>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
Tharja a best
Camilla a best!
Azura a shit
no need to fear, idol ike is HERE
>Lasigo is so cancerous not even the tripfags wanted him
You can't make this shit up people.
This is why we shouldn't allow filthy foreigners on our board.
>Site owner is a gook and servers are canadian
What are some nice, positive, pure things you like about Severa? Share some happy anecdotes.
Reminder that Kozaki only thinks about FE now when he's drunk.
>Boulder just died to a 64 hit 2 crit hit in the fucking ghostship
Its pretty much guaranteed that Fates' characters look way better in normal clothing as in his sketches.
>all those characters who he didn't draw shit for on their birthday
>but he draws fucking Ganz
Why didn't IS go just a little bit further and give us cotton candy hair on Peri's kids?
Why, IS, why?
They didn't want to give canon bias to Peri!Soleil even more than they already did or else players would get suspicious.
Who is the most powerful unit, counting inflation, that isnt a lord or a """"main character""""?
I've fallen head over heels for Felicia.
I want this stupid archetypal moeblob maid to be my wife.
That's funny but we all know that's not how it goes down. Nobody calmly asks a tripfag to drop their name and you know it.
Morgan, hands down.
They should have given it to all the kids; imagine Siegbert's cotton candy mullet.
I like the subtle indicator that Peri is canon since Soleil remains a merc.
For all games or what?
Miledy is pretty crazy or the lion guy who isn't the king lion.
ehhh thats kind of a stretch huh. what about second?
Whoever Morgan's sibling is.
I remember Kozaki saying that Ganz is his favorite character or something because he reminds him of a relative, I think it was his father in law
Real /feg/ hours
What are you
>listening to
>thinking about
Haar or if it counts Ced
>male Robin
Where is the truth?
Pokemon Sun
Cherry Dr. Pepper
>listening to
The FF13 soundtrack
>thinking about
Whether I should continue with Sun and Moon or play Rhythm Heaven instead.
homosex babby
or its Lucian's Morgan
Post canon mothers for each kid family.
is this canon?
No, just people letting their imaginations run wild because of story events I guess
Nothing. Working on a 3DS theme
Kettle corn
>listening to
>thinking about
why does everyone put their "waifu" in their trips in this general? its the most autistic fad i've ever seen
How new are you?
That's a good thing.
w-what exactly are you thinking about me, user?
Aren't you that one guy from /v/ that's in a lot of FE threads, and I'm not talking about VenomRoy.
of course it is
the authorities have been contacted and are en route. this is the end for ya, scumboy
Soleil: Peri
Nothing else matters.
Kagero has big sideburns
I like her hair, it's really cute.
The Secret World
Sweet and sour chicken
nothing because I haven't gone to the store to get whiskey in a month
>listening to
LIVE A evil: 12 - Kiss of Jealousy
>thinking about
whether or not i go to work early
Ganz ia hia favorite character. He draws him a lot.
I love Hana!
Jakob: Paladin or Great Knight?
Also, I just learned that if you have a dairy in your castle, if you zoom in with L near it it will make cute mooing noises.
drink water user
Thinking about how much I wanna love you.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
>listening to
I have some AVGN on since I'm not really "playing" TMS and just mashing A in the arena
>thinking about
How much fucking longer it's gonna take to get everyones ultimate weapons to +9
That's gay
Some leftover pizza from earlier
Green tea
>listening to
Stardust Crusader's OST
>thinking about
My waifu, as usual.
but emptied all of my refillable bottles earlier today, and am too lazy to get a glass for the tap.
I'm sorry
Unseen, the axe which Hana is plunging face first into.
¿Favorite and least favorite Jeigans in the franchise?
Hah, yeah, it's unfortunate that her avoid means little and she's practically allergic to axes.
If you want black hair on Rhajat, its weird, because Kagero doesn't give her black hair, its more of a dark brown.
Mozu gives her the closest thing to black hair, which again is weird because Mozu seems to have brown hair.
Also Kagero's canon for Ophelia. Not just because the support's good, but because the color scheme works.
Marcus (FE6)
>Least favorite
Arran (FE3/12)
I know, I've mentioned it before and it really pisses me off, cause on the parents themselves Kageros looks a lot darker, and I'm not as big a fan of Mozu/Hayato as I am Kagero/Hayato. Thank goodness I have save editing though. Also I just give Odin to Elise most of the time, the all blonde on everyone works fine.
I liked Kagero/Hayato in the Japanese since I remember it has her call him handsome in the A-support, but her support with Odin is too good to pass up.
Yeah I remember that too, Nyx does the same if I remember right, and then she calls him cute in their S rank.
Odins support with her was good too but I find Elise really has limited options so taking Odin away from her isn't really something I can do, plus it was also pretty cute.
Why are there dogs clapping?
I just don't pair Elise up; too cute for any of the guys.
When will AVGN do a Kaga FE game?
>hair is the wrong way
This triggers me.
I pair her with Odin because, aside from the obvious, he's the only one who isn't too mature for her.
