What made the cars of the 90s so reliable?
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Companies in the JDM didn't pennypinch as much and where renowned for quality.
These days it's fair game and a race to the bottom but back then everyone was trying to outdo each other.
1998 was the peak and then the Jap economic bubble popped and never recovered.
relative simplicity and modern technology.
I want you to find me a study that says cars in the 90s were more reliable than modern cars, because this thread smells a lot like someone who only has anecdotal evidence of a friend of a friend who has a modern car that goes in and out of the workshop while your cousin's 90s shitbox totally runs great, so all modern cars must be unreliable pieces of shit and cars from 20 years ago were the undisputed pinnacle of reliability
It just comes from me having an easier time with my 1997 Corolla than my friend's 2010 Cobalt.
Feel free to close the thread or it will turn into anti 90s shitposting
Simple and efficient design, lower safety stanfards. Things were built to last, not to be replaced every five years.
So it's exactly like I said, you have experience on two cars and decided it must totally be the same on all cars of their respective decade
You do realise it's a Toyota Corolla though. Comparing the Cobalt to the Corolla is comparing a Clive Cussler novel to a Jeffery Archer book. Why bother? The former is well better than the latter.
Only three things will exist after the nuclear bomb has dropped; cockroaches, bacteria and the Toyota Corolla.
Funny how cars became so disposable even the aftermarket refuses to bother with most new cars unless it's 5-10+ years old and even then nobody has bothered with newer auto or aftermarket dct or 8+ speed autos.
It's either built 4 speeds or a sequential/manual with a SBC or BBC or bust for the most part nobody touches modern engines or cars at all unless it's Jap or merrican
Like all lizards, the jews were in their periodic dormant season.
I don't know of any cars that instantly had an aftermarket unless it was compatible with existing aftermarket parts.
Ft86 is the only one I can think of but it's a familiar engine.
Apart from that...
1. More robust electronics that controlled fewer things.
2. Transmissions using older, more proven configurations, with fewer parts. More parts means a greater likelihood of a component being bad.
3. Lower safety and emissions standards requiring less engineering effort.
4. A market focused more on selling options on the same car for a bulk of profit as opposed to now, where a bulk of a dealer's profit comes from vehicle service. This is partly because there are physically fewer things to option as more things became standard.
5. Relative economic prosperity lead to fewer corners cut in general processes.
6. Perceived reliability against the problematic cars of the 80s, and problematic cars of the 2008 recession. It's a sandwich of decent against a backdrop of mediocre.
You might as well compare chocolate ice cream to dog shit, with the Cobalt being dogshit in case that's not clear enough.
Delicious chocolate corolla
>posts the headgasket and piston ring monster
>because this thread smells a lot like someone who only has
SHILL ASPIRATIONS get it right. This thread is built like a shill thread to the T.
>blazen picture of toyota
>prominent operative phrase of OP is "so reliable"
The other variables of the thread could literally be anything, because the psychological suggestion has been firmly established.
>not knowing what youre talking about
Great engine horrid interior.
Shame because it's a good platform and chassis apart from the CVT
Shhh he thinks Jap i4 engines are unreliable he doesn't know about i6s
>shill engaged
>car got into crash
Must be unreliable
>psychological suggestion
On Veeky Forums?
This isnt a ford thread where lies are taken as fact
4a-fe is an oil control ring destroying headgasket blowing piece of shit. tell us all about your ideology and how you think the 4a-fe has anything over the average engine
Youre thinking of the wrong engine.
But whatever m8.
oh wow whoopdy doo 323k miles wow never seen an engine do that before, toyota is so special because it's all i know about
This.DCTs,CVTs, infotainment bullshit, turbos, backup cameras lanewatch nanny systems didnt exist on the common mans corolla or buick back then. Plus i think the fact that alot of the jap economy cars were made in japan still amd not mexico or somewhere in the southern us helped
That particular engine was never opened up, and never burned oil.
But hey. You know more than i do right?
Even though you think A blocks all had the same issues as other toyota engines that youre confused about.
