How does Veeky Forums downshift?

How does Veeky Forums downshift?

Let's say you're approaching a set of lights which go green just before you arrive at them

I would double clutch and block-shift, i.e:

>brake in gear until I feel the rpm is getting low
>clutch in, shift into neutral, clutch out
>wait until I want to begin accelerating again
>clutch in, select desired gear
>rev match, then clutch out

I could heel-toe if I was a better driver

Is it better to work through each gear, bringing the clutch up on each one? Wouldn't that increase wear?

Also what is best for synchros?

double clutching is a meme
the clutch is a wear item
the transmission is not
double clutching will ruin your clutch more than save your transmission

I assume you're referring to the release bearing, as surely it puts very little stress on the clutch plate itself

>approaching set of lights
>let go off gas and coast in gear
>if I'm getting too close, back to neutral and just brake all chill
>lights go green
>clutch in
>rev match with the throttle and drop a gear if I'm still in gear, rev match and select appropiate gear for the current road speed if in neutral (maybe a gear higher if I'm cruising all comfy)
>clutch out


like if I'm rolling from 5th to a stop at red lights, and they go green and I need to get moving and I'm at like 1-2k rpm, i'll just throw it into 2nd and rev to match accordingly. faster than going through all the gears, 3rd would be too high, 1st wouldn't be smooth enough.

You should only downshift if you're looking to lower your speed and stay at that speed or if you need a sudden acceleration.

Ok fair point, let's assume that you're doing 60mph in 5th gear and you slow down to 10mph so need 2nd gear to accelerate

Do you go through 4th and 3rd i.e. sequential. If so, do you release the clutch each time or leave the clutch in and just move the stick? Or do you put clutch in, go from 5th to 2nd and release clutch?

Or do you do what me and do and stick it in neutral, double clucth, select 2nd gear and go.

I press the clutch, engage the correct gear and release the clutch as intended in a synchronised manual transmission.

There is no need to double clutch, rev match, heeltoe or other stupid shit.

rev-match master race reporting

this advice is shit and does not consider what you're asking.

if you have to turn to a side street and don't have to stop before doing it, you probably need to slow down to take the corner and be in the right gear so you can start pulling back up to speed. do a full shift each time you down shift.

if you can't heal-toe or your cars peddles don't allow for it, brake a bit, clutch in, move stick+rev, clutch out, brake a bit more, downshift, etc. until you're at the right speed in the right gear.

> go from 5th to 2nd
this seems like a bad habit. there's a lot of room for error. go through all the gears when you have to slow down but not complete stop imo. it's good practise and you'll better learn your car.

>stick it in neutral, double clucth, select 2nd gear and go.
double clutching is a fucking meme, you never need to do it with newer cars (anything from the last 20 years). if you're new at manual you probably don't have the confidence to skip gears with out fucking it up, so don't.

I just clutch in, from 5th to 2nd, blip the throttle and clutch out. If I'm feeling extra DAGUMEEEEHHH I pop the lever from 5th to neutral without clutching, blip the throttle, clutch in, 2nd, clutch out.

Spotted the benchracer.
Why going through the hassle of going through ALL the gears?

>Spotted the benchracer.
>Why going through the hassle of going through ALL the gears?

I see reading comprehension is not your strongest skill

>Let go off gas
>Drop to 4th
>Drop to 3rd
>Drop to 2nd if I have to otherwise just gas

Might have to do some breaking depending on the situation

I go through the gears from 5th down to 2nd and try to avoid braking.

I always slow down before the light steadily so if I try turns green I will always be in a decent gear to accelerate off - maybe I might drop it from 4th to third etc.

I like to go through the gears in case the light changes, then I'm just ready to go and I feel like a racecar. Most of the time, engine braking doesn't slow me down quickly enough in my 2017 wrx.

I also see this.

>brake in gear until I need to change down
>clutch in
>blip throttle and select lower gear
>clutch out

Nice and smooth

>approach set of lights which go green just before arrival
>clutch in, select proper gear
>blip throttle, release clutch
>back to smooth acceleration up to speed

Y'all make this shit way more intricate than it needs to be, you're not speed racer, you're going down the street to McDonalds.

