Redpill me about the practice of incest in the history

Redpill me about the practice of incest in the history.

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All sex is incest and degenerate. Human beans are all one family.

I heard stories of Japanese moms give "favorite treatments" to sons if they get high marks in class. Was it true ?

Semites are very fond of incest and consanguineous marriage. Hence their deplorable appearance and appallingly poor health.

>Redpill me
fuck off back to and stay there

It happened a lot in every population on earth

It was to protect the sons and sometimes daughters from sexual demons and mental sexual falling out

I didn't realize European nobility were all Semitic.

>The student, in his early twenties, was receiving private English conversation tuition from the American woman who in the course of one lesson asked him about his mother. The student fell silent, looked out of the window, and suddenly burst into tears.

>After some time he calmed down, and, with little further prompting, began to talk about an experience eight years before. It was during his final year at school, when he was immersed in the 'examination hell' that demands long hours of study, cram schools and demonic dedication from those who want to get into a good university. One day he was offered, and received, sexual favours from his mother to encourage him to persevere with his schoolwork. Afterwards he felt crushing guilt, although he came to suspect that something similar had happened to at least one of his classmates. But he had never before spoken directly about it.

I have the hottest cousins man. I'm not even like that but wew lad

It was way more common than today.

Royalty for very specific reasons like Egyptian Nobility. The mass population though.

The English ones are.

Legalization of incest is probably going to be the next battleground of the Sexual Revolution

nothing wrong with fucking a sister and a cousin. just so long as you use protection and don't form a romantic relationship.

This is begging for some Tomaru.

With a sister or cousin it's fine so long as it doesn't occur over repeated generations from a purely health oriented perspective (assuming it's aim is procreation).

Culturally it will never be accepted.

or pedos

Lucky guy.

Japs are pretty crazy, man.

The context here is that the Japanese government is using a character from a well known incest LN/anime as a mascot to inform teens to vote since they are lowering the voting age from 20 to 18.

I have no idea who thought this was a good idea.

>Fuji apples are pretty much all red.
>"Didn't realize that this firetruck was a Fuji apple."

One time I had this dream I was a rich patrician teenager at a holiday gathering with my rich family. It was set in modern times, but we were an old money family. In the dream i had memories of growing up with my female cousins and there being some sexual tension between us that lingered on into young adulthood. It was a really comfy dream, everyone in my family loved each other, and we were all super close.

>tfw irl you mom moved to america and had you and ur sis with a deadbeat and thats ur only family in the country and your family in yurop is really small too, and not that close anyway

I've heard that from the mom's perspective, they feel it's their "duty" to keep their sons raging boners sated so they can focus on schoolwork instead of diverting the time they could better spend studying on chasing young girls' asses. Japan is pretty one for all, none for one kind of place after all.

Oh, and if what I've read is correc, the "sexual favors" here most likely refer to assisted masturbation. I once read a huge textfile labelled "The Universality of Incest" which went into it. Try to find it if you can, it was an interesting (if a bit charring) read.

>I've heard that from the mom's perspective, they feel it's their "duty" to keep their sons raging boners sated so they can focus on schoolwork

This is just like one of my Japanese animes!

Like the ankle deep gene pool that is the Yuropean monarchies of yore?

By Japan fiction standards, that isn't too bad.

>One day he was offered, and received, sexual favours from his mother to encourage him to persevere with his schoolwork. Afterwards he felt crushing guilt, although he came to suspect that something similar had happened to at least one of his classmates. But he had never before spoken directly about it.

>Satoru Saito, head of the sociopathology department at the Psychiatric Research Institute of Tokyo, doubts that mother-son incest is any more common in Japan than elsewhere. But, he says, 'emotional incest' between mothers and their sons is almost a defining feature of Japanese society - 'the entire culture has this undertone'.I
I'll just give up. I was born in the wrong country.

Sometimes art imitates life.

Their eyes look more retard with each generation

That's his great-great-granddaughter by the end! How old is he? I mean, even assuming it's as soon as they're old enough to get pregnant each time, he must be pretty old by then.

Fuck you.
there is no way i'm related to niggers.
there are apes that are closer to white people than niggers, i'm sure.
Normies have stolen our terms.
I see "redpill" used on facebook now even


Normalfag pls go.

>our terms
Hello, Ms. Wachowski

Then why are you capable of having fertile offspring with them, and not with apes?


Norman, please get off my board.

He has magic that keeps him young

It was a fake news story that's floated around the Internet in waves a couple of times. People believed it because they'll believe anything related to craaazy Japan and they never bother to follow the sources.