Pretty sure you must know everything about everything since youre the ONLY person to have said 4afe has oil control ring issues and headgasket issues that no other person in the history of the world has ever noticed before.
Are you god?
And poor nissan hadnt got RENAULTED Yet
>muh anecdotes
Well my anecdotes tell me a buddy needed 3 head gaskets on his Corolla before they discovered the head was warping only when warmed upbc shitty casting/metallurgy.
>tfw Toyota fucks up all the time
>tfw Toyota drivers are already in lala land and accept the repairs, thinking "it could be worse if everything else is less reliable"
>tfw toyota's cult brainwashing instills an unreasonable sense of forgiveness towards toyotas that few other brands could get away with
I guess life can't always be memes.
Nissan was never good.
They use poor quality materials in all their cars and always have.
Hahahahaha. Sure thing bud.
Im sure youre "friend" is just inept.
Heads dont just warp for no reason. They arent designed that way.
Fuck off toyshill. You're fantastical ideologies are so baseless and tiresome. If toyota was so great, you wouldn't need to spend your free time forcing their meme and telling everyone their shit is inferior. If toyota was so great, they wouldn't need to have the most prominent shill presence on internet forums. If toyota was so great NO ONE would need to chant that mantra every single say. Doing so only tells everyone that YOU"RE INSECURE and there REALLY IS NO BASIS FOR YOUR IDEOLOGIES, so you're continuously driven to shill by heavy insecurity.
>1. More robust electronics that controlled fewer things.
I'd like to see how you can say electronics were more robust or how you can even define electronic robustness
>2. Transmissions using older, more proven configurations, with fewer parts. More parts means a greater likelihood of a component being bad.
Armchair statistics here, gearboxes haven't changed that much since then, they were engulfed in electronics, sure, but an epicyclic gear is still an epicyclic gear and, if anything, the technology to produce gears and components in general got better so things are more efficient and refined now.
>3. Lower safety and emissions standards requiring less engineering effort.
I can give you this one, even if "less engineering" doesn't necessarily mean "more reliable"
>4. A market focused more on selling options on the same car for a bulk of profit as opposed to now, where a bulk of a dealer's profit comes from vehicle service. This is partly because there are physically fewer things to option as more things became standard.
The bulk of the profit hasn't been on options since forever, service is what gets you the most money.
>5. Relative economic prosperity lead to fewer corners cut in general processes.
>6. Perceived reliability against the problematic cars of the 80s, and problematic cars of the 2008 recession. It's a sandwich of decent against a backdrop of mediocre.
Kinda right here
Also they hit a sweet spot where the technology was advanced enough to manufacture reliable vehicles, but simple enough where they didn't need unnecessary complications like the advanced emissions hardware and advanced computer systems we have today, that spread the research and development money thin.
The more complicated a car is and the more systems it has the more spread out your development has to be, and the more parts have to be built for the same price as before.
The legion of middle aged mexican men i see driving elderly hardbodies and sentras everday says otherwise
Nice argument.
Sure convinced me that toyota sucks.
Ill never buy one again
They imported good quality steel from the USA and made it was a time where engineers made things functional and not overly complicated
>he thinks toyotas don't more headgaskets than any other japanese brand for the past 3 decades
Mexicans buy that shit because its made in their home country.
But then you knew that?
Im sure you also know about their respective issues too?
>5th gear popouts
>cyl #3 failure from poor coolant flow design
Etc etc. You people are so delusional it hurts
>talking shit about hardbodys
you mad nissan truck frames arent make out of linguine
Been working on cars for over 15 years.
Never heard of bad toyota head gaskets other than mk3 supras.
>so delusional it hurts
Tell me about how a 22r blows up in under a minute without even bouncing on the limiter for most of the time
>post a picture of a hacked up yota
Proceed with the rest of your frame pictures. Since you failed at attacking corollas (which is actually easy if you know about them)
>I'd like to see how you can say electronics were more robust or how you can even define electronic robustness
Just think for a minute, just a bit of thinking.
The electronics were more robust because they were a fuckton simpler. Gee, who'd have thought!
In the 90's there was a sweetspot when electronics matured well ENOUGH and the rest was still kinda simple compared to now.
