it seems STEM is dominated by
-White Males, East Asians, Indians, Ashkenazi Jews
Humanities is a mix of Blacks, Asians, Latinos/Latinas, White Women etc.
it seems STEM is dominated by
-White Males, East Asians, Indians, Ashkenazi Jews
Humanities is a mix of Blacks, Asians, Latinos/Latinas, White Women etc.
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Higher average iq.
there's lot's of white men in philosophy no?
stem fields tend to pay more though and are stimulating.
More of us than them.
>White Males
>East Asians
>Ashkenazi Jews
Citation required.
whats your source, your ass?
Whites are more autistically mechanical minded
This is the source of their success but also of their boring uncoolness
>rulling the wold is uncool
>whites are jews
>whites aren't cool
They can't fucking cook either lmao
Jfs whites have no fucking culture
The best chefs in the world are white men you double nigger
>the humanities will never be about radical nationalism and mass politics ever again
>East asians
>White males
Lol okay Pajeet
It's almost entirely white men in philosophy. Both historically and in the present.
>Why do White Males go into STEM fields more so than Humanities?
Because they prefer to hyuk hyuk hyuk
White male in STEM here. I wanted to major in philosophy but I also wanted a job. Hope this clears things up.
Humanities are hostile fields for white men so they go to studies in which they are accepted and can excel.
why do white men have such a victim complex these days? they're always crying about discrmination.
White males are by far the most likely to be autistic, so that probably helps.
Pretty sure everyone's crying about discrimination these days. Such a great moment in history.
Maybe their complaints are legitimate they're being systematically discriminated against.
I'll bet you're the kind of person who laughs at rape victims.
I laugh at white male straight rape victims.
Fighting the good fight
The fact that this never occurred to me is how I know I'm not as smart as I could be.
>radical nationalism
>mass politics
M8 that's not humanities that's the fucking news
I was humanities and blacks were extremely rare.
It's mostly white women. The most privileged class on the planet.
Lucky for you it's not really true. If there were some evidence that white students were less likely to receive attention from the instructor or get their papers published when they're employed I would concede.
Yeah from what I see Humanities are still mostly white people, the gender divide is just less strong. Outside of philosophy which is full on shitlord, in all of my upper level philosophy classes there are only 1 or 2 girls, sometimes none.
Women rarely choose philosophy as a major because it requires you to think on a regular basis.
Mostly Jews actually
>implying a study like that wouldn't make the professor lose tenure
You're thinking of banking
Please delete this it links to nsfw content
the best everythings in the world are white
>white chocolate is the best chocolate.
No, fuck you.
Dark Chocolate > milk chocolate >>> white chocolate.
When did accounting and finance become a humanities subject?
Whites have perfected the humanities. That's why post-modern is crap -- there's no room for improvement for most of the fields, so they rely on becoming more abstract / going away from the traditional quo. It's valueable to learn about it, but it isn't as fun to dedicate a career about anymore (aside maybe from philosophy, classics, history, and linguistics). Science has career oriented rewards now.
>radical nationalism
hehe... Kill yourself.
belgian chocolate is best
Have you tried Swiss chocolate? That and when I was in Zehlendorf in Berlin I had been to a chocolate shop with the most simple yet ingeniously crafted chocolates.
>white men
>crying about discrimination
he was joking, its literally only far leftist males that do this
Swiss chocolate has changed a lot these past 30 years..
It's just not the same anymore.
Bit spooked there m8
>Malvina Milder was born in San Francisco to David and Abagail Milder, Jewish and socialist immigrants
there's being misinformed, and then there's outright delusion
Believing news networks today push anything close to nationalism is beyond far fetched
They understand that they need to become breadwinners. They won't have an escape or plan B like women do with marriage.
How do we win against the womemes?
Have you ever stepped foot into an Engineering classroom? My school's Engineering area is dominated mostly by Asians, with some white people and ME for flavor. There are a few others in there (I have a Mexican friend there, for example) but they are simply the minority.
There are a lot of Asian women there, though.
Artificial wombs and female personality robots (or, fembots) already exist.
We just need a little more time.
Its simple pragmatism, like what this guy said.
Humanities is mostly white women though, going off not only my own personal experience with a memanity degree, but statistically. Its well documented that, although women earn more degrees than men, most of those are outside of stem (humanities, arts, business, etc).
Its a shame really, would be nice to see more decent guys in my department.
t. american racial minority whose culture is almost entirely european with only the slightest african influences
>reading comprehension: the post.
