Games Done Quick is on (twitch/gamesdonequick), which means we don't talk about speedrunning.
/srg/ Speedrunning General
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Some of you guys are alright.
Don't wear socks tomorrow.
do you guys remember when fun was allowed at gdqs
man 2014 and prior sure was great
I'd be more okay with it if they just said "I'm kicking this guy out because I don't like him"
At least they'd be fucking honest instead of lying about having evidence and then banning him for something else that totally happened (tm) that they don't have evidence of either.
How is it that they always have large technical fuck ups every single year?
Please don't mind this post I just don't want to be a new IP cakeboi later in the thread
Waiting for the Mega Man race, but Shovel Knight is really cool too.
That's another speedtranny, right?
I'm petrified.
unfortunately not no
both will be awful
>enter AGDQ discord
>mods are demanding people stop talking about gender politics
>type "mods are fags"
Imagine if that was the only way to experience talking on the internet
spoiler that shit
I think lurk may have an unhealthy obsession with his dragonwife
he could easily be tucking
using the word "conservative" normalises non-conservatism (i.e. cultural marxism), use "nomal people" instead
2014 was when it started to go down hill
2013 bonus streams were the best part of gdqs ever
So what are some good runs to watch during agdq?
another stupid slut, stop posting these impure braindead cunts
Why can't people just not talk about gender politics though. I don't think about gender politics at all. Has everyone caught brain parasites that make them start internet flamewars over gender politics?
mayushii? more like mayewwshii after mother nature laid the smackdown on her face
>political flag in the back ground
gonna have to punch your pass miss
i member cosmo WW in 2013 (or when it was) in that small comfy little room
my first gdq
literally looks ill
Jew me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me
I appreciate you at least trying OP.
Post good old speedmemes.
The true brain parasite is believing you can be a functioning, respectable member of society while trying to wear your fetishized dreamgirl like a corpse.
Is there porn of her then?
So, is the hype monitor real?
Looks like fucking eggman.
im pretty sure 2014 had the last bonus stream that went on for days
i might be thinking of 2013 tho
has cosmeme cut off his magnum dong yet?
Do you think Miles will do his run in a silk dress?
i want anonymous to donate 1000 bullets into my head
i get that they they have their rules that they want for their own private event, but would they have kicked out someone wearing a clinton or sanders hat?
what kind of world are we living in where someone is so offended by the name of the country that they live in that they attempt to ban his name from being shown to people out of fear that they will have a "panic attack" or a mental breakdown?
there are combat veterans who kill hundreds of people, and live in dirt and shit for extended months/year who don't have issues being normal people in the face of society, yet a 25 year old man pretending to be a woman is "afraid of being raped" if someone calls him by what he actually is, a man?
i don't get it
this event used to be so entertaining without all the drama and bullshit, it was just a bunch of autists shitting around for a week, but now it's shitty except for a few runs
Some jerk who apparently is part of the staff made a vague remark on twitter.
You know, the kind of vague remark that just doesn't help to dispel rumors at all.
/pol/ is the cancer of the internet and increasingly real life, too.
If I cared enough about all this shit then I would not play videogames and use Veeky Forums but instead do real life work.
No I meant what I said.
this is what i was wondering, since his dick was fucking giant, right? i know adrian used to go around bragging it was huge
Maybe they hate pvtcb and his crew, so they waited for him to get there and waste his money before they banned him for the first thing they could?
They hate the guy and wanted to kick him and used any excuse they had to do it. That's all there is to it.
>double trips
Is it just the stream or does Smaugy's screen have some extreme tearing?
"Back in the day" people wouldn't have worn political slogan hats in the first place.
is this real?
like non ironically?
forced applause even more cringy than no applause
They just hate pvtcb/cyberdemon and want them gone from the event forever, and for good reason. They're drama mongering children.
If it was anyone wearing a Trump hat they would've been given a warning at best. pvt and cyberdeon were already on their third strike.
Why do this to us and yourself, normalfag?
nice double trips
i think i get you. we are thinking of the same point when it was good. so we agree then regardless of what year it actually was
The Megaman race looks based. Whats your speedgame, user?
i think agdq14 was the last good year? that years bonus stream went on for ages if i recall
Because ideas are weapons, the mind is a battlefield and I will not be subverted.
>If it was anyone wearing
*anyone else
Maybe I'm just getting old and don't use social media enough but I really don't care about all this politics crap everyone seems to have a bug up their ass about now, I just want to laugh at shit runs not spout cod-legalese over freedom of political expression and incite twitter riots about "agenda-driven" staff
I want to lick their palms after the win.
this webm is the kind of stuff what wouldn't even be allowed to happen these days.
also it's just not the same without the sound
>This game has really amazing music
>Now I'm going to talk for 45 minutes straight over the game with inane bullshit
I miss when the game was captured in a separate feed and the commentary was optional.
are you guys fucking retared?
Meant for
are u new
It's easy to get caught into that never ending spiral of shit. I imagine younger folks are even easier dragged into this whole show.
Remember when UraniumAnchor had enough patience to create 2hr long highlight videos?
Those 15-min vids just don't cut it these days
no but it is an alien
just looked it up and it was. sorry for saying it was '13. i was incorrect
That's understandable, but it's also not a legitimate reason to kick someone out. As much as you dislike people if they're acting like everyone else at the event you don't get to pick and choose. They're not disrupting the stream or the donations in any way. If anything, their bullshit drama trying to ban them for trivial shit is disrupting the donations.
They need to learn that when your community is being strangled to death by bullshit, tightening your grip on what is left is not going to solve the fucking problem. The fun is being sucked out of the GDQs, and these blind assholes are just making it worse by trying to appeal to an audience that was not there to bring the community up from the beginning.
is this ironic I can't tell anymore
So i just installed Mplayer and all it does is play for 10 seconds and then freeze and loop the same bit of audio and video
GDQ is already getting clowned outside the speedrunning community for the Please Clap paper
Expect more meltdowns in the next few hours.
use mpc-hc
Yeah, this can't happen now and not even by virtue of gdq retardation. Being naked isn't allowed globally on twitch either. Fun is not allowed and never will be.
>dick so big you want to become a gril and fuck yourself
I think I'm starting to understand..
What is your buffer set to? Livestreamer set it to 5000 iirc.
you are hated the day you are born. There is no justice in this world.
one person hates you
another loves you
and sometimes, even those that love you want to hurt you because of their greed.
If you're an adult and you don't understand this, bad times are ahead of you.
Who /comfy/ here?
its all good man i think you were right in sgdq 2014 is where it starting to go downhill
man i remember watching the fuck out of agdq 2014 now shit is getting hard to watch
maybe some of it is growing up but shit def did change
>They're drama mongering children.
As if that's a bad thing. Drama is about the only interesting thing in the GDQs these days. You should be thankful for people stirring shit up.
It is extremely clear that Klaige just hated him and wanted him banned for any reason he could find.
Post juicy tweets so I can fap
It is a bad thing. I'd rather GDQ die out than have it revolve around petty nonsense.
I preferred it when it was drama about norwiegan sluts sitting on guys knees and woober stealing room keys rather than twitter wars over politics
Is that you, Glaedr?
Norwegian sluts? post