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Ezreal edition!

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fuck marry kill


Skarner is cute!

none of them because they all look about 12

None of the above, thanks.

Pedophilia is still illegal

rate 1-5

that volley ball make me want to get some pizza

xth for breast metal waifu

well you already said the correct answer


mods where

Poppy is cute!

Do pros masturbate to their mains aswell or is it only the degenerates ITT?

People who complain about Poppy are just qtpie dicksucking adcuck mains with terrible positioning.
There are worse champions than her atm.

>There are worse champions than her atm.
name 9 of them.

You're right. All the champions worse than her are the champions (specifically top laners and ADCs) that aren't her.

Thanks for making our point.


fuck right marry middle kill left

I used to complain about poppy and then I realized top lane is 100% pick first lose lane. I deepened my champ pool top lane to 7 champions (I'm a mid main and I only play 3 there) and refuse to pick before the enemy if I can help it.

I have an 80% win rate top lane now.

They pick poppy, I pick darius, I collect freelo.

>ziggs bot on my team
>20 cs by 10 minutes
>draven 10-0 by 12 minutes

hehe :)

lee sin

zed and fiora arent that strong atm


What do I build on Fortune?

first 3 are ok then you start showing your silver colors

>There are worse champions than her atm.
yeah, about 135 of them considering she's one of the best

>Objective answer to subjective question




also if you get behind in top lane they freeze, or proxy wave and kill you if you try to get back to your tower

such a brutal lane tbqh

poopy main tears will be delicious when she gets gutted

nigger cleaver and ghostblade
adc shit after that

I want to dance with Orianna.

Hello i am requesting some guro smut
I will gift skins if its good
Please respond.
Thank you.

>become an illaoi main
>notice how her late game is kinda garbo unless you have flash and hit a quadra or penta ult
Gangplank is calling for me, user. He wants me to play him top lane. How garbage is he early?

you never gifted anyone no one believe you

dont play miss fortune

dont forget that if the jungler ever comes top, you have to forfeit your tower or you'll get dove, and then they'll take your tower. getting repeat ganked by a jungler early means your lane is over, and it isnt even that hard to do since if your wave is in a bad spot you have to tp or lose so much you might as well afk

>Darius is strong

t. shitter


your job is to peel people diving your adc by destroying them with E+ult, not going for the backline, kinda like darius

Lamb butt.

scarra says hes good

are you challenger?

hes shit if you know how to kite and not many people know how to kite, so yeah....

Yes i have
Ive gifted many times
You want a skin?

Darius is undeniably strong.

True for any lane and junglers camp bot lane now. Top lane is the easiest lane to avoid jungle ganks in.

Got it, famalam. Full crit, right?

I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!

He's only relevant once he gets triforce, and he only reaches his power spike at level 13.

Hi bronze trash here looking for a duo partner
Im in bronze 1. Main adc mid or support
Anyone ?

I played Darius first time pre season because I wanted a box and my friend is top tier Bard jg, and I can safely say he is very fucking forgiving to play. So long as you aren't braindead or lagging you won't die and you get free damage for doing damage. Good counter for Camille, but otherwise I'd rather play someone that requires skill

Also, 100% agree with . Unless you're doing blind pick you're better off picking a counter

Kite me bitch.

>Down 9k at 22 minutes
>Still win

What were they thinking when they made Riven?
>mobility out the ass on a bruiser that shits out damage and 2 seconds stun/knockup
>oh yeah also a shield and an execute

Feed me user, I'm hungry!

Remove her animation cancels and she becomes a meh tier champion.

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

Shitter enabling champ
The definiton of clutch

Suck my ghoul cock bitch

>tfw no matter how hard you try, Shaco will still win in the end.
The fucking team wouldn't push unless we had Baron, they fucking dicked around the jungle instead of pushing and taking towers.