>kagura inous hair
>tomaru sawagoes hair
>hajime inous hair
Lol, he got cucked.

Pure pottery.

>I'm going to go on Veeky Forums and get triggered by their memes!
You're what's wrong with this site you cunt. Go back 2 reddit

You're more related to me, a "nigger", than either of us are related to chimpanzees. You're the same species and subspecies as me, despite our differences. Deal with it :^)

Nothing wrong with Mommy milking her little soldier to help him keep his mind on the job....

I want a japanese mom now

Probably not. People hate it more than anything.
The next thing after transgenders will probably be either otherkin or religion, perhaps both.

Wait, before either of these, we'll probably have mental disease. There's already some talk about the discrimmination of the mentally ill. Especially otherkin gets too little attention to be the next in line. We could get religion, but I think we need to wait a little longer, for gay rights to be completely won before it can become really mainstream.
Another thing is that the conversation is completely controlled by America, so even when the old battles are won in Europe, they'll still be fought for a long time before America catches up and moves on to something new.

About as true as BBC, plumber sex, being nude for the pizza guy.

It's a porn myth; not impossible, but fantasy nonetheless.

>People hate it more than anything.

It's pretty funny when you think about it
The same people who claim to be tolerant about homos cause love is the only thing that matters and all will be the most intolerant when it comes to incest
Most people are only tolerant about already accepted things, and these people would have hated fags had they been born 100 years ago

Imo, homosex and incest are very similar deviances (especially now that birth control exists) and should be treated the same
And by that I don't mean like homosex is treated right now
I think both should be legal between consenting adults, but should remain taboo and frowned upon so people who are into that would be forced to hide it instead of trying to make it normal

>my bigotry supercedes science and genetics, i'm sure

Now that's a milf

Aren't they not blood related tho?

That's sexy as fuck.
>ywn have a Japanese mom giving you bj under the desk while you study.

Pretty sure this was about a handjob.

Fucking abominable culture that has been spawned by those insectoid robots.


That's fucking hot.

No; it is disgusting, unless that you are mentally ill.

>t. faggot

If you think the same of gays, I accept your point of view
Otherwise, you're a fucking sheeple

Yes, I am a "faggot", and a "sheeple" (lol), for finding a social; and biological; aberration disgusting.

Nice logic, you poor unwitting victims.

You need to go back.

it's a meme, you dip

Don't ruin my fantasies.


Well, how exactly is homosexuality not a social and biological aberration as well?
Try to think for youself instead of falling blindly for current society's hypocrisy

Me on the left.

That's nothing compared to Tenchi Muyo.


Where did I mention homosexuality?




Only the second one of those posts was made by me, and I did not mention, nor address homosexuality.

Learn to follow conversations, newbie, and improve your reading comprehension, and stop trying to sophistically veer the discussion to rationalize your aberrant sexual fantasies.

"Oh my handsome little boy has something that only mommy can take care of?"

>Only the second one of those posts was made by me, and I did not mention, nor address homosexuality.

One dude told you you were a sheeple if you didnt consider homosexuality as equally wrong as incest, and you replied to his post with "yes, I'm a 'sheeple' ".
So don't say you didnt adress the matter

>stop trying to sophistically veer the discussion to rationalize your aberrant sexual fantasies.

Just stop.

You're pathetic, and disgusting.

Still less fucked up than Akhenaton's family tree



That's shopped. Pic related is real though.

Homosexuality is as equally disgusting as incest
There you got what you wanted to hear


No, full biological brother and sister incest.

>this kills the Spanish Empire

No, the next one is prostitution.


I wanna get homeschooled by her so fucking much. I brought an apple today, and it's very sweet...

I read an article about a mother and daughter who were in a "healthy" incestuous relationship. According to modern sexual ethic, basically anything is permissible if it happens between two consenting adults. That's why I think polygamy will be legalized as well.
I would believe this too. Remember when all those French intellectuals wrote that letter talking about how pedophilia should be legalized. If people start thinking that kids are capable of consent, they're going to start saying that it's okay. Same with bestiality.

Did they ?

that chin

Literally why would you care though?

Because you care about the ethical or social implications of such acts?

So what you consider to be ethical is an obligation for others to follow?

Thank god France won the War of the Spanish Succession and got rid of that inbred line

I guess

I wasn't talking about you or me personally, but just that I imagine a lot of people have concerns about these kinds of things

You realize that's bad grounds for limiting someones freedom, right?


Why not modern times..

I believe the appropriate word in these cases is "clusterfuck". In more ways than one.

Because this is a history board.