Why did God create homosexuals if he hates them? What purpose does that serve? And does he actually expect people that he hates to worship him? Why should we?
Why did God create homosexuals if he hates them? What purpose does that serve...
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So he can send those disgusting queers to hell
God loves gays user
Amusingly, this. God's love for us is a reflection of his love for himself. Whether we worship him and he puts us in heaven, or we reject his commands and he puts us in hell, it is ultimately done in glorification of himself. We are ultimately irrelevant.
God loves the sinner but not his sin
God didn't create homosexuals, he created the possibility for homosexuals.
Big difference imo
God doesn't hate homosexuals, neither should Christians. Everyone is equally in need of a savior.
"Homosexuals" don't exist. We are all oriented to sin, if you are "oriented" to that particular sin, the idea is to overcome it and destroy it, just like it is with the rest of us, in regard to all our sinful orientations.
God wanted to create a people with free will so they could fully understand the beauty of his creation but he knew that him having direct power and influences would lead to no real free will because no one could deny the truth of god thus they would always be children.
God intentionally fucked with satan knowing in turn satan would cause a conflict on earth between good and evil giving man a true choice.
Fag took the wrong choice.
Which god?
Nobody is born gay. Don't believe the memes. The bible says that men experience same sex attraction as a result of their sins (Romans 1:24). It's a humiliating punishment in life for reprobates, and their punishment in hell will be even worse.
Does god make you oriented to particular sins? That sounds unfair compared to everyone living without the temptation to be gay.
Are you saying everyone is tempted by hot man ass, some people just aren't strong enough to overcome the urge to put their dongers in them?
Why don't they just make a religion containment board? You freaks can go at it like the crusades and people interested in history won't have to see these endless threads about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Its also a sin to wear polyblend clothes.
Or for a woman to sit on furniture, or wear clothes when on her period.
Should stop cherrypicking.
>old covenant rules
>when he's posting new covenant
Based retarded fag
>same sex attraction is a punishment as a result of sins
>same sex attraction is itself a sin
>get punished for sinning by giving the sinner a greater penchant for sinning
doesn't really make sense. unless this is some sort of divine self-destruct sequence for undesirables?
If God did not create faggots what would I call you then OP
The Original Solution
I have an objective question
I was always curious, is it just impossible for homosexuals to have a opposite sex counterpart? To love someone of the opposite sex? Or are they attracted to both and ultimately just choose what they like better?
I'm genuinely curious, not trying to start a war.
Plenty of homos marry and seed women they care for on some level, but aren't necessarily attracted to physically. They'll still sprout a little chub when john from accounting's tight ass walks by them on the way to the break room.
It's also worth pointing out that fornication and sexual immorality among heterosexuals is also pointed out as a negative.
Now why is this a "problem"?
That's the question.
One thing to point out is that all sins are generally unnecessary and can cause discord. Lust is dangerous because it's the polar opposite of discipline. It's unbridled desire. So if we do some math on this, if someone is prone to submitting to lust, you can expect a high percentage of those people, if not all, to be prone to chasing after whatever their consciousness finds pleasing. When filled with envy, you are kind of baited into jealousy, when you are feeling the jealousy, you can be baited into murder etc etc Only way to counter this, is to have discipline. But with lust as the ruling force, to submit to that "tug" that pulls the individual into the desired appetite...if murder is being presented as a desirable from the stance of jealousy, how can that lustful individual not entertain the thought of murder?
Now what is God in the bible? Justice, fairness, good, and righteousness. What does God war with? Evil. You see God, especially in the old testament having 0 tolerance to allow the lusts and unbridled nature of lust to enter the Israelite's vicinity. Anyone who even carries the disease of evil that can transfer it upon Israel, are commanded to be put to death. The Israelite's failed to do this and Israel eventually began doing child sacrifice to the gods of the people they let in their vicinity. They fell away from God and eventually got filled with the lusts and doctrines that don't promote careful self-discipline.
So you can kinda see how evil thrives in the people who don't put armor on. Figuratively speaking. Now the creator of all things lays claim to all that is good and righteous.
To fear God is the beginning of wisdom, because you fear the good and authority of righteousness that reigns over evil and the darkness.
That's like asking why does God let bad things happen
Bad shit happens because you freely chose to live a life contrary to the laws of God
Is this humanities or history?
If we're talking about magic beings that may or may not exist then GTF over to /x/
If we're trying to bash fags then GTF over to /pol/
k thx bye
Mathew 5:44
Romans 13:10
Doesn't matter who it is, you can't push them away from knowing more by condemning them before they have a chance to learn more.
I don't know much about homosexuals, I don't know if its as cut and dry as they say, or if it's just the sign of a oblique appetite, not going to pretend like I do know either.
What is being discussed is the human experience.
k thnx poast kittens
Because current christian God is just another in a long line of gods/goddesses that will ultimately be replaced by the next religion that gains enough ground
Pfft, yeah right. Anyone who holds this stupid belief just doesn't understand the profound logic of the holy trinity. Christianity has never been replaced and will never be replaced.
