How much do you have in the stockmarket?

Let's play a game.

Age - 20
Investments - ~20k

Age - 38
Investments ~$4 million

Age - 56
Investments - ~160 millions

Age - 25
Investments - $0

Currently taking a break from swing and day trading

Age - 20
Investments - $6k


45k in my retirement fund already

its something

How much are you pulling in a year from that?

Age - 28
Investments - 50k

Age - 25
Investments - 13k

Age: 27
Investments: $10k


67k € = 71k $

Age: 31
Investments: 530 Million

Age - 23

Investments - 12k November last year, 52k currently.
Currently living like a monk but getting there.



I'm getting $50,000 tax free next month, my salary is $55k a year, I've got a $10k emergency fund, I rent, and I'll likely need to replace my vehicle soon.

How would you guys use this $50k between investing, house down payment, and a car down payment?


Buy a cheap car and buy a cheap house 15 yr fixed


Only a ~1/10 of my net worth so I might increase it soon.

Age: 18
Investments: $0 | Simulation: Near 10K

I just wrapped up a university course for getting a piece of paper saying I can code backed by a technical school identity. I self taught myself but no one gives a shit if you don't have some type of certificate.

Something snapped inside me from always being a shut in - half assing through life in a delusion of ever making enough to start companies I've dreamed of. I had a stock market guide book I bought when I was 13 from amazon and never "went into" | Depression gets one in a downward spiral, I refuse to end it despite shitty upbringings. So a simulation account is for seeing how I'll do ( market closed for today ). Didn't even sleep. Just sat in a chair and read the book all night on my last dose of Adderall and a cup of coffee. Sorry, this went longer than I could have ever hoped. It's just good to vent to men who probably know what I'm talking about. Seeing people a timy bit older tells me that potential is there. I just have to give an honest effort.

what's the point of saying how much money you have??

it's all about percentages

It's all about penis lengthy.
33 years, 10k (650k rubles in local stock exchange)

Age: 25
Investments: 20k from inheritance

Seriously I dunno wtf to even do with moneys as I was shit poor throughout my life and so am just happy with a warm place and food and internet. Spending money to make people do shit for me seems so amoral, am I retarded?

Pics or it didnt happen

Hey, fellow Ruski! Where so you invest? Moscow Stock Exchange?




20, 1300$


Age - 32
Scottrade - $6k in, worth less than ten.
Betterment IRA - 5500
Bettermen Safety Net - 5k
457b - 5500

Not very much...


24 $70 invested in a phone plan to job search.

spent $10,000 buming around the us for a year. probably should have invested. good new is I start a $17/hr job tomarrow so it will payoff quite nicely.

Age - 25
Investments - $42k

Age 44
Investments £145,000 liquid, £300,000 property, zero debts.
Liquid allocation 30% bonds, 30% equities, 30% precious metals, 10% cash

About 5k

Age- 36
Investments $200k

Age 25
Investments - 30k but it's now down to 5k


You're a living meme.

>bonds, equities, precious metals

I don't think you know what liquid means.


£16k invested

Age - 79
Investments - $500 million

Age - 86
Net worth - 71.5B

Age- 700
Net Worth- 400B

23 with 60 grand in moneys and maybe 10 grand worth in things i can

My face when all im
doing is waiting for the next eth.

Something that is hyped and shilled so hard accross all the shitty social boards that the sheer number of shmucks who put a penny in their increase the value of it.

Then hopefully maybe i can come out of it with a little over half a mill

No proof? didn't happen

Age 25
Investments $43k

>Minimum age for a 401k is 21
>Maximum 401k contribution is $18k
>Maximum IRA contribution is $5.5k
did you open an IRA at 18 and max out both accounts since then?

Age - 19
Investments - I work at mcdonalds

new to Veeky Forums, can anyone advise the best place to start learning about investment?

Age: 27

Investments: 6k in my 401k i started this year

also ~3% equity in a 120k house and 20k student loan debt. at least my cars paid off though lol

Age- 25
Investments -15k

ur mum's twat

haha nice :^)

oh look its a data mining thread


30K liquid
50K in term deposits
100K in Vanguard funds
6K in retirement

Probably constitutes 98% of my net worth