Why is literally every country in the world anti-semitic?
Why is literally every country in the world anti-semitic?
Because jews are hateful?
What are jews jealous of?
All the other countries are jealous of the Jews' natural ability to rise to the top of any society. They then expel them because they're jealous
Oh, you mean envy.
They are not. Jews are the smartest race and tend to fill up the elite positions of any society. This causes friction with the majority since they don't do what's good for the nation since they see themselves as Jews first. They are tribal just like every other people.
Dubs of truth.
iirc Ireland and the Central Asian countries didn't discriminate against the Jews much. In fact, Kazakhstan was furious about Borat because the movie portrayed them as anti-Semitic.
I wish the Jews never existed
Jews are very insular and resist assimilation. That doesn't make them friends wherever they find themselves.
>jews are the smartest race
Thought it was asians.
refusal to assimilate etc etc
Ashkenzi Jews are the smartest. They make up 2% of the US population but 48% of our billionaires. Truly the master race. That's why they are all over tv. Media, banking, doctors, lawyers, etc
Catholic church
>Ashkenzi Jews are the smartest
Why though?
No Ottomans,no Seljuks was Anatolia a jew haven?
Catholic Church.
Jews didn't believe in most of Christianity's teachings and were heavily discriminated against.
Even Shakespeare knew about this: case and point- Merchant of Venice
>Hath not a Jew eyes
But.. The IQ tests say asians are the smartest..
I said ashkenazi Jews. Israel is not racially homogenous. They have different types of Jews that bring down the average.
Idk. Good culture? Genetics?
I'd wager all the money I had on my debit card that asians are smarter than ashkenazi jews.
Anyone want to be a third party judge on this if he accepts my wager?
I personally always assumed it was because their "subculture" promotes education
I'd be happy to take the money you have on your debit card m8 becuz ashkenazis are definitely smarter than Asians
Most likely this.
You don't have any proof and neither do I.
This is why we need a third party judge, faggot.
I'm not the first guy. Also define proof. Are we talking IQ or what metric exactly?
If we're going by the iq metric, Jews have an average iq of 110-115 while Asians got it at 105. Europeans at 100.
I may be mistaken but aren't ashkenazi Jews pretty much Germanized Jews?
Who's to say the European genes didn't contribute to their success
>jews have an average IQ of 110-115
>is higher than asians
Welp, I just lost 50 dollars on my debit card.
Where do you want me to ship the money?
I hate how the term anti-Semitic has been appropriated to only apply to Jewish peoples, Arabs are Semitic as well.
It's like how Latino is applied to Latin Americans but technically Italians and French are Latino too
Because real Hebrew aren't ''jews'' as we know of them, especially if they abide to the orthodox perception of the nation. In fact, there is only an incredibly small portion of worldwide Hebrews that are actual true blooded descendant of Moses (less than 2% if I remember well) and it is the ''Spanish Jews'', whom are descendant of the Carthaginians, whom are in turn descendant of Phoenician, whom are in turn of Semitic origin and are said to be the legacy of Cain as he was exiled for murdering/defeating his brother Abel out of jealousy (when you look deeper into it, there are many things that let us believe that Cain was a merchant/herdman who espoused the mentality that goy were to be seen as cattle while Abel was a farmer that believed that goy were to be taken care of and thus they would give plentiful fruits, given how ancient Hebrews solved their problem it probably ended bloodily, with Cain winning but being told to gtfo of Israel and never come back for going against the Torah laws that forbid fratricide) while the majority of modern Jews as we know them are Ashkenazi, a peoples of dubious origin that is rumored to be linked with the long lost Hebrew line of the Esau-edomites and if such is the truth, then they aren't real jews since it would mean that they crossbreeded with many others peoples across the ages, dilluting their connection with moses bloodline ( for a Hebrew ancestry is extremely important since it is what that define who they are and what is their connection to Moses)
So it isn't that they are anti-semitic, it is that the peoples whom refer themselves as such are barely related to the real Hebrews of old and are little more than a bunch of mongrel trying to cling to a glory that isn't meant to be their, jews who claim they are such but yet are not
Fun fact: Real hebrews do not refer themselves as ''jews'' but by their ancestry, a trait that was present with the Carthaginians and the Phoenician, which further support this theory.
Is there a source on the carthage one?
>money = smarts
Nope. Jews are dumbasses.
probably simply because they are all well connected with each other.
>literally every country in the world
>includes only Europe and two incidents in North Africa
To answer the question, early Christians actually hated urban centers and businessmen, because they associated them with materialism and impiety.
Since Jews mostly lived in cities as tradesmen, they got blamed.
Also, Jews were moneylenders on account of lol usury, and it was easy to get out of debts by kicking them out.
Income is correlated with intelligence.
Also again, Israel is filled with shit skin Jews. I'm talking about white ashkenazi Jews
>Jew thinking he's white