Best butt edition
Best butt edition
Other urls found in this thread:
warwick will be trash
le pooppost lemex
Warwick posting is fun
1rd for autism
Reminder that flaming your teammates is ok!
>pretty much a brand new champion for 450 ip
I'm down.
Also Irelia rework when?
Project skins are overall pretty shit and a easy cashgrab for underage kids.
xth for breast metal waifu
Not this year.
Galio is after Warwick, probably
why would she need a rework? shes not kayle tier of boring yet
All skins are pretty shit, if you have any skins on your account that weren't given to you for free you're an idiot desu.
Or stupidly over powered.
project yi is actually good, all the other ones are shit
Why isn't Nashors built on Kassadin
Give me one(1) good reason I shouldn't learn the role of Top lane with Singed as my beginner champ.
cause singed doesn't teach top lane at all
>kind of enjoy teemo
>model and animations feel kind of dated
He's like a whole new champion now.
you will never come back
because the playstyle for singed is incredibly unique and cant be applied to most other champs
Best Orianna skin. Prove me wrong.
>Also Irelia rework when?
with the bruiser update along with Riven, Panth and J4
Wait Kassadin wasn't deleted from league?
I literally haven't seen a kassadin for almost 3 years.
>hyper mobile carry goes in without warning
>bitches out his team, who is mostly immobile and couldn't keep up
Gee golly gosh I sure love low elo egomaniacs
Agreed though I like the Ashe and Fiora ones
>still no word on Morde rework
Every rework you niggers post this shit. Until they release the kit then you cry how broken it will be.
History shows that he'll end up as a subpar niche pick or insanely hotfix broken.
Kassadin's dream is assassination, it is not doing high dps. You could try a dps kassadin build because 140 + 70% magic damage on autos is good, but he lacks any real tankiness and if you're building tank items you won't be doing the high dps.
What should my new summoner name be?
too meme?
when will contestfag update contest votes?
I saw one the other day who wrecked my mids shit. They still lost since I snowballed top and bot and he just wasn't enough, but man he did really well.
>t. poorfag
Because he isn't a "standard" champion, and his playstyle/mechanics don't really carry over or apply to others.
All better learner champions, or at least I think so.
sounds good my man
malphite is so fucking boring tho, you should be recommending maokai
think of your favorite porn/doujin artist and try that
If its taken use a more obscure artist like Jay Naylor or something.
then tell people to google your name
Yeah, yeah, he was the other one to come to mind after posting.
Just simple stuff to learn the basics on.
>glowing hot claw that cuts through metal
Warwicks going to do true damage isnt he?
lmao you know you don't get rich and stay rich by spending all your money on stupid shit right?
how do you mating press that which is a robot and has no vajayjay?
You just stay away from the lamppost and we'll be fine.
Only if he wins his minigame!
>a more obscure artist like Jay Naylor
they will never change riven
holy shit i like this idea
can i suck you off now?
I want Camille to fart on me
n33d 3 for Veeky Forums vs /vg on NA
pass is vidya
but jax is shit rn
>when tanks think thier armor will save them from me
loving every meme of it.
probably some play on blood
bonus damage when target is below 30-40% hp?
>all your money
If you were so inclined you could drop $5-10 a week and get anything you could possibly want. And that would still be overkill.
A vote for Elise is a righteous vote!
he will get touched up
riven, panth and irelia all symbolize riots old champion philosophy and will be reworked accordingly
Seems like she'll eventually get at least a visual update.
Wonder if he'll get vision on people who've recently taken damage. Might be neat.
>mecha sion
>dunk darius
change his q and r to something more fitting than a bag o stats and a leap, adjust the damage output on his e and passive
>Joining a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
lol no if I wanted to play a stacked game I'd play Overmeme.
>stupid shit
I don't give a fuck enough to actually pay for anything in this game.
I have more important shit to use my money on.
Important poll lolg
that makes no sense armstrong.
you need to get a catscan.
>tfw Morde still has no CC
I play him time to time but, holy shit, he needs something, anything. I just don't want a bot lane fiasco again.
Is this a serious question?