>slow down in gear
>blip throttle drop to 3rd
>dat smooth transition
>accelerate and up shift as needed.
That's all you need to do.

That depends on my
1. speed
2. distance to light
3. how much I want to accelerate

If I need to slow down fast I usually drop enough gears to get to 5500-6500rpm in order to slow down fast and stay in my powerband, sometimes I shift down furter after getting to 4000rpm.

Usually I stay between 2000 and 3000rpm to deactivate fuel injection in order to save fuel or coast in neutral or witth engine off if I don´t need to brake anyways.



t. autotragic

OP here

Funny you should say that. I'm a Britfag that's been driving 'stick' since I started learning nearly 10 years ago. I was just curious to see how everyone else drives.

Seems most people are similar, especially with rev matching. The difference is whether people double clutch and/or block shift.

I've been driving manual for 10 years and don't even know all this technique bullshit lol. It all comes natural

I don't shift, I let that work to simple computers and solenoids.

I usually downshift to second (with double clutching, fite me irl if you don't like it) from pretty far away, approach the red light slowly in the hopes it will turn green again by the time I have to stop. Only if there isn't much traffic though, don't want to upset anyone behind me by going super slow if there's a lot of cars on the road.

If I know I'll have to stop and/or there's a lot of traffic I'll sometimes just clutch in but stay in gear and roll to a stop because that's how I was taught to do it initially.

To you niggers double-clutching, don't you have gear synchros? Do you have straight cut gears?

I only double clutch if I'm block shifting. Going from 3-4 or 4-3 etc I don't bother

>double clutching in a modern car

someone please tell me everyone is just trolling


You're just a real petrolhead if you know how to heel&toe!

>> go from 5th to 2nd
>this seems like a bad habit

I've done this my entire life. Since 4 years old on a dirtbike to 30 years old with everything.

Only a bad habit if you don't know the ins&outs of your car very well.


Heel toe because if you can't shift while braking you should drive a fucking automatic

It's basic car control.

>oh just let me stop braking to avoid stalling my engine at 1rpm!

You sort of contradicted yourself there. If the clutch is a wear item and the tranny is not, then shouldn't we double declutch to put more wear on the clutch and less on the non-regular-maintenance-or-replaced transmission? Even if it does wear the clutch more, it's just a couple hundred bucks and an afternoon...

^this. It's also good to know how to do it FOR TRACK DAY.

What I do is heel-toe double clutch without the clutch (pop into neutral, rev match, then slam it into gear) for EVERY FUCKING GEAR

>How does Veeky Forums downshift?

I usually pull the downshift paddle.

step on the brake until rpms are at 1000 and kick clutch
put in 1st
wait until i can go again.

fuck downshifting unless im driving like a maniak and need to brake for corners

Are you one of those retards that everytime they come to a stop they downshift and engine brake through every single gear?

>fite me irl if you don't like it

Being this salty doesn't make your "technique" any less stupid


not everybody here owns a modern car

I shift into L and let the regen slow me down.

I think by "modern" he meant to include all cars since the invention of synchronisers

if I know I am going to have to slow down then go and am in 5th gear I will in a fluid motion
>clutch in
>rev to what I would for 4th gear and move the stick to fourth gear clutch still in
>rev again once in 4th gear to the 3rd gear estimated revs and put stick in 3rd gear
>release clutch
like I said its done very quickly a quick tap, tap on the gas

I don't understand why anyone would want to deal with all that bullshit. I mean I get euros are too poor to aford an automatic, but to my US bros... what is your excuse? Automatic is only 1k more at most.

>need to downshift
>pull the handbrake
>car comes to a stop
>turn on hazard lights
>hold the clutch to the floor
>slowly change gear to not mess the gearbox
>release clutch very slowly
>release handbrake
>hold the gas
>look behind me as to not hit something
>car now runs at 2k rpm while in third gear


this is what I do too. And same process but using right side of right foot on the brake, and left side of rt foot/rt heel to tap the gas

bcus autos arent as intuitive :)

I pretty much never coast in neutral, that's a pretty bad habit, as if you get rear ended you won't have the resistance of the gears to initially slow you down.
I just slowly shift from whatever gear and make my way down to 2nd.