Then the run on the global market really took off with cost cutting but at the same time hastily engineered stuff.
It wasn't unusual for a brand to develop a car for a WHOLE DECADE until it got released. Now it's only a fraction of that time.
>Never heard of bad toyota head gaskets other than mk3 supras.
lmao lmao lmao lmao you're not a mechanic fuck off you god damned phony ahahahahahaahahahahahahaahah what are you a heavy diesel mechanic is that why? jesus if you're gonna lie at least make it somewhat believable!
Sweet. One engine, purposefully blow up because it was abused and on its last leg.
The rest of the world loves 22R
calm down bro, you're just giving him pleasure by flipping your shit
>Proceed with the rest of your frame pictures.
What frame pictures? Oh the shitload of them that you already knows exist like everyone else? Oh ok.
>The rest of the world loves 22R
These are the nice delusion inducing comfort phrases these guys like to chant. Don't forget about how much the world loves to change 22r headgaskets and timing chains, guides and covers............
>instigating so hard that hes attacking one of the worlds most reliable engines
>the world loves 22R
The ackbars can't get enough.
Enough chevys
>the worlds most reliable engines
Has nothing to defend but a meme. That's so sad.
How amny times does it need to be said, the pinnacle of toyfag knowledge is the bottom of the barrel. Toyfags sing and shout their meems from the hilltops, but only because THEY DONT KNOW ANY BETTER and believe no one else should either. That's fucked bro.
>If toyota was so great, they wouldn't need to have the most prominent shill presence on internet forums.
They don't. Why do you think their cars are ugly as sin? They don't give a fuck about anyone's opinions.
You might be confusing them with BMW or VAG, companies with a history of product placement in the media. BMW even spent the money to make a small film company.
You don't like Toyota? You don't have to buy one. Go buy your Ford and return on foot.
>They don't.
Shill. Nice counterintel.
>Why do you think their cars are ugly as sin?
Because the company has no talent. They have so little that they can't even recognize talent when they hire.
>They don't give a fuck about anyone's opinions.
Except they do. They care the most.
>The company uses newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads, as well as, billboards and posters to reach its target customer segment. As it is illustrated in Figure 7 below, in the US alone the volume of advertising spending of the company reached USD 2.09 billion in 2014 and the largest proportion of this amount, USD 959 million was spent to produce and broadcast TV ads.
If your manager only knew how shit of a job you were doing.......
The "90s Corollas are reliable" meme isn't something Toyota needs to push here m8. Plus we all generally agree on that, but most anons would rather not ever buy a new Corolla. If this is a shill thread then it's pretty shitty and tbqh I think Toyota would do a better job.
He's probably right. Late 80s early 90s Toyota head gaskets are notoriously shit, not just the M series. I've never heard of A series heads warping but they were aluminum on iron so it's plausible.
>increased marketing spending
Surely that can't be due to their TV/Super Bowl commercials.
>Because the company has no talent. They have so little that they can't even recognize talent when they hire.
So a company with its finger on the pulse of trends, and who >cares the most, is incapable of making a car that appeals to buyers?
>>The company uses newspapers, magazines, TV and radio ads, as well as, billboards and posters to reach its target customer segment. As it is illustrated in Figure 7 below, in the US alone the volume of advertising spending of the company reached USD 2.09 billion in 2014 and the largest proportion of this amount, USD 959 million was spent to produce and broadcast TV ads.
If your manager only knew how shit of a job you were doing.......
"Shilling" isn't present in your quote even as a codeword. If your mother only knew how shit of a job your public school teachers did.
3.5B spent in marketing world wide in 2014 with a solid 2.09B in the US alone. Seems like the USA is targeted pretty heavily with the toy brainwashing, considering it's their most profitable market.
>Surely that can't be due to their TV/Super Bowl commercials.
In 2014 US campaign, only USD 950M was spent to produce and broadcast TV ads. So not even 50% was spent on TV ads including Superbowl. That leaves over a billion for print etc (which isn't very expensive these days) and THE ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE which is 100% relevant and thus costly.
