Why did China, since 1974, outperform so many of its peers?
Why did China, since 1974, outperform so many of its peers?
Well, long story short, it's because they're smarter than niggers.
So I'm afraid I'm going to have to /thread.
It really is probably good human capital. Troll post or no.
The commies simply managed to calm and organize China enough that that potential could then be unleashed.
>implying the commies were the only ones that did this
China throughout the centuries has pretty much always been calm and organized when it wasn't devolved into disarray and chaos.
In fact, your post is so biased, I wonder who could be behind it. Hmmmm...
Oversimplification, but user has a point
The Chinese nation today is far far far more centralized than it was at any point in history.
The current central power relative regional power is only comparable to the heights of the Ming, Song, and Qing empires.
When you're at the bottom, the only way to go is up
But the Chinese have OUTPERFORMED all their peers.
>located in nashville, usa
>implying u.s. universities are any good
>american "education"
Hah! You almost had me there.
Deng Xiaoping
It is a peer reviewed paper on China's cycles of centralization and decentralization.
Only in power 1978-1989. Mostly out of the picture by 1995.
How did he affect 1995-2016?
>>peer reviewed
Yeah, by Americans. These people are retards, even when peer-reviewing documents they will always fuck up.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
t. American
Nigga, by any measure China today is the most centralized it has ever been.
This is simply based upon the fact the central government gets more tax revenue and spends more than it ever has as a % of total taxes. Furthermore, Beijing can keep track of Guangxi way easier with modern technology than in 1950 or 100.
Lol dude, I have absolutely no respect for people who get their information from American universities.
You are as dumb as it gets.
China didn't fall for the Commodities Economy trap.
Ironically, they helped form it for other countries though.
African GDP growth hit a 17 year low last year. It'll probably fall lower this year.
The world simply doesn't need as many commodities anymore. Not really anyone's fault.
China has been a center of civilization since the bronze age, it is a miracle they took so long to get their shit together.
What was happening during the Taiping meme rebellion? Japan was drinking up western technology and going from thee equivalent of early 16th century european tech to the industrial revolution.
What was the rest of Asia doing while China was under Mao? South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore were undergoing economic miracles.
It is like China has only just realized it is not a good idea to ask your barber to fuck your shit up.
China is moving the dirtiest and or most expensive heavy industry to Africa. So they can claim they are doing their part to reduce emissions.
Though Chinese owned plants and factories will be taking advantage of lower environmental regs and requirements in Africa.
Hopefully employing all those Africans, and building infrastructure, housing, etc. Will develop the dark continent enough to keep a billion africans from going to Europe.
because America is retarded and tried to use them as a counter balance to the Soviets, building them up in the process.
No trade agreements with America = No expanding Chinese economy
Sino Soviet Split had already happened. Mao was a fucking lunatic in the view of the Soviets.
State Capitalism.
If Victoria 2 has taught me anything its you change your government to Reactionary and spam factories.
>Sino Soviet Split had already happened
No shit.
How the hell is America going to use Red China as a COUNTERBALANCE to the Soviets if they're on the same side of the see-saw?
>If Victoria 2 has taught me anything
>it is a miracle they took so long to get their shit together.
One look at Pakistan or El Salvador shows you that JUST can go on perpetually.
>It is like China has only just realized it is not a good idea to ask your barber to fuck your shit up.
China managed to stay together (mostly) through the colonization, warlord period, Japanese genocidal war, and Chinese civil war. I'd say they did alright all things considered.
>China is moving the dirtiest and or most expensive heavy industry to Africa. So they can claim they are doing their part to reduce emissions.
Almost sounds like a certain enteprising superpower 30 years ago.
except China is retaining ownership of the capital.
America and Europe fucked them selves by agreeing to China's state corporation partnerships.
Anyone got a decent explanation for why China (after capitalism) has grown 10%+ while its peers like India (after capitalism) have only grown 6%.
India only outpaced China in 2015. That's 25 years after the major economic reforms in India.
>except China is retaining ownership of the capital.
Despite what you may think, China is pretty much donating $50 billion to African economies each year.
Well, it is for UN votes, but it still serves a good purpose.
They'll make it back when African Nignogs are all buying Chinese brands. Instead of Western or Japanese brands.
China is colonizing Africa. This time they are making puppets of local government. Instead of colonial foreign governments.
I'm clearly stating since the 1990 adoption of capitalism.
China 1990-2015 > India 1990-2015.
Well, China will have to get over the "China quality" meme first.
Handing money away that would be better spent raising Chinese birthrates is stupid. Then again, keeping Chinese industry alive is not stupid.
What is funniest is that the "china quality" meme is the least prevalent in America. They are starting to make better quality goods than even we can make.
China has grown 300% more than India since 1990. Both had adopted capitalism by that point.
To be fair. The iPhone is hipster quality and its made in China.
I'm surprised it didn't do so earlier to be honest. All that fucking people and resources and it' still catching up.
Qin a shit
half a century of civil war and Japanese invasion
Mao's genocides and economic fuck ups.
maybe socialism works.
State Capitalism
it is because so many companies went out of the us therefore sinking the energy consumption trends
I've heard so many terms about what china gov is doing that I don't know anymore. But is something totally different ; they have the banks under their control, and not the other way around..
Well, they are confusing.
It's OUTPERFORMING its peers. No catching up to them.
My question is why.
deng xiaoping shit upon mao legacy
What is most interesting about Deng, is that he simply used Communist words to justify de-facto loosening of restrictions so that the common people could form a market economy.
Meanwhile, he provided a stable enviroment for investors by guaranteeing political stability.
He was a benevolent dictator, but we now see that his system has its flaws. The environment, market bubbles, and immense inequality.
It is coming to an end under late Hu and now Xi. No solution can last forever, especially when an economy develops to be so different.
China is searching for a new economic/political relationship that justifies and sustains the CCP government. It's been hard to find.
Economic reforms are hard to sell to a largely functionally illiterate populace unless you transfer most of the benefits to them directly. So state and central governments have to redirect a lot of money into socialist schemes to keep the trickle down meme running. Plus India is perpetually in election mode.
Luckily for india, both sides of the political spectrum have the same economic policy, so it has helped in consistent growth.
>I am a faggot: the wikipedia link.
easy to do long term relationships when you don't have to care about 5 year elections.
economic changes
wrong word