> Clutch in
> Select gear
> Clutch out
> Let synchros do the work

I'm not keeping the car long enough for gear/clutch wear to be an issue. It's going once it hits 10 years or 100k.

Sometimes when I'm bored, Ill just row through all the gears; it's fun and my car pops a lot when downshifting. Or... if I don't know how much I will be slowing down, I will row through my gears one by one

Additional to this, the main wear when changing gear is on my left leg. Particularly the foot if I'm sat in traffic with it on the clutch.
The less clutch work I do the better, at least when commuting. I'll tend to coast along in gear and engine-brake, before skipping gears on the way down if I have to stop. Or just step on the clutch, stop, and then select first when I need to get moving.

Do you have any fucking idea how little force your gears and your engine have against the full weight of another vehicle ramming into you?

Unless by "coasting" you mean going from 5mph to zero in first gear and by "rear ending" you mean bumping at 3mph.

You can literally turn the engine yourself with your arms if you lift a drive wheel, put an high gear and then manually spin the wheel, imagine what kind of infinitely useless force could your engine make when a 1.5+ ton vehicle rams your ass and you are both going at anything over city-traffic speed.

How can you even come up with this stupid fantasy physics on your own Jesus Christ.

>own an Audi with Tiptronic 6-speed
>coming up to stoplight
>click "-" on steering wheel to downshift from 4th
>left leg comfortably chillin', no ridiculous manual clutch to deal with
>click "-" on steering wheel to downshift from 3rd
>engine braking all the while to save brakes
>come to a stop with light braking
>Tiptronic auto downshifts to first when I'm at a complete stop.
>nod at the hottie in the A4 next to me, she smiles
>operation complete


>not a porche

You're not wearing the trans at all when double-clutching. You're actually putting less wear on the synchromesh.

>engine brake when down shifting
>use a bit of brake if required
>double clutch into first if i need to go into first
>never skip gears or go into neutral and use brakes only because thats for lazy people.

Muh tiptronic.

>Not realising Porsche is owned by VW who owns Audi and uses all the tech interchangeably.

>clutch in
>shift to desired gear
>raise revs
>clutch out

I feel like that's probably wrong, its a synchro but that part never really works unless the rev range is only about 300 rpms away.

I know right? That's why you see synchros blowing up left and right from all the people that downshift without rev matching or double clutching.
It's not like they last for the lifetime of the car if you are not a complete idiot.

Those stupid engineers I swear

This. When I was starting out I'd go through all the gears if I'm coming to a stop, but it's obviously not necessary, ever. Sometimes I still do, ust depends on how much I feel like dicking around and how much work I want to do in that moment, which usually isn't a lot. Was good for the extra practice when I was getting used to it my first couple weeks driving standard, years ago.

Have yet to discover a real need for double clutching unless I need to slam it down into second or first from a higher gear. All y'all doing it frequently may need to reconsider.

My Nordic buddy was telling me about how he always does it in his Galant, and I was just appalled. Aren't they supposed to have better drivers' ed than us Americans?

His car's definitely more 'modern' than my 24-year-old FD.

There is no reason to do this in daily commuter traffic. Sometimes I will use something like heel-toe on hill starts if it's a steeper incline than I'm comfortable with, but that's not downshifting so it's not really relevant here.

>There is no reason to do this in daily commuter traffic.

When I say this, I'm not saying it's stupid, it's just that I generally have time to lazily brake, clutch in, blip, and shift, then clutch out without having to twist my heel over to the accelerator. If someone slams on brakes in front of you, go right ahead, but usually you're not gonna need it.

>approaching lights
downshift to third if I'm around 40, downshift to second when I'm around 25, clutch in and coast from 20 mph down til I use my brakes, put car in first when I stop
>if the lights turn green
It's already in second, clutch out and go
>if it's too close to call and I need to stop
fucking left foot braking bro

all downshifts are rev-matched. Mainly because I like the sound.

just watch your speed.

>double clutch
confirmed for being a 17 yo faggot. that's not how you drive stick

Lol, aren't you just turning the other drive wheel, not the engine, because of the diff? You stupid or what?

