Nameless Brother edition
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Nameless Brother edition
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shit souls 3
Farron GS is extremely gimmicky for PvP, low damage and reliability on one attack that can be parried or blocked along with shit R2s and a mediocre parry really makes it suffer.
Wolf Knight Greatsword is one of the best greatswords in the game. It's the second longest behind Onyx Blade tied with Wolnir's Holy Sword, and has the second highest pure physical damage of its class at 40/40 behind the Black Knight Sword. Its moveset is basic since the R2s aren't that good but the basic greatsword R1s combined with its range and damage make is a fantastic option. The WAR1 spin is good up close when catching rolls or forcing trades since it has HA, but the R2 spinjump is garbage since even when it connects the hitstun on it allows most players to roll away before it actually damages them and the recovery usually leaves you open for a backstab.
Go for 40 Endurance and don't invest anything in Vitality, you will not need it at all with Sellswords unless you really want to carry more shit right on you at all times.
Post webms
Any tips to win ladder wars?
Do you people doing boss invasions only encounter hosts that have summons with them or do you also get loners as well?
Newfag to DS3 and all weapons that aren't a GS here.
Stamina and Equip load being split between two stats is fucking with me, what kind of ratios should I got for here? Pic related, my character so far, those L1s on the dual blades are fucking tasty.
Oh shit, I deleted my post to pop it in here. Thanks for the pointers. How should I prioritise End over Dex? The gains seem so minimal now without the added carry weight.
I'm trying to get the Rose of Ariandel at SL 58. Could somebody put a sign outside Freide's? PSN
>Wolnir's Holy Sword
be on top and slide into them
just co-oped on Yhorm twice with players who didn't know about the Storm Ruler, so I was the only one doing damage
did the game go on sale in December? seems like lots of new players.
>Reliability on one attack
Not neccesarily, the r1's are still good for trades with light weapons. And follow up an r1 with an l1 catches quite a few people. Only problem I have with farron gs is going against other ultra users.
It was like 50% off during the christmas sale I think
I guess it's the players that bought but didn't play right away yet then.
>wishful thinking
Yep, -50% off on Christmas sale.
Who's? Why are you even posting a jobber who has to die in every playthrough?
If you're using favor +2, your 37th point will give you 4 points of endurance while the 38th only gives 2 (contrary to what MM says). You should have over 25 for sure unless maybe you're a caster, even my sl 26 does. Vigor is more important than offensive stats though. At SL 35 you might be able to use the prisoner's chain, but I don't know if this is just "where you are now" or if it's your end level. You don't need any vitality whatsoever with SSTB though.
Farron GS users in ganks are the most annoying things on the planet and deserve every bad thing that happens to them in life.
Get END to 20 first, and then get Dex to 40 or 60 depending on if you want to make this a pure Dex build or not and then focus on END to 40.
Wolnir's Holy Sword range is actually tied with Wolf Knight's in basic R1s despite what the hitbox may show you. Its sub Claymore AR and worthless R2s and WA still makes it an objectively worst choice compared to the best greatswords.
R1s on a UGS are good for trading if you're reactive enough but the low damage of the Farron makes them very wanting. Plus the R1s can always be parried since it is always 'one-handed.' The R1s are only really useful for R1>L1 combos if you land or they try and get a backstab after rolling.
>Boss invasions will get fixed due to shitters
>implying Pontiff can't switch sides with his phantoms from another dimensions
you fell for deliberate trick and you're gonna pay for it in dlc2
In the age of Playstation, the games were unformed, shrouded by fog.
A land of armored machines, moonlight swords, and everlasting sequels.
But then there was Demon’s Souls.
And with Demon’s Souls, came disparity.
Guns, and Swords
Single, and Multiplayer.
And of course, Sony and Bandai.
Then, from the Dark- They came.
And found the Dark Souls within the gamers.
Tanimura, the First of the Designers
The Bandai of Namco, and her daughters of marketing.
Miyazaki, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful developers.
And the pygmy fanbase, so easily forgotten.
With the strength of the PS3, they challenged the gamers.
Gwyn’s mighty atmosphere peeled apart their stone skepticism.
The marketers weaved great controversy.
Tanimura unleashed a miasma of numbers and stats.
And Shibuya the Spineless, betrayed his own. And the games were no more.
Thus began the age of Kadokawa.
But soon, the Souls will fade, and only spiritual successors will remain.
Even now, there is only DLC.
A man sees not games, but only spiritual successors.
And amongst the new releases are seen carriers of the accursed "Souls Formula"
Awful pasta, will not copy.
No they will be fixed because it's a totally unintended mechanic to be able to be invaded into bossfights. Although personally I hope that Bamco's not doing anything because it costs money to push updates on consoles and they'll have the DLC2 patch coming up.
I bought DS 1 in the steam sale as I finally have a none toaster PC, should I play it blind, or will I just get frustrated/stuck in grind hell?
>implying you even fight the real Pontiff
Real Sillymeme is a parasitic tree thing, the thing we fought w-was just a vessel.
Post on r/DarkSouls3 and get showered with upboats.