Playing through Fates for the first time. I'm on Chapter 21 of the Conquest route but I'm unsure of a few things.
How does skill and stat inheritance work? Is it still advisable to recruit the kids as late into the game as possible after all the parents have maxed their stats, or will they just as good if I get them as soon as their parents have the skills I want them to inherit?
How do Castle battles work? I have a friend with the game and I want to invade his castle, but he's not as far in the game as I am (around 7 or 8 chapter behind me). Can we still fight?
How does weapon forging work? I only have a lvl 1 smith at the moment and I only upgraded a single weapon (Bronze Sword+Bronze Sword). How does weapon renaming work? I can't seem to add/remove names on non-forged weapons. Do they have to be forged first?
Also, are there any specific pair ups I should have? So far I got
>Avatar and Leo
>Silas and Beruka
>Severa and Niles
>Arthur and Effie
>Laslow and Peri
I'm still working on
>Odin and Elise
>Camilla and Ignis
Any glaring flaws? I don't know who to pair anyway else up with. I though Kaze and Mozu but that just seems... wrong. Also, what skills should I pass down? I don't really have much knowledge in this regard. Most of the parents should have all the available skills from their base and upgraded classes.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying this game so far. My Avatar is a Lvl. 50 Dark Flyer with Shadowgift, Bowbreaker, Lifetaker, Speed+2, and Heartseeker. I went +Magic and -Speed, but I still seem to be doing fine in both regards.
He doesn't do RPGs/SRPGs.
>Camilla and Ignis
Shit....the mario musou might be a possibility. Fire emblem will never happen
Genaology of the Holy War
I ate fajitas today
>listening to
Those Who Visit
>thinking about
1. From FE4: Bandit boss has a steel axe equipped and hand axe in inventory. I attack with archer, he counter-attacks with hand-axe. That's silly. Somehow enemy can equip on player phase. Is this a thing in other games? I've never noticed it before. I'm glad I learned this in chapter 1.
2. Felicia
Tittymonster and Forgettable Armor Guy
If a royals retainers are the opposite gender and you pair them together, you're scum. this is not for debate
Fucking good. I'm sorry but an FE musou would be Zzz....................
*uses restore staff on u*
Heh, nothin personnel kid...
I like Hana
You can recruit the kids whenever you want. Their levels and stats scale to wherever you are in the story.
Castle battles are mostly for fun, and you can do them even if it's not an even match.
Weapon forging combines extra weapons of the same kind to raise stats.
Your pairings are fine. You can buy skills for your characters from other castles, so it's not as big a deal as it was in Awakening.
What if it's like m smash bros. ? Recruit various nintendo or third party characters to whatever tge story is.
>You can recruit the kids whenever you want. Their levels and stats scale to wherever you are in the story.
Oh thank god, that was one of the biggest problems I had with Awakening. You'd have to grind for so long to get the *optimal* growths for a kid.
>You can buy skills for your characters from other castles, so it's not as big a deal as it was in Awakening.
That's pretty cool. Thanks m8.
>this thread
>literally /v/ shitposting OP's in the middle of the thread
>every single tripfag up and active at the same time, even meme old ones
>33 unique IP's to an 86 count post
Jesus Christ
>>literally /v/ shitposting OP's in the middle of the thread
>le ebin friday night shit that only the tripfag circlejerk is autistic enough to reply to
Yes, because we all care what Cherchecuck is eating and drinking and what shitty music he listens to while he plays with his dick.
Tiki's boobies
You think they'd keep this stupid blog shit in their discord. The only ones who replied are the people who're actually in their private circlejerk.
You're disgusting!
>while he plays with his dick.
ACTUALLY he's making a 3ds theme, not playing with his dick.
I agree though. It's pretty obvious they're the ones forcing it since the first few times it was posted they were the only ones who replied.
I don't understand why tripfags in general feel the need to tell everyone what they're doing and their specific tastes. Not just in here, other generals too. I guess it's just a way of forcing and solidifying their personas.
First skill equipped passes down. You can exit the battle preparations and equip a different skill if you messed up.
If you are using the unit, more stats will be passed. The higher the level a parent is above their child, the better stats will be passed down. You can recruit them early and it's fine.
Weapon forging is you have two of the same weapon and mix them together to have 2 more mt. In order o make.a +2 you need to forge two +1 together.
Just mix physical dad + physical mom and magical mom + Magical mom and you'll be fine.
As far as skills you should pass down something that works immediately even if you're not using the unit. For instance Peri should pass Eblow Room, Effie Def+2, Selena Strong Riposte Beruka Str +2,
If a unit has a better skill, like Luna, Sol or something cool like that then by all means do.
Camilla and Keaton is popular for stats.
Why don't you lads participate too? I'd be interested to know what vidya you play outside of this wonderful IP, or what tunes you guys listen to.
I miss comfy late night /feg/.
>Camilla and Keaton is popular for stats.
Surely someone else is better for Camilla?
thats what we have user for. no trips required