>Bikini Ahri
How is it even a question?
No, I don't play Ahri or Sona.
Depends how slutty the pool party skins are.
>vision on people who've recently taken damage
If this counts for any damage whatsoever, it'd be pretty busted. He'd be able to counterjungle with 100% efficiency because he'd always know which camp the enemy would be at.
>touched up
I already know what thatd mean, and 90% of the cases it ends up being cancer to the game, e.g Poppy/Rengar reworks.
R could have % damage reduction instead of resistances with the current ad/ap scaling on it. Q is very good as is for mobility and chasing, and E isnt about the damage 100% of the time, its about countering damage from AA-based carries.
After the Pool Party Miss Fortune disaster I doubt they can pull it off even when it's as fucking simple as giving any of them a fucking bikini.
It's that fucking bad at Riot's office.
How do you guys do it?
Every single cosmetic I've gotten was either garbage or for a champ that I will never play.
I want them to finally make pool party Sona after all these years of people talking about it, but I want it to be as modest as possible. Sort of like Leona's, with a pretty wrap and perhaps even a sun dress.
>duo with someone
>say i'm in promos
>picks something he's never played before
never again, you can't trust people on the internet
Then save your money pal lmao. It just doesn't take that much to get what you want if you want anything.
whats ur ign cutie~
Post yfw Warwick's rework introduces a 3 hit true damage passive.
They're going to kill him I fucking know it.
>Its % health true damage
You don't understand, my money is used for more important things.
very important.
wrong pic
touched up ala swain from the mage update
aka smoothing of gameplay
>lolg unironically thinks pool party would sell more than star guardian
>Riot says they want to keep WW a entry jungler and want to enhance his kit to help people learn how to jungle like when to gank and stuff
Im calling it now
>If you get below a certain HP Bloodscent activates giving him ridiculous movespeed
>When in bloodscent mode he deals %missing hp true damage with every auto or something
>Ultimate is now a long range leap and if he hits you he suppresses you dealing a shit load of damage
search your heart
know this to be most likely
> scrubs will know to get the fuck out of the jungle and gank now when they go from green to bright red/orange
>lol we are "teaching" people to play LoL the same way Kalista "taught" people to kite Bard "taught" people how to roam as a support :^))
(proceeds to circle jerk about how ingenious they are and how they truly are deserving of the 1340350540 NEETbux they accumulate annually)
>First hit is %Max HP Physical
>Second hit it %Current HP Magic
>Third hit is %Missing HP True damage
Why the fuck do furries spend so much on porn anyway? I've never seen any other fetish porn generate so much money. If you go on picarto 90% of the people there are drawing furshit and half of those on commision.
>First hit is %Max HP Physical
>Second hit it %Current HP Magic
>Third hit is %Missing HP True damage
A vote for Elise is a vote for victory and based spider waifus!
No idea man I was just memeing, it is fucked up though.
The only touchup I'd wish would be that W would start its CD when hitting towers, as to reinforce the splitpush duelist. Otherwise Jax feels like a solid champ to me.
>mfw I have no face when I run out of jax images
>wiafu niggers think that star guardian and pool party are better than battlecast
It's CertainlyT, so of course.
Furfags have some really autistic fetishes and will pay accordingly. Then they'll pay an additional premium to have their OC in it.
its true tho, slutty pool party skins are generally just BETTER than the shitty line of shit skins for shit champs
TWO fucking YORDLES AND a literal HOOKER?
nah dud Pool party MF proves that the lazy pool party line is better than the garbage star guardian line
Fuck off CertainlyT. Nobody wants to hear your vetoed designs.
>3rd Q heals for damage of all 3 autos combined.
shut the fuck up, you fucking faggot
Am I the only one here who hates all Battlecast/Mecha skins?
I dunno robots are just boring, I'd rather play as monsters.
Is there a more based artist?
>max then current
you just fucked up, you're fired
They're shut ins, so they don't have anything to spend their money on like clubbing or social events at all. They often have fairly high paying jobs though and they need something to spend it on, like dropping $600 on a glowing neon dick picture.