/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General:

>Heavensturn (December 31st - January 14th)


>Patch 3.45 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Stormblood Expansion Teaser:

>Red Mage Teaser:

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>3.5 update info from Famitsu

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells
pastebin.com/raw/YcEBGQWu (embed)

Previously on /xivg/ :

Other urls found in this thread:



How does one respect the content?

Play Paladin and take it all in

Is this one of you faggots? Jesus christ.


I'm going to marry an elezen~!

>tfw flat chest is MINE

Guys, what if dancer but they're basically disc priests from wow.

Dealing damage to heal

how badly would that fuck up duty finder


well aranea was supposed to be dating me but apparently after weeks of telling gyo that i'm just a close friend and telling me the same about gyo it turns out that he was dating both of us so now i assume he's going to be dating neither of us

there's your daily scoop and im not kidding btw


I can confirm this


Damn I love video games. It's one of those great things where you just wake up and say "this is something we should be thankful for"
Like damn, video games are great

whms would cry even more about having to dps

its pretty gay dood i know but can you blame me for answering a simple question

I just started playing and I'm trying to get a grip on what I need to level in order to eventually main a Ninja. Should I be getting Pugilist to 42 and Lancer to 34 for the cross-class skills before playing Ninja?

Yes because it's completely off topic and irrelevant outside of 3 grown men.

Free to play yet?

There are top bards in JP servers who don't do any of this in-game dating stuff, and still pull higher numbers.



Sure thing

That is so horrible... gyo is such a sweet and gentle person, he doesn't deserve this and neither does you abe. I am so sorry for this

no that's gay

>people spamming poor gyo/poor abe for weeks
>its poor both of them
grown men, not even once.

34 lancer yes, mantra is hardly required, you only need up to second wind for pug crossclasses.

How will we know how our dearest aika is doing if he doesn't update his blog though?!

Well, damn.

It wouldn't because it won't happen. You just can't have a job that breaks the rigid interpretation of the Holy Trinity that badly in this game.

The current crop of tanks and healers are still dealing significant amounts of damage and pushing groups through DPS checks their DPS players alone couldn't manage, which in turns means content is being cleared faster than originally intended, and it also means substandard DPS are getting clears they probably shouldn't.

I fully expect tank dps to suffer a mild dropoff in the next expansion. Not a huge one mind you, but it won't scale up quite as much as the DPS jobs. The damage spread between a good WAR and an average MNK will probably widen by about 20% or so.

Healers will probably get boned DPS wise even more somehow, likely by nerfing their accuracy even further. I've also gathered a few hints from various sources and interviews that the intent is to keep healers a bit busier doing actual fucking healing, so they won't have time to miss the DPS anyway.

Yep, Samurai/Red Mage/Dancer were confirmed

here you go

Just resubbed for the fuck of it. I am a level 35 WAR. What should my skill rotation look like at this point? Should it be different when i solo and do dungeon runs?

cute in game irl and audibly

>e-dating grown men on Balmung clear faster and pull better numbers than Fwha, a MNK
Really gets those comprehension receptors shaking.

what the fuck

Just spam the enmity combo and keep maim up

what the fuck?

why isn't this in the OP?

>it's confirmed guise, some literal who site got the news first :^)

Because someone is way too fucking gullible.

Single: Tomahawk > (Block rotation) > HS > Maim > (Block rotation)
Group: Overpower > HS > Maim > (Block rotation)

Are there any guides that lay out the optimal order to level classes and what level they should be at in order to play each job?

This is bait.

You can now imagine twenty vaths slowly clapping while some Sylphs laugh and call you a gullible one

Lancer to 34 is pretty important but don't bother with pugilist, you'll get everything you really need just by getting it to the 15 you need to become a ninja in the first place.

Cross classed mantra is next to useless.

Who are those two cute auras? and that post made me laugh for some reason never change abe lol

Because they said they're only adding 2 classes and that BS said 3 so its fake.

Oh, it's the "Samurai will be in Stormblood" meme again

i'm getting fucking sick of this meme

When will the SAMs realise their precious job is getting shafted AGAIN?

The only way, LITERAL only way samurai would come out in stormblood is if they released 3 jobs in stormblood after they already said heavensward would be the last time they did that

so is this a website that lets you create fake news articles?

No they didn't.

In fact, they specifically deleted a thing they posted saying 2 new jobs and replaced it with something generic.

Or just maybe
>See Also: Final Fantasy 14 Screenshots Hint at Patch 3.1 Update Story and Raid
Should probably be questioned as how the fuck this would be relevant.


How long until Gyo goes back to Soft? He doesn't deserve the DRAKN drama.



