I'm unironically bronze and all I do is shitpost here about balance
League of legends general /lolg/
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xth for breast metal waifu
How is this even possible to play that many games?
I love Lissandra!
they probably don't waste time shitposting on an Norwegian fast-food critique board.
>tfw unironically bronze
>tfw you know if you adjusted your runes and masteries to fit with the norms of people who play esports you wouldn't be stuck.
>tfw you know if you only played with a limited pool of champions you wouldn't be stuck.
>tfw you know if you trained to last hit perfectly you wouldn't be stuck.
>tfw you find all of that stuff boring and would rather play the way you want and be stuck in bronze than conform to what everyone else doing
>tfw not retarded just stupid
Twitch is cute!
janna is the best star guardian
jinx is the worst star guardian
this is fact
Actually that is opinion
I want to play ball with Orianna.
>tfw Twitch would literally suck your dick for your musky fluids to add to his stench collection
When will yasuo cancer week end?
my sperm smells like bleach i hope he'll have fun with that
How are people banned in this game? I remember hearing people who had spent tons of money on the game being banned, which'd really piss me off if it happened.
xth for Camille
if you're a raging cunt enough you might get banned
its kinda hugboxy but you'll probably be fine if you're not a LITERAL child
You know when you are playing and theres that one cunt on your team that wont shut the fuck up?
thats how they get banned
jinxfag detected
>tries to get smelly
>gets clean instead
I want to HUG and KISS a Nami main.
How many feet of dick can Twitch take in his boipussy?
user you hug our champion not us don't be gay
none, because he's not real
I'm actually a Sonafag and sometimes a Jinxfag
My point still stands
6 feet but hes mine
I want to stalk and harass Nami online.
Why do people feel the need to shout at the world they are gigantic fags?
I mean, what's the point?
what size feet? like yordle feet or cho'gath feet?
I bet it's 37.
it's fun to annoy heterosexuals
they enjoy attention even if it's negative
No one says anything about the Lissandra or Lulu fags. Maybe you're just annoyed because you equality you homophobe.
>No one says anything about the Lissandra or Lulu fags.
you're a fucking retard
the gays think it annoys us, but in reality they're just in the same boat as the "I'm only pretending to be retarded" types.
But generally they have this attitude with the world because daddy didn't except them and now they want to suck dick in the streets every 3 months around the globe. For equality.
and they wonder why nobody likes them
the gays did this, changed my word to ruin my point
Maybe if you acted like normal human beings instead of dreaming of sucking a antropomorphic rat's dick we would have more in common.
I mean, to each their own but you don't see me posting pics of lolis even if Im into it just because it's no one's business but myself.
Do you also call your friends everytime you jack off or what?
You are true drama queens, and the only sad truth is that you will die alone not by your sexual orientation but your actual repulsive personality.
TLDR:lol fag
How good is Syndra's snowdown skin?
Is it much better than her others?
What am I looking at?
your point is invalid because your taste is shit and wouldn't recognize a good girl if it hit you in the face
needs more perfection :3!
So you're basically admitting that you don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion?
Oh my god...
You're into lolis?
Hey man I might be a rat fucker but at least he's of age you sick fuck!
No you don't because CertainlyT is in charge of it
>i-it doesn't annoy us i swear!!
>write a long ass rant
thanks for the (You)s
The scent of prey.
"Im into" as in "yeh that's fine."
Not in "I would love a dirty rat to penetrate me from behind while my parents watch how dirty of a whore I am it's my only goal in life please do fuck me harder Mickey:"
>animals can consent
pedophiles are just as bad as furries to be h
>Maybe if you acted like normal human beings instead of dreaming of sucking a antropomorphic rat's dick we would have more in common.
It's the sole reason I don't wanna play. There's too many weirdoos in chat,
That's exactly why I need it.
It's gonna be cancer and I'm gonna love it.
>two to four sentences is a long ass rant
this is what the gays believe, is it any wonder they can barely manage to utter more than "I want cocks!" and "muh anthro husbando"
gas all waifufags and fagfags
>mfw two morons are arguing against each other over which one of their fetishes is less degenerate
You're both fucking freaks, now shut the fuck up and actually talk about the game you morons.
>pedophiles want to fuck living real childrens and psychologically break them for life
>furries want to fuck imaginary anthro of legal age animals
i bet you're a lolifag
>Behave like a complete retard
>Get called a retard
after12 consecutive losses I got demoted. I'm literally about to cry right now.......Why do I even bother playing champs I like if they cant beat the current meta cancer?
>fucking animals is ok
furries should have to do the same shit that pedophiles have to do in their neighborhood, and I should be allowed to shoot them if they go near my barn.
Nice try but I've seen you guys drawing dogs with treats and putting them on the party van.
adc sucks
The only people I see flooding every thread with porn pics are waifu/furryfags so no.
It's not acceptable and it's absolutelly retarded and a cry for attention.
Why do mods never ban these people?
Because they are the mods?
don't you mean in
>A player declined the ready check.
>A player declined the ready check.
>A player declined the ready check.
>A player declined the ready check.
>A player declined the ready check.
>A player declined the ready check.
Holy fucking shit. I just want to play the game!
does redemption deserve a nerf
not until they nerf literally every champion that buys it first friend
>first item that makes supports actually important
>Weedwick is gonna have AS Steroid, Gap Closer, Bleed and a Skarner ult that you can't QSS/Clense.
yeah but considering how unfun support is its fine
That feeling when you're carrying on Sona and deleting their squishes.
Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
should be limited to 1 per team tbqh
sweetest pile of shit according to the thread m8
does bbbortic post here?
what about qtpie?
Movespeed steroid as well, true damage, %true damage and a slow. Ult passive makes him untargetable, second ult passive automatically eats crab if he is near enough, third ult passive is active camo on every fourth attack, fourth ult passive is fiora passive but its only 2 parts, fifth through tenth ult passive is a game of DDR
tfw 10 game losing streak
AH! 35 losing streak. ....
haters gonna hate
Best girl is still best girl!
What's a good champion to climb while listening to wrestling
tfw accidentally playing ranked and winning with a meme page
i guarantee his ult in its current iteration will simply not exist in his update, and not as a skarner ult either
they don't like his point n click delete ult that can be interrupted and qss'd but vi's is acceptable
>listening to wrestling
nigga what
I only play Lee sin while watching kung fu movies
I want to go swimming with Lulu and drown her.
Why didn't they decide to rework Mundo before Warwick and Galio?
He's old af.
An Example
kill yourself
Dude fuck off, let me have at least a few of the old ball of stats champions. Riot already killed my dear Shen ;_;
he doesn't need a rework..?
Reminder that AD carry mains are the real cancer of this game
After witnessing all the fuck ups like Mordekaiser, Poppy, Shen, Gangplank etc who are either broken or fucking shit I would like them to not touch any old champ ever again.
I want to go shitposting with Lulu!
Vi and naut are considered okay because technically they give you time to reposition. In Vi's case it also puts her into danger.
IMO he's gonna keep it targetted but it'll gain some kind of lunge animation.
Either that or he's going to totally scrap it and make a new ult.
Because his kit for the most part is still fine. He could use some tweeking in his kit and in visuals but hes fine for the most part.
Warwicks kit is super outdated and completely useless not to mention his visuals are really off putting. With that being said I'm really gonna miss him after his rework and I fully expect him to be another Poppy in terms of being disgustingly overpowered after his rework.
i won a poro king match
>Vi and naut are considered okay because technically they give you time to reposition. In Vi's case it also puts her into danger.
>tfw all I do is ult immobile ADCs and midlaners
He's on the list
Lulu is best girl!