So apparently you cant FBA in Amazon anymore.
How do I make money on the internet without having to buy and store actual crap and bother with customer service?
So apparently you cant FBA in Amazon anymore.
How do I make money on the internet without having to buy and store actual crap and bother with customer service?
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>you cant FBA in Amazon anymore
You fucking what, mate? That's like 2/3 of their business.
Note, I dont even know how this works, im researching it. I have made 2000$ with my jewtube channel in 2 years, that's all the money i've ever made online.
I need internet revenue
im also going insane trying to make internet money
How about developing apps?
realistically, what are the chances of making any money? there are millions of people doing apps, how could you possibly get your app anywhere visible from the already existing tons of crap out there?
Alot of small businesses have crap websites and no apps. I guess I could design for them.
But no idea how to learn to make apps or websites.What books do i need?
Realisticly with that attitude you will never make it and you will be poor all of your life. How about look at it this way look at how many successfull apps there are and how much demand there is for well thought out clean usable apps
IVE BEEN USING FBA FOR MONTHS WILL THEY STILL LET ME USE IT? Or is it only for brand brand new sellers?
i made some easy peasy apps for small companies. One was a small reporting tool. less than a week of work, they paid 700 shekels, they sometimes call me for adjustments (more shekels). It's that easy.
Only obstacle is getting in contact. I cold called some the ones.
If you you're able to write javascript code you can use apche cordova or phonegap. Those frameworks allow you to write apps in JS and allow cross builds. Have fun.
I'm willing to learn I just think the codeacademy courses are scams/waste of time. As in they don't teach you how to think but just be a codemonkey.
I know the basics of programming (variables, functions etc) but I'm looking for a book.
Is this dropshipping? How do you guys make money doing FBA? How much money? Can I do this now?
>and there is for well thought out clean usable apps
There are more pajeets doing apps than sand in the beach. Apps that go viral is just luck, most are dogshit.
I dont know how it works but apparently we cant join anymore so we are fucked.
you don't need it to 'go viral', you just need to promote it to a relevant audience. The fact that you think an app needs to go viral to be a success just shows how naive you are.
making 1000+$ a month passively = viral
and lol at promoting it. the only way to promote it is to pay for advertisement
Not true
No new sellers for Q4 although Amazon has been trending towards thinning the herd as they can't keep up with all the new influx of inventory. They've been scrambling for more storage space each year.
For Q4 I remember reading employee AMA's that said that Amazon had to purchase tarps to store everything outside as they were literally flooded with items.
- Storage fees will continue to go up each year as long as growth continues
- They got rid of the long term storage fee exception if you had just 1 unit of an ASIN. Bezos loved the idea of having 1 of everything available on Amazon but even that's contributing to the supply madness
- New sellers can consist of counter feiters, scammers, and just outright shitty sellers. It's safer and better customer service relying on proven sellers and Amazon has more than enough inventory to satisfy Q4 demand
what's wrong about paying to promote a product? That's how all of business works, you develop a product, pay for ad space and then make money when people buy it.
I don't know what your business plan is but you could use another fulfillment service. Chinese ones are cheap and perfect for selling chinese stuff. Send From China maybe?
That it doesnt work most of the times and you lose money.
Nice proof
There's always risk of losing money when it comes to starting a business, ironically being overly risk averse pretty much guarantees you will fail.
What are some good resources to learn how to create an app?
I want to learn how to create apps and websites, do you have any suggestions?
how much to invest in promoting a youtube video
it depends, why are you promoting the video?
to get ad revenue
i have an animation channel, get tons of views per video but i take too much time to build a video, up to a month
im sick of seeing normies shitting daily gameplay 0 effort videos while i kill myself making animations
link to video?
nah fuck that
it's not worth the time for the money i get, this is why I was looking at trying to make money selling crap throught amazon but seems impossible
>nah fuck that
Did any of you dumb cunts even read the articles? It's only restricted for the holiday season. You can start sending in shipments again after 14 Dec
come on dude i want to watch it. I've always been interested in animation. What program do you use?
700 dollars / 40 hour week =
70/4 = 35/2 = 17.50 an hour, with no benefits.
This, in terms of fully loaded package, is a worse package than working at Walmart, which includes 401k match, store discounts, and some healthcare.
Rationally, you ought to quit if it's about money.
Dumbass, there are people that want to watch your shit. You can't go full let's play copout if you're too chickenshit to show people who might become your fans your good work.
im not posting shit on Veeky Forums
the bottom line is: I want to make money, and my effort is not valued effort by this stupid market we live at, considering people are making 0 effort videos getting tons of views daily, this pisses me off. As always capitalism guaranteeing quantity > quality
Read again you cancerous faggot. Whats the point of spending so much fucking time per video (up to a month) to end up getting 100 bucks for 1 million views? the CPM is shit.
Meanwhile some faggot makes gameplay trash and gets 10 million views a month.
why you need 401k, store discounts and healthcare? Lol. I buy all my shit from amazon, save at least 30% of every paycheck. Lmao and I never have to go outside if I don't want to.
I posted my face on fit once and it wasn't that bad. Didn't get doxxed if that's what your scared about. If you're too scared for critisism then just fuck off and die cause that's what you deserve you coward
Amazon is still doing FBA. Just not for christmas.
>posting your face on 4chins
also making money on the internet is a meme, only works if you are famous
yeah okay m8 keep with that self defeating attitude
ok tell me how to make money without being famous