Why did ancient people decide to stop taking the psychoactive substances responsible for religious experiences while still continuing to engage in their corresponding rituals like dancing or chanting? Was this the biggest mistake in human history?
Why did ancient people decide to stop taking the psychoactive substances responsible for religious experiences while...
prison-industrial complex makes too much money.
I agree with both of these statements.
I smoked weed and had what felt like a psychotic episode. I've been an every couple of months smoker for a long time now, but this most recent time I felt like I was going schizophrenic.
Is ayahuasca safe, or should I just be grateful I escape with my sanity in tact?
It's entirely possible that you have some latent mental illness or something. Psychoactive drugs (this includes booze) can make it worse. So no, ayahuasca (DMT) would not be safe if that was the case.
If you are a schizo you will eventually start to lose your grip on reality regardless of drug use though.
That being said, it's also possible that you just freaked out for some reason and you're totally fine.
when someone cames at you with a sword in a hand, and a bible in the other, you just drop the blunt and start praying.
I'm 20 and that is the only time I've had in incident like that in my entire life, praying that I'm out of the woods, it was honestly the worst thing that ever happened to me.
I have bad news, my man. Schizophrenia often emerges in people's early twenties.
Just abstain for a while. Smoke again if you think everything is normal (try not to be a hypochondriac). I ain't a brain doctor though, so you might want to consult someone if you think there's a real problem.
Don't get caught up in fear-mongering, if you really feel it's a problem visit a psychiatrist. Be cautious though I would definitely stay away from drugs.
What happened?
This is the problem with all religion. No matter how noble it's roots are it will eventually become bogged down with dogmatic thinking. If you want an expample look at how Taoism and Buddhism are practised in modern Asia.
This is just the nature of human thinking, the best you can do to break it is to practice thinking abstractly and as an individual.
I'm never going to smoke again. I have nothing to gain from it at this point, but I read that the normal age for a male to develop schizophrenia is 18, and like I said, a one off experience while stoned out of my mind makes me think my odds are pretty good. I'm still scared as hell though.
Catholics literally killed anyone practicing mesoamerican religion. Somehow the practice of oppression is encouraged today.
20 year old fag here. I totally get where you're coming from user, and I'm taking similar precautions regarding abstinence from drug use after a recent (but one time) psychotic episode. I've read too much on negative side effects regarding one's psyche as a result of experimenting in your early 20s, shit's genuinely scary yo.
Hasn't this to do with the development of religion in general? Like the people stop believing in their shamanistic stuff and the the stratification of society. At least this is what I remember from reading Giddens.
>implying the taking of Entheogen was globally eradicated after 1 AD
>not knowing that Johannes Patmos was high as fuck
What was your incident like? I just felt like I was hearing really quiet sounds amplified super loud, and I felt like I was paranoid that I was losing my mind. The main aspect of the episode wasn't that i was convinced something was after me, I was just scared I had lost touch with reality and would never regain it again, and my heart was pounding at like 150bpm. Also tried to come up with an equation for the universe and my thinking was very disjointed.
Or just study the teachings correctly. Pride and arrogance is how people stray away and slip into fear. Fear is why people attempt to control, because they fear they aren't in control.
We're living in a realm where we are easily manipulated and need constant surveillance of our own ideologies and philosophies.
You could have a break through one day and regress the very next. It's crazy.
Good fucking God, fedora tipping New Age potheads drive me up the fucking wall.
>muh magic plants
>the evil Christians oppressed muh poor enlightened meso-americans and stopped them from engaging in human sacrifice bawww
Put down the pot needles you fucking worms.
It's pretty obvious religious rituals make no sense divorced from the consumption of psychoactive substances. It's like cereal without milk, it could only seem like a good idea up until the point where you try pouring milk in for the first time.
holy shit this post.
anti-drug tards are like a parody of themselves. its almost funny
unless this post was supposed to satirical
To schizo-user:
I understand it runs in the family. Have any crazy uncles?
I know this because a friend of mine is terrified of having it because his family is balls to the wall.
Nah, no one "insane", lots of narcissists and borderlines though
Psychedelics are incredibly powerful substances. What you likely experienced was an anxiety attack, this is the most common thing that happens while on Psychedelics, you think something is wrong, then your mind starts focusing on the worst possibilities and no matter what you do, you can't control your thoughts, making you feel you've gone schizophrenic.
Chances are you are not Schizophrenic if you have no family history of severe mental illness (It's most likely a genetic disease that effects