>he thinks shilling on Veeky Forums costs a lot of money
>The electronics were more robust because they were a fuckton simpler. Gee, who'd have thought!
The amount of electronic stuff in and around the car doesn't say anything about the robustness of the whole system.
You can have overly complex systems that are bulletproof and you can have relatively simple networks that fall apart in a short time.
You are probably American so you never had to deal with French electronics in the 90s. Renault was especially bad at this. They had nothing fancy or particularly different from other cars of the same decade, but they failed constantly due to a number of factors, the most obvious being shit assembly quality.
By your metric we fall again into that armchair statistics where more stuff = more problems which is such a flawed argument that I'm surprised people still use it all the time without feeling like idiots.
>tfw you own a car made in 1998 when Japanese auto was at its prime
>on Veeky Forums
>he thinks online/social media campaigns target one website
>he thinks anonymous and free car boards on the cesspool of youth culture aren't the sweetest plum for a social media marketer
>mfw he really believes it
alright then if toyotas aren't as reliable as meme what make of car is?
>By your metric we fall again into that armchair statistics where more stuff = more problems which is such a flawed argument that I'm surprised people still use it all the time without feeling like idiots.
They don't know any better bro. Toyota told them a while back "the reason we don't advance in technology is because old and simple is more reliable". They really believe that. They honestly think life is so bad that the only way to have a dependable car is if it's made with 40 year old engineering. Isn't that sad?? How horrible life must be for them.
They are, though, considering that for the last 5 years Lexus, Scion and Toyota have consistently been in the top 10 most reliable brands according to CR and JD Power, some years taking 1st place and then the rest of the top 5.
Really? So you can be tops in reliability and have recalls on the engines? Interesting how powerful business works. How many other engines are in recall?
Because unlike other companies that deny their failures as failures. Toyota knows that it needs to be fixed.
Doesn't Toyota put service bulletins and recalls out more aggressively as a method of quality control or something like that?
>This leak of internal documents fueled a criminal investigation by the FBI and the Justice Department that had been ongoing since 2010,[50] and on March 19, 2014, the DOJ issued a deferred prosecution agreement with a $1.2 billion criminal penalty for issuing misleading and deceptive statements to its consumers and federal regulators, as well as hiding another cause of unintended acceleration, the sticky pedal, from the NHTSA.[43]
wut explain
first off- that's subjective. there were some real shit cars then, and there's some real good cars now.
second- the reason is because the underlying technology of the cars was still of the simple philosophy.
it was the perfect marriage of tech and simple mechanics.
for example, a digital dash in the 90's, was still just an analogue dash with analogue sensors, but with a "high tech" digital readout.
compare to nowadays where even the sensors are digital and "high tech".
when a car had power everything, the underlying stuff tended to still be analogue. you could replace it with knobs and switches and it would probably still work. compare that to today where it's a touchpad with an OS glued to the console area.
You still had a manual handbrake, not a fucking electronic switch that electronically engages the brake.
stuff like that
>Doesn't Toyota put service bulletins and recalls out more aggressively
I'll take scurred shitless of NHTSA for $1000 Alex
Analog sensors are objectively worse than modern digital sensors.
There was plenty of complicated stuff in 90s cars. The difference was that the Japanese economy was still in a bubble and companies could afford to go the extra mile for quality.
>I'd like to see how you can say electronics were more robust or how you can even define electronic robustness
There's a standard way to measure this: MTBF. The fun thing about combinations of devices is that you have to multiply the failure rates of all components that make up the devices, which means that with more devices, your MTBF goes down exponentially.
On the other hand, last I saw some statistics about reliability, cars are more reliable now than they were in the 90s.
I can't fucking stand electronic handbrakes
I warned u op see what happens? Fuck this board
Some dumbcunts abuse the shit out of their engines then ruin a nice innocent thread based on heresay.
Can't even have a discussion about 90s JDM now.
Just sad I'm done with this boards toxicity
Stop talking out your ass, if what youre saying is true we wouldn't have this stance bs going on with lambo, ferraris etc
not going to quote more of your posts but
kill yourself, autist