Because they're fucking shitlords who want to keep women out of stem
having more applicants means they have to raise the admission requirements, so no women or minorities can get in and get the decent jobs they should have
One day user, one day. And what a glorious day it will be.
I see more Pajeets and Huangs in STEM in the university Im in than Whites.
Kek, I'm the fluke of an Asian who majored in history. Though most Asians really are in Business.
Economic stability produces adrift individuals who are likely to dislike technical careers and be inclined towards philosophical studies. In Asiatic cultures there's a frequent belief in there being "no time for that sheeit" and encourage practical usefulness instead, especially in less developed parts of the world.
>Kek, I'm the fluke of an Asian who majored in history. Though most Asians really are in Business.
at the better uni's over here the asians dominate financial and science areas while whites and other minorities fill the arts and humanities topics.
of course theres the odd white male here and there in business and stem, its funny to see the commerce class, all Asian with just 1 white dude.
ITT people choosing the field of study for muh jerbs
just please do not complain when you'll pass the rest of your life alienated in some office doing something you hate
your argument doesn't make any sense.
I'm guessing you're bitter because you've been ridiculed for taking a major that doesn't provide any job opportunities?
Most humanities topics even some degree of employability in niche fields as long as you did them somewhere decent.
women and black people are too stupid to do things that require mathematics or any similar precise, rigorous reasoning (e.g. computer science ).
That's why when they go to university most of them study soft stuff that they can pass just by writing waffly opinion pieces like sociology and psychology.
>"Hahah look at this fucking LOSER, he doesn't spend his whole life in the purpose of making rich people richer or studying in order to do so!"
no and i don't care, i study languages
of course it's ok if somebody picks enginering because he truly loves the field, however it's a different story when you choose your field because of muh pay, clueless about what does it mean passing an huge amount of your lifetime doing something tedious for a living
What's even funnier is there are like 10 famous black philosophers and the only shit they philosophize about is race and whitey
I'm not racist or anything but if living near black people has taught me anything
its that they really are.. not so good at most things, aside from like sports of course
Most people aren't so good at most things user.
There's been heaps of great black musicians as well, which is worth noting. Blues music is overwhelmingly black, heaps of black jazz musicians, black rock musicians, and obviously rap too.
I think his point is that picking a career purely because you can get an okay job in it is retarded if you don't really love it, because it's a big investment, and you're going to spend a lot of your life doing something that you find absolutely boring.
Jazz is the most redeeming form of black culture. Billy Strayhorn's compositions for Duke Ellington are genius. Though, I'd say rap hasn't been the great frontier of music it was promised to be. It is more of a great medium for poetry. If anything, soul and r&b are far more enjoyable.
Can anyone here name a single significant black mathematician other than Blackwell (very influential 20th century statistician who proved the rao-blackwell theorem)?
White male, studying geology at a major university (40ish thousand students). Geology students are like 75% white men and judging from talking to other students about why they study it, the most common link between student reasoning has to be a background in camping and outdoorsmanship, which are activities coincidentally dominated by white men in the US. General science prerequisites courses were a lot more diverse.
>le stem is all white dudes lel
Are people not supposed to enter certain fields because of their race, user? Hmmm... rilly m8x u thinq
That song kind of triggered me when I listened to it again after hearing it in my childhood. It just sounded like a spiteful Hippy hating people for their success/happiness. If people are alright living in nice houses together, contributing to their communities through productive labour, why is that cause to try and ridicule them? Is it supposed to be berating them for not having a clear stance on a difficult issue (the Vietnam War)? Bizarre.
It's like a less self-aware 'Fuck Off' by the Lonely Island.
The song was about the crushing conformity at the time. Not actually people being successful or whatever.
It could have just as easily been about the soviet housing concrete blocks.
not true in a lot of olympic sports
And when were the humanities "about" radical nationalism and mass politics?
kind of interesting how a lot of the artists being "crushed" by the conformity of mid 20-century american culture were jewish
Superior problem solving abilities select themselves for disciplines which are more problematic. Their demo is better at it the way west Africans are better sprinters.
You sound like you don't understand what the song is about or the culture of the time one bit.
Nigga, Jews are 2% of the American population, that's one in every 50 Americans.
Jews being apart of almost anything in America is statistically probable.
i wonder what percentage of the hippy movement was jewish?
I majored in philosophy and it was a big waste of time desu. But I can bullshit my way into any position I'd want that doesn't require actual in-depth technical knowledge
>what is 1920 Italy
I thought Veeky Forums was supposed to know about History.