What's Lincoln doing?

What's Lincoln doing?

Going the way of Mercury




how the fuck are you gonna get out in a parking garage? That thing already looks massive and tall with the doors closed

Trying to replace boomers with niggers as their main buyers.

The production model (in which lincolns president says there will be almost no difference with the concept)
Will have regular doors

delet this

looks like a vertically elongated 5 doors sedan

wow, the Ford Flex got fat

Pretty much this. Compare all of Lincoln's cars to premium Ford cars and tell me if you see a difference in the interior.


>excluding the continental
I meant its twins like The Navigator and The Expedition for example.


Playing "West Coast Customs". Their CEO is Xzibit.


>10% growth in North America
>300% growth in China

>being this retarded

You could say the same to Buick

Old people would love those stairs. Not sure about the door, but if it's automatic like a van hatch they would probably like it too.

>another day on Veeky Forums
>"why are all cars the same why do they all look grey and boring why don't carmakers make new things?"
>"wtf are these guys doing this is a ridiculous idea"
You should see by now why any car that breaks the mold even slightly is deemed to fail. The Avantime should be a warning that customers only like innovation and difference on paper and will never actually buy it.

>why don't carmakers make new things
It's more like
>why don't car makers remake their old things

Anyone who designed this interior needs to be beaten with a stick.

Saw this on snapchat
>suicide doors
Fucking normies


Or is this a 100% concept car? The interior is still shitty then, but at least there is an explanation to that.

Climb through the 3rd door

>different doors
>somehow not different from the concept

catering to the obese

looks so cheap

Lincolns supposed to have a new aviator (Ford explorer) for the 2019 model year

I'd expect a concept by NYAS

What parking garage do you visit that has a ceiling less than 10ft from the ground?

I haven't seen one in philly that is over 6'

Me and my dad rolled in one with his Ram and I had to hang out the window to check clearance at every beam and pipe. We made it through.

Anyone who thought that color would look "premium" need to be beaten to death. It looks like the cheapest airplane seats.

"Gull-Wing doors on an SUV??"
FTFY, Snapchat.

Also the Model X has had that, so this is not a ground-breaking concept

Fuck it is would

They're preparing for the future of driverless cars. How will manufacturers be able to compete if performance figures don't mean shit since all cars will obey the speed limit?

They'll have to come up with new gimmicks to sell their cars.

they showed that in Detroit, had to make the locals happy

I like the interior, it looks like the 80s :)

w8ting for the gas struts and torsion bars to fail

Their best

Just fucking end it already Ford.

If you don't do it right, just don't do it. This is coming from a Ford shill.

I can't wait to see these Navigators up on twenny-fos and rubber band tires in the ghetto in a few years.

The doors were obviously done that way to showcase the interior design.

I do really like it though, would love to have one. (hope its still body on frame though).


Selling Jaguars?

>Gee billy, why'd your mom let you have FOUR screens?

Is there really a point in reviving it? Chances are that the new Aviator (if it happens to return) will look like a fully loaded Ford Explorer with the Platinum trim. Same engine choices too I bet.

Head designers and team developers are now either shit skins or women.

Screens on the back of the headrest feels like it was an early/mid 2000's idea of a car being luxurious. It feels a bit dated now.

>Suicide Doors? On a TRUCK!

Yeah, it's called an F150

Sell 1 car in china last year. Sell 3 this year. Thriving.

the concept alone already looks dated. Sorry Lincoln but it's too late.

fucking trash

>my dad drives a cuck truck

why would you post this on the internet

So are you saying in Philly anybody who isn't a manlet has to duck their head to walk through a parking garage? 6ft clearance just isn't reasonable at all

Can't wait till the rest of the irrelevant ameritard marques go with it.
FCA, GM, Ford, etc having snowflake badges for their generic cars makes me wanna bludgeon an auto exec with an SAE spanner

>Snowflake badges
>Implying Jeep, Cadillac and Lincoln are irrelevant
>SAE spanner

You're trying to hard to sound like you know what you're talking about.

I ain't gonna lie, I kinda want it. Flashy entrance.

He never said anything about Jeep, but GMC, Lincoln, and Chrysler are definitely irrelevant.

Helping to get upper middle class fat housewives to the mall?