This is a support thread now

Adcs like Ezreal please wait in the daycare, the adults wants some time alone

Gee I wonder

>Top laner blames me for losing his lane because "I had to leash your blue"

How about you come to your local grocery store and buy your own food, you fucking bum son of a bitch. Why the fuck should I feed your ass? Where do you even live that you can't get food? Fucking Africa? There are homeless shelters, you know.

Also, Ahri is a shit and basic waifu. Fuck off.

>People thinking any champion that doesn't see pro play is good

You & I just need to git gud, it's that simple

>darius is too easily kited!
>heh my busted ghoulie counterpick can beat him and doesn't even involve kiting

Goalposts where? Top lane is pick first, lose lane. Nobody can deny this.

how high can i get with 25-10 fps mid/jungle??

duskblade>youmuus>cleaver> if u have problems with tank last whisper if u have problems with ap maw if not build bt and then w.e for the last item you can also switch when the places of duskblade and youmuus to what you like

>play jungle shyvana all of the time
>bot lane/top laner always stays way too long

guys thanks for the super leash but get your asses to lane holy fuck

As much as I love support, I feel that the "sustain" support role is gone. Mages have taken over the role now. How do you sustain and mitigate the instant burst from champs like leblanc, katarina, brand, Evelynn, Caitlyn, etc.? There is no more defense in the game. I love support, I really do. But what place does it have in this fucked up meta?

Dunno. I get at most 30 fps, usually 25, and I got Diamond 5 playing top. Liquid Matt got to challenger playing on 20 FPS and +100 ping, I'm sure you'll be fine m8

Fuck and marry, fuck and marry, and fuck and marry.

Mormon for the win!

I know this will suck to hear but leashing for a top laner is absolutely brutal. Top lane is built around level 1/2/3 cheese and snowballing. There are a long list of champions that will get completely dicked if you make them leash for you and they don't get your love as payback.

No they won't miss cs by leashing you, but they will ding level 2 after the enemy. This kills the top laner.

>You wanna smite the camp but they stay so long that it's not worth smiting it

When your jungle singed just proxies top instead of jungling

what ever happened to udyr?

mobility creep too much?

figured CoC and jungle changes would see a return to the 'ol bear faggot


>have chinese adc
>he locks in ezreal

Didn't stand a fucking chance.

Bronzefag here. What would be a good break-off point for leashes. I adjust for squishiness but I stick to around half health breakaway

Just doesn't do enough unless their team is bad at dealing with split pushers.

Lee Sin
Maokai (he does everything poppy does and more because he actually has sustain and except that his hard cc is not conditional)
Arguably Darius since he's got the best overall winrate to pickrate ratio

I can keep going.

I just want my jungler to grow up big and strong, I try to get it so they don't have to smite first buff!

>mfw enemy laner comes to lane with their jungler's buff

>1200 total gold at level 3 with 8 cs
how the holy heck

>lee sin

stopped reading there

>Arguably Darius since he's got the best overall winrate to pickrate ratio

Stopped reading right there

ok with that said what champs should i play? i used to be an adc main but since adc is literal trash right now im kinda lost

>implying shaco doesn't need to get gutted

invisibility was a mistake


he didnt get any minions so he didnt get xp. he got that gold from passive gain

Stopped reading at the end of the post like a good goi.

She's the original yasuo

is ezreal a fuckboi?

xth for gay marriage

That's why I said aguably, I'm kind on the fence on this one, but he can definely fuck up an entire enemy team if he gets going, specially with an Ivern as the jungler and the shield he gets with CoC is absurd.

>Grill gamers are

You're either good or shit. Sex has no bearing on skill and bad personality is unisex

>How do you sustain and mitigate the instant burst from champs like leblanc, katarina, brand, Evelynn, Caitlyn, etc.?

By healing your team

>laughing because you think Heimer took the enemies blue buff
>turns out it was your blue buff

>Tell team the game is lost in champ select
>Do nothing but flame them all game
>Call constant surrender vote
>Say "I told you so" when enemy is taking our nexus
>Get told it's my fault for us losing and not their shitty playing