Enjoy Islam fedorafags, you think you have a hard time getting laid now?
Just wait until Chad is allowed to take multiple wives!
>Christianity has never been replaced and will never be replaced.
Shit nigger, we went from a pack of Jewish Underground Worshippers, to two major churches, and now its a balkanized, aimless group scattered all over the world and at the mercy of local interpretations.
I mean, shit, you guys keep shilling Chinese christians and their growth making China a possible big bastion of Christianity. Guess what: those fuckers are operating on their own culture and logic. Chink Christians couldnt be called "Catholic" or "Protestant" since many of them belong to independentist churches. This underground independent arrangements lead to shit like the Eastern Lighting, who believe that the second coming is a second messiah, this time a daughter of God, who will herald his Kingdom. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. You also have Chinese Christians throwing Folk Chinese gods into God's Kingdom. Hell you have the REVERSE in which Jesus is part of the heavenly realm of the gods, and is chilling with the likes of Buddha & the Jade Emperor.
So yes, Christianity is subject to change. It's literally fucking happening right now.
Why do people still stick to that God thing? Isn't it clear religions are statements about our cultures by now, and nothing else?
If there is a God, why would it have anything to do with us? There isn't anything that special with humans, our diffferences with animals are quantitative, not qualitative.
>profound logic of the holy trinity
Nice memes.
>Why did God create homosexuals...?
Fortunately for all parties involved, God doesn't exist, and did not create anything.
You need to come up with a fresher meme.
> Why did God create homosexuals if he hates them
> God
> hates
You have the wrong religion user. Try taking it up with the Muslims.
b-but it's so perfect, there's not really anything that better encapsulates how cringe your post was
I wasn't even that guy. It's not perfect, it's old and busted.
You're looking for Hinduism
Why are catholics so fucking concerned with what people do in bed. Y'all should stop thinking about gay sex so often and stop getting your panties in a twist over people you don't know doing stuff that doesn't affect you.
Yeah that's why conversion therapy has a 100% success rate
nah don't worry, it's perfect
Nigger twitter pls go
Wow you're cool. I bet your penis is big.
"God" lol
God does not hate gays, but He probably does have a problem with flamboyant homosexuals hooking up with each other over internet apps, seeking to live a life of sensual activity, trying to define how gay they are, rather than look for God.
If you are "gay", you should look outside the illusion of you physical body. Your soul is neither male or female, and the only thing making you gay is the world asking you to define your sexual preference based on the illusion of form of the physical body.
The "new covenant" contains exactly zero rules. Meaning no gay hate and sheit, friend.
>Why did God create homosexuals if he hates them? What purpose does that serve?
To test you and your faith. What you thought that you just get a place in Heaven without proving your faith?
>And does he actually expect people that he hates to worship him?
He doesnt hate you.
>Why should we?
So you wont go to hell i guess. Idk its your choice man.
>look outside the illusion of you physical body
how about look outside the illusion of god claims and go for something factual?
Read the sermon on the mount and the epistles.
You're free to be specific, especially in the part where the exact spots you will choose to talk about are the "new covenant" and not the others, mental masturbator.
We live in a time that what is "objectively factual" is still heavily reinforced opinions. The physical body is temporary, but what keeps us alive is infinite, leaves the body after the body's death.
There is no illusion of God, when God is outside all of the illusions. What is illusive cannot be true, and the reality of illusion is constantly in front of all of us in our daily lives.
>go for something factual?
>We live in a time that what is "objectively factual" is still heavily reinforced opinions.
This is true for literally anything, see hard problem of solipsism. Absolute knowledge is a misnomer and if you actually think in those terms, you're a simpleton and should fuck off.
>but what keeps us alive is infinite, leaves the body after the body's death.
Prove it.
>There is no illusion of God, when God is outside all of the illusions.
Prove it.
Absolute knowledge would be what is actually true completely, and there is a difference between this and strongly held opinions. The Sun sustains human life, this is absolute knowledge. Pluto is a planet, until they change the qualifications of what makes a planet a planet, and this is not absolute knowledge, for it changes.
What keeps you alive is infinite, will leave your body after death. You are your own living proof and witness for yourself. There is no illusion of God, for God-seekers, the goal of God is also the God outside and above all the illusions.
I'm sure you're not born heterosexual either.
>The Sun sustains human life, this is absolute knowledge.
This is only absolute knowledge in the mind of a clown who doesn't get what the word "absolute" means.
>What keeps you alive is infinite
Still not seeing a proof there, buddy. The evidence is pointing in the exact opposite direction.
It was a minor example. Absolute knowledge is completely true, rather than accepted then changed.
What keeps you alive now is actually you, not your body or mind. You are your own evidence, because no one else is you, you are your own experience so you witness the afterlife for yourself, and no source is as strong as true on this subject then yourself
that word written in english makes them imagine the idea of a creator in their individual minds they may not care about if it´s cultural imposition or not