I'll give you 7/10 there was genuine effort
What even resulted in pontiff becoming so popular in the fandom, at least in /dsg/? Overall edge? Mary-sue? Or something else entirely?
Why does he even have a following in the first place?
I just wish it would last a little longer. Makes boss fights funner.
DS1 isn't hard, dude.
And yes of course, play it blind.
Pontiffposters are kind of baffling. Did Dark Souls 3 really fail this hard to produce memorable and story relevant bosses that people latched onto an extremely aesthetic but otherwise a pretty mid-tierish boss?
He's a fun and visually distinctive boss that once you get into the lore is the most outright antagonistic and evil person in the Souls story. Basically he's the Sheev of the series.
Because he killed trapfu and locked up another waifu.
overall edge probably
He's got dual wielding, fire and magic, teleports behind you, etc.
Why did they think healing being completely unpunishable in anyway would be okay?
Because he's sexy
>totally unintended mechanic
yeah but all of the players generally agree that it should literally be a core mechanic for purples since otherwise there's almost no point to play as a purple since they're just invaders that almost never get to finish invasions since they get kicked out early.
>but JewSoft doesn't give a fuck about players or fun or balance they just want your money for an incomplete product
>Did Dark Souls 3 really fail this hard to produce memorable and story relevant bosses
What did DaS1 or 2 have?
DaS1 had O&S, but those were even more irrelevant.
Arty had pretty much a whole DLC dedicated to him, which, duh, made him a bit more relevant but it still boils down to "a powerful yet corrupted knight".
>otherwise a pretty mid-tierish boss
Much like the DaS1 gwyn, he's pretty great if you avoid cheesing him. Doesn't really make the boss objectively any better, but he becomes heaps more enjoyable.
Also he IS kind of lore relevant but needs more memes. He should've been the meme talking boss, not Oceiros though. Or better yet, both.
It's all fun and games until you are the host, then you'd bitch too.
I don't summon for bosses and I tend to ember inside the boss room after P1 because I'm not a casual who needs 5 buddies with them at all times.
>cutscene after entering fog
>turn his face a bit toward the ashen one
>talk a bit like Oceiros
I would've never skipped it
>dsp beat capra with lowpoise and midroll
How does it feel being worse at the game than DSP?
who is dsp and why is he relevant
It took him like 15 tries and he cheesed it
Starting class:
>1: Warrior
>2: Knight
>3: Swordsman
>4: Bandit
>5: Cleric
>6: Cleric
>7: Sorceror
>8: Sorceror
>9: Explorer
>0: Deprived
Available Covenants
>1-4: Bell Keepers
>5-8: Blue Sentinels
>9 or 0: Brotherhood of Blood
Optional Wildcards (Pick 1)
>1-4: Never use a torch
>5-8: Never use a shield
>9 or 0: Never use a human effigy
Weapon Infusion:
>1: Raw
>2: Fire
>3: Bleed
>4: Poison
>5: Lightning
>6: Dark
>7: Magic
>8: Enchanted
>9: Mundane
>0: No Infusion
Weapon types:
>1: Axes / Greataxes
>2: Hammers / Great hammers
>3: Bows / Crossbows
>4: Curved Swords / Katanas
>5: Fists / Whips / Claws
>6: Halberds / Twinblades / Reapers
>7: Straight Swords / Thrusting Swords / Greatswords
>8: Spears / Lances
>9: Magic / Daggers
>0: Curved Greatswords / Ultra Greatswords
1-4: Rat King
5-8: Way of Blue
9 or 0: Dragon Remnants
Starting Area:
>1-3: Forest of Fallen Giants First
>4-6: Heide's First
>7-9: The Pit First
>0: Any, but with Covenant of Champions for the whole game (overwrites other possible covenants).
Optional Wildcards (Pick 1)
>1-4: Never buy anything from a Merchant
>5-8: Never Burn Sublime Bone Dust
>9 or 0: Never upgrade Armor
Magic type:
>1: Sorcerory
>2: Miracles
>3: Hexes
>4: Pyromancy
>5: Sorcery + Hexes
>6: Miracles + Hexes
>7: Pyromancy + Hexes
>8 Any, Defensive Only (Does not deal damage)
>9: Any, Offensive Only (Deals damage)
>0: None.
Available Covenants:
1-4: Pilgrims of Dark
5-8: Heirs of the Sun
9 or 0: Covenant of Champions
Optional Wildcards (Pick 1)
>1-4: Complete Benhart's Quest
>5-8: Complete Lucatiel's Quest
>9 or 0: Never Summon a Phantom
It legit took him like five minutes to fight capra after 15 deaths on him
and this is his third playthrough
>walk up stairs
>falling attack until death
/pol/tard here. Pontiff is bae because :
>rejects the ideology of the jew serpents and the former corrupt establishment
>masters both faith and intelligence
>went full Mike Pence on degenerates like Gwyndolin
>employs people carrying burning crosses like the triple k mafia
>keeps the streets clean off of hollow niggers
>explores alternative energy solutions like the Propaned flame
>people still toggle shields in a game where you can cancel gestures
>all of the players
Don't delude yourself. Veeky Forums is very hugboxy towards that, most players dislike it
>they're just dumb coopers who'll drop the game
They're also more people than we are
Wildcards should include permadeath on Bloodstain loss and a no bonfire run.
