged and are not played by a retard will fuck him up.
And the later the game goes the more noticeable the weaknesses of darius become: such as kitability, no disengage, and having to focus the carries because he has only flat damage in his kit.
>High elo
Gotta have a lot of leg power to run on water.
Not too much, though, or you'll just crash and splash.
Stay jealous
What he is complaining about is something I see with the likes of Fiora, Darius, Nautilus, Poppy, etc
With other champs you have to try to outplay the laner and know when and how to use your skills.
With those you kinda faceroll and wait for your cds.
What Im trying to say is that it's not rewarding to play something really good when someone can just take a broken pick, play it 10 games and know how to play him well enough to usually never lose lane.
Balance in this game is really bad.
>Yet another night where I sat up to 5 am playing ARAM
>Only once a day
Those babies aren't gonna make themselves.
Before anyone asks for sauce I'm like 90% sure that's Butakoma.
>top 5% of entire playerbase
>not high elo
Pick one.
Name a more satisfying type of win.
Plat and above, yes.
>posts yordle fanart with human-esque proportions
Delusional as ever I see. Thanks for proving my point.
No technique is forbidden
I do no biases. Why the hell would I put Rengar? Im not a furry but he is admittedly rather thicc for a male.
Yordles are based on their proportions. Admittedly I might demote poppy. Ive been thinking thats mostly armor around her legs as opposed to Tristana.
I love how people meme about plat not being high elo.
Bitch doesn't matter if the people playing there is horrible, it's a 5% of a 30 million playerbase.
Why are people like this.
>Implying 99% of people in platinum aren't shit at the game
Plat is much bigger than diamond, master and challenger combined. So the "above" part hardly matters.
user... Life has no meaning, though...
Butt your'e deth... Shall
>tfw you finally hit master
So what now?
>Last game to finally get out of promos and get back into Silver.
>Get Camille jungle as first pick.
>In the first ten minutes get both mid and bot lane 3 kills each.
>Opposing jungler gets deleted the second I see him.
>Meanwhile at top lane: Garen spam pinging assistance constantly as he dives a renekton at level 3 in his turret.
>Dies over and over and over again.
>Loses lane completely.
>Trolls and buys nothing but boots.
>End up losing the whole game because Renekton was level 18 before I was even level 15.
>"Fucking noob ass jungler, learn to play."
Why do people like this exist?
Hit challenger.
>riven pickers
Mine two days ago.
>late game
>unironically adding people from Veeky Forums
for what purpose
I miss the days when saying that would summon Neryth...
>jungle comes in and feeds mid 3 times despite me telling him to stop fucking coming to my lane
>lose lane because fed enemy mid with blue and i cant fucking pressure lane
>top comes and feeds another two kills to enemy mid when i said to just let me farm at turret cause there is no way we can take him because he was already given free blue buffs and was given 2 kills one of which was blue buff
>team refuses to farm their lanes and instead forces it into a aram
>fed enemy mid now keeps getting more kills
>they blame me for loss and not the jungler who decided to try and tower dive the enemy mid at level two when both me and enemy mid were recalling since we got low fighting each other
I dont want to jungle but im sick of how many fuckhead play this role and they insist on trying to jump in for free kills instead of pressuring lanes that need the help
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4
>more than once per day
thats womb bullying at this point user
>mfw 58%
What a strange thing to be proud of.
Yordles are supposed to have generally human proportions with slightly elongated arms and larger heads. Not sure what kind of skewed information you're getting here user
I want to dance with Orianna.
Renekton has no late game.
how is sion support?
>it's strange to be proud of winning more games than you lose and consistently climb
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
needs 6
pass vidya
>he doesnt know
#1 support in korea
Absolutely disgusting with caitlyn or any aggressive adc
Doubly disgusting if you can get your jungler to start topside from the guaranteed level 1 kill from the bush.
Or double summs at the worst
Why is Irelia so underappreciated?
ยด>Where did this "LE MATING PRESS xDxDxD" meme come from
good question
>and how can we put a stop to it?
just pink their posts
Of course it is. Once you hit the division you're supposed to be in, your wins will even out and you won't have anything to brag(?) about anymore.
its ___fun___
>damage and shield in one spell
Who the fuck thought this was balanced?
divineogundu is a proud african american male
did u find out if welding is gonna run from me again hello its been 2 weeks where r u welder
i say its because she looks relatively normal compared to the other females
only her glorious ass saves her from being quinn tier of boring
>play on stolen (int) acc
>jgl has a tendency to farm the lanes I'm farming in, no bueno
>tell him the next time he does it I'll go afk
>does it again the absolute madman
>30 min later, check back to see that they lost the game
xth for Camille
I have 57% win rate but 90% win-rate mid with 204 games. I main Lux and just play like a cowardly bitch if I get countered.
>play yorick into camille
>fist fuck her with ghouls and shovel
What's there for me?
hello we need 6 people to start this vg vs vg game on NA pass vidya
come join and have fun maybe haha
>90% win rate
>over 204 games
Her ass is probably solid muscle...
That's nice and all but what do I stand to gain?
That's rather impressive but post pics or never happened
who /kda whore/ here?
>this is bad thing
And only in Mid. I'm not good, I'm just a one trick pony. I can only play Lux and champs with similar mechanics/kits like Morgana, Ahri or Brand.
Her body is way better than Quinn's, even without the ass, imo.
> just play like a cowardly bitch if I get countered.
Why is it shitters on /lolg/ can never understand this concept actually working? Because it does
oops guess i scared em off again....
why even make a challenge if you are just gonna be a scared little bitch when it gets called out lol??
ur gonna make me 1v1 you at this rate thats even gonna be an even more embarrassing 3-0
if imthem boosted u....and i beat imthem....what chance do u have??
what nautilus skin should i get lads
>Irelia will never sit on your lap
shits probably so firm it would feel like it was crushing your dick
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA needs 4
pass vidya