What? Unless you double declutch, the sychros are working for each gear change.

citation needed

>clutch in
>shift to desired gear
>raise revs
>clutch out

Is this the correct way to rev match? For example say you're going from 4th > 3rd > 2nd in a straight line

>In 4th
>clutch in
>select 3rd
>raise RPMs
>release clutch
>clutch in
>select 2nd
>raise RPMs
>release clutch

Alternatively one can double clutch however if you were to just do it normally is the above way how one would?

>coast in neutral or witth engine off
Not in full control of the vehicle. You're gonna have a bad time.

Fuck that!

If I were slowing down to a stop the car would be in second gear to soon stop the car.

If the light turns green then I just press the accelerator and shift to third or fourth as needed.

Heal toe my fucking dick. Fuck clutch and shift cable wear. That's worse than driving like a woman and riding the clutch.

>Clutch in
>Blip throttle while releasing clutch
>Smooth downshift and don't even feel any lurching.

You need to master the clutch catch point and how far you need to get your RPMS for the lower gear.

with my feet like a real driver.

If I need engine braking, I'll downshift to a suitable low gear and stab the clutch as soon as RPMs reach idle. Otherwise leave in whatever cruising gear (4th, 5th) slow down normally and stab the clutch when RPMs reach idle.

>Let's say you're approaching a set of lights which go green just before you arrive at them
Plus I'm autistic so I didn't read the question.
If the light changes green as I approach, just throw it in a suitable gear and accelerate BUT if I for some reason need to rip it out of the hole and I need first gear but I'm rolling at 20, only then rev-match it into first and proceed to punch it.

How bad is it, if at all, to upshift without using the clutch on newer cars?

Autofag here. I can operate a manual but for some reason my legs shaking like crazy after just a bit. Am I just out of practice or should I just stick with autotragics?

hey you can just fuck right off.

You should go to the gym and work on your legs if you can't handle clutching in/out.

Jesus Christ.

Which would you rather replace, synchro rings or a clutch?

I shift into neutral and coast until I need to brake because i'm not fucking autistic

I don´t have to care about burgerland laws, I drive 100mph+ on the highway as well...

I downshift without the clutch.

That kills the synchros.

These threads used to make me laugh. Then alarmed me at how many underage Veeky Forums has. Now they just piss me off. And it's even more angering when stupid 13 who has never driven argues with you about how to do it and describes it as a sophisticated dance of skill and intellect.

Monkeys can drive manuals.

Sometimes when I'm driving and it gets particularly HEKTIK my right leg will kinda start shaking a bit while the adrenaline works its way out of my body, but I don't think that's the same thing.

maybe it doesn't matter, but it still wears them less.

you can't ignore fucking facts moron

>Monkeys can drive manuals.

This. Half the people in this thread have likely never driven manuals because literally nobody routinely double-clutches to block shift. It's completely unnecessary.

I bet you hold the button in when you pull your handbrake up too.

>It's completely unnecessary.

More or less, yeah. If you want to do it it's just going to wear the clutch out slightly faster.

Euros keep telling me to do this, though, made me second-guess myself for a while but I decided they're retarded.

Synchros should the lifetime of the car, because the stresses the synchros themselves are under are incredibly small provided you're doing dumb shit like shifting into low gears at high speeds without slowing down first.

Do all of you seriously have transmissions lacking synchros or is this whole board retarded?

Yeah, that's about what I was thinking. Never even heard of someone having to replace synchros alone.

So what we have is a whole bunch of people doing extra work they don't need to for unexplainable reasons, I'm meant to believe. Neat.

I want to blame old euros handing 'knowledge' from the 40s-60s down to previous generations but there has to be some other culprit for other areas. Maybe it really is just teenagers talking bullshit. Shit, maybe everyone in here's just a classic car nut.

Can someone give me a good read about shifting techniques? I just started driving like 1 month ago and changing shift using the ordinary way is slow as fuck.

Its full of americans, what do you expect

I'd like clarification on this too. Often on videos with Fatt Marah and Clarkson you can hear two rpm blips when they downshift, the second one associated with a visible shimmy. Does that mean they blip the throttle too early?