>never use a torch
I was gonna ask where would you need a torch but I guess Sinner and Mytha.
If I did a run on my own post:
>No Shield
>Dark Infusion
>0 Curved Greatswords/Ultra Greatswords Only
>Start in the Gutter with Covenant of Champions
>Use only Hexes
>Blue Sentinels, Dragon Remnants, or Pilgrims of Dark
Oh shiiiiiit
this user should I play KB+M or controller?
>JewSoft doesn't give a fuck about players
Uhh, while I like the idea of being able to invade boss rooms, if they didn't fix actual bugs in their game they wouldn't care.
Fromsoft did a pretty admirable job of introducing a hyper armor balance which restored some balance into the multiplayer and made the hyper armor on glaives tolerable.
Every invasion has been literally like this for me so far
>b-but boss invasions are unfair!
This turbo faggotry is what's unfair, for the boss, invaders, and everyone who doesn't share the homosexualism of these people
>playing anything that isn't an RTS, FPS, MOBA or flight sim using something that isn't a controller
Brah, the Souls games fucking suck without a controller. A shitload of games on Steam suck without a controller.
>having trouble with a boss in NG+
>never any summon signs
>ember before hand in hopes an invader will spawn and help me
Play with a controller.
Any advice for my build?
Started Royalty, I'm using Claymore. I don't use magic too much.
I have Soul Arrow, Enchant Weapon and heal attuned.
By the way, is Enchant Weapon magic or fire damage?
I like to get invaded by buttfucker twinks and then beat them.
I'm SL 29. Can I infuse my weapon with Raw and upgrade it to +4 and still get safely invaded?
Is Yuria's mask the new shitter icon
>should I play with keyboard and mouse
I played DS1, 2 and 3 just fine with that but the games are clearly meant to be played with a controller.
Some things are actually imo easier on the keyboard like kicking enemies but overall a controller is more precise method imo.
dark souls 3 btw
FUCK MAN I WANTED TO MAKE A NEW DES BUILD. Mind if I play with you? You don't seem too far into the game, so I might be able to catch up.
I beat O&S solo once and have used summons ever since
I have never done Ceaseless proper
Generally if there are NPC summons I will use them
I always get and use the Drake Sword at least until Gargoyles
We need to make a headwear tier list akin to the one 2 and 1 had
Do you have the tier lists for 1 and 2 on hand? I've never seen them
Ceaseless is a horrible mess of a fight, its emberrassing.
are you supposed to fight him in the cheese way when you hide in that nook and cranny?
My first playthrough I didn't realize there was lock on until I reached capra demon
I have never beaten all four main bosses in DS2 before opening the shrine of winter
I've been playing for 3 years and I still haven't successfully parried anything except for a few random hollows by pure luck
I wish Lightning Spear only cost 14 FP
I only ever fight him via the method where he leaps and you kill him by just hitting his hand a few times
The cheese way is running back to the fog and having him fall over and die in a few hits.
You're supposed to fight him normally on the cliffside.
Thank you various anons, controller it is.
What are you more familiar with?
You're supposed to fight him by running in one direction of the cranny, then popping out the other side to hit him from the side or something, but his AI doesn't ever vary attacks so you can just cheese him by moving forward and back in the same area.
Sure, we can try, but it's my first time playing and I don't want any "fun" spoiled.
I'm not following any guide or anything.
I don't know how online works other than putting my sign down and invading.
I don't think you know what the word means. What from should do is make it a part of the game, so that they can balance it. The best way I can think this would be balanced is if the boss invader was only for the boss fight, had up to 4 blue estus and no orange and could only invade if the player had more than 1 white/gold
I have to pump myself up to play Dark Souls and I'm a nervous wreck when I'm playing thus I've never touched 2, 3, or Bloodborne.
I never tried that way. Need to replay DS1.
I think I did something like that. It was a weird fight.
How do you go into a bossroom as a grape?
Is everyone playing this game a fucking coward?
Everyone is walking around with at least 2 phantoms.
Man up you pussies.
I actually don't have the time to the plug up and play, sorry
That's because when you invade it prioritizes people with phantoms
Co-op is fun.
Technically it only seems this way because invasions are given higher priority to hosts with phantoms present
Veeky Forums is hugboxy in the "I'm insulting you because I'm your bro" way. It's trolls hugging trolls to feel good about being trolls.
When you invade, the game prioritizes hosts that have phantoms on them. Don't blame the players, blame the shitty game.
I can play with you.
PSN : EmoDragonZ
DaS3 is the only game where I reached the last NG.
I still haven't done an SL1 in DeS.
I don't have them now, all I remember is highest tier is always mimic head
>It's trolls hugging trolls to feel good about being trolls.
There is nothing wrong with that.
Hosts with phantoms need to be taken down though.