It's objectively not bait.
Once again, just like when Rheia carried him, Fwha gets outDPSed by Bards.

Nice try.

hows my character? I tried really hard and I think im satisfies

he really doesnt he's way too sweet

>on someone you've never and will never meet irl

Honestly, my HONEST AUTISTIC analysis on this issue is that Stormblood will indeeed have 3 jobs, Red Mage, Blue Mage, and Samurai

However. Blue Mage isn't an ACTUAL disciple of war class, and is basically the "Fisher" of the battle class. You know how Fisher is basically a mini-game? Blue Mage will be a mini-game too. Yoshida wants that.

So Blue Mage isn't something that can join your raid party, but is something you can do for fun on the side.

But they'll still advertise it as a NEW JOB COMING TO STORMBLODODD11!1!!1 and the normies will eat it up

Meanwhile I keep all my grown man flirting in the thread and enjoy a drama free atmosphere in game. Stay smol, shortmen.

Will people in leveling dungeons expect me to have my optimal cross class skills or should I just make sure I get what I need before trying endgame content? I'm almost level 15 on PUG and was planning to switch to Rogue (RGE? ROG?)

>Blue Mage will be a mini-game too. Yoshida wants that.
Stop posting

thank you

Yeah, as long as you do your rotation properly you'll be doing better than 90% of the shitters you find in dungeons.

No one outside of fflog autists gives a fuck dude. Do you.

>being cheated on
>by someone you've never and will never meet irl

>No one outside of fflog autists gives a fuck
So you're saying not one person before Heavensward gave a fuck about people having crossclasses?

I'd prefer just to not be taken as a shitter.

Are you going to date Renko now abe OwO serious question though..

>Stop posting

Do I need to quote Naoki Yoshida? He's said in numerous times if blue mage was ever implemented it would be a mini-game. Nothing more.

Think rock-paper-scissors. Absolutely fucking boring Mabinogi-level combat, called blue mage.



I just lost the little respect I had for Aranea if this is all true

>having respect for anyone on Balmung

Go ahead, directly quote him. You can accomplish that just as I'm sure you'll one day attempt to justify melding elemental materia again

>He's said in numerous times if blue mage was ever implemented
yeah but its not lol

Here we see said autist grasping at straws. Driven by his autism to pursue meaningless confrontations. This is the highlight of his day.

Jesus Christ what's wrong with this boy
Did someone make fun of your parses on your server?

Can we date instead

aranea slutting it up while gyo is asleep I see

videogames sure are great

I want to stick something up my butt

Goddamn dude, there's more to life than just parses on a video game website.

Post close ups of your faggot character's face

I didn't mention parses in any way


No. See, if I wait long enough I figure someone will do it with a character that uses the same face as mine and it'll basically be the same thing

** Blue Mage (Letter LIVE XVII; 08/23/2014)

*** Team would like to work on Blue Mage (Yoshi-P is very interested in the job).

*** Team would need to figure out what role(s) it would fulfill in this iteration of Final Fantasy.

*** Team would need to figure out how to make it work in party play.

*** Yoshi-P mused that Blue Mage would have to be different from actually learning abilities like other classes.


NY: This question is the most difficult out of all of the questions you’ve asked!
We’ve received lots of feedback from around the world with regard to new jobs. Red mage and samurai are particularly popular requests. With a job that is simply a support role, raising its effectiveness would force the job to become mandatory in a party. On the other hand, if the support power was weakened, it would be difficult to contribute to the party. Therefore, that type of job is very difficult to balance.
If we were to ever implement a red mage job, I don’t think it would simply be a support role. In terms of the blue mage, I think it may be great to make it a special job geared specifically toward solo play, almost like a unique type of playable content in and of itself. In any case, I am not able to definitively reply about the next new job at this time, but regardless of what job we do implement, I promise you that players will be surprised and enjoy playing it!
Never doubt my autism, faggot. I have every single Naoki Yoshida interview memorized for the past 5 years.






ceci post

So chemo actually pays attention to the game.


Yeah, so read your quotation, faggot, and then read your previous post. Don't turn maybes into absolutes. It "may be great to make it a special job geared specifically toward solo play" doesn't mean it'll actually happen because that doesn't work in this game. You won't get Blue Mage you'll get Who's That Monster in log format again. Because Blue Mage is something that can function in this game as long as they repurpose job quests to be you acquiring monster abilities for that job in particular and get rid of half the flavourful nonsense NPCs that don't do anything for the first three job quests.

It's not going to be blue mage, deal with it holy shit.


Why do you want a close up of my character's face?

I cant keep swapping back and forth between wanting to main BLM or BRD and its just ruining everything.

You're agreeing with him.