>colleague insults my clumsy manual driving, says I should stick to autos
>key his car and pour salt in his gas tank when I get off work
Colleague insults my clumsy manual driving, says I should stick to autos
>tfw no qt finn
... how did you get his gas tank opened?
Why not sugar inthe gas tank?
Salt will cause the internals to corrode.
Salt is a well known octane booster. I keep a sack of sea salt in my trunk and put a 1/2 cup of salt in every time I fill up at the pump.
You actually gave him better miles per gallon, idiot.
> higher octane = better mileage
explain how
3rd Law of Thermodynamics?
no, not really.
Also, if you live in waemer, sunnier climate, throw some slices of bologna on his painted parts.
This. Use sugar next time.
Sugar doesn't destroy engine or anything. People need to stop falling for this meme
>spouting memememe all the time
shit, i forgot i am on 2010s Veeky Forums
>not knowing the diffrence between a namefag and a tripfag
get fucked, newfag
>People need to stop falling for this meme
Tripfags ruining threads again, what's new?
>salt in gas tank
>sugar in gas tank
You fucks need to get on my level, I top off every tank with a couple rails of coke. One for me, one for the car.
Why? Because you're a shit driver who also happens to be autistic about his shitty, bumpy shifting?
lmao you pathetic loser. lrn2drive shift.
>be pizza delivery boy
>only other guy who drives manual drives like a fucking maniac who just got his car and is learning how to launch properly and shift comfortably
>don't give a fuck
>life goes on
What would clog up the intake filter grating inside the gas tank? If nothing, then what about a bunch of metal "BB" balls? Would those roll around making noise?
Maybe you should get good senpai, or have him try his hand at it and see how "easy" it is.
Personally, i like cars with heavy clutches and cable-driven throttles, but depending on the car, they can be a bit more difficult to drive smoothly. Any time I hop in a mustang or genesis coupe that has neither of those things, my friends are surprised at how easily i adapt to them.
yup this sounds like someone from Veeky Forums would actually do