League of Legends General - /lolg/

Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun

Old: Killing Machine Rework Edition

>Very Useful Links


>6.24 Patch Notes


>Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun


>Champion and Skins Sales


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Today we watching Game Done Quick

Come in and have some fun !

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xth for breast metal waifu

Angry low gold results post soon!

Hello new /lolg/ friends welcome to the world

plz pay respects to the cutest, gayest, bestest ship around~

I love Lissandra!


>Playing ziggs/zyra lane
>zyra only ults when I back instead of just backing with me and going in after we get magic pen items
>lose because riven feeds harder than we can feed off bot
why is ziggs bot suffering? Do people get off on trolling and pretending it's a troll pick?



xth for le epin doodoopost

shut up gumi or I wont pound you later

ekko is not balanced

>Cuckristo finally leaving LoL

Would've been good if he left when this game wasn't dying but at least we will enjoy the last years of it without that retard shitting up the place.

You broke the all the posts have images streak.

[ ] cutest
[ ] bestest
[x] gayest

for the user that wanted that lucian webm incase he closed that thread

I want to BREED Camille!

>Be toxic asshole
>Team does nothing but feed
>Throws the biggest lead(s) ever
>Plays like complete trash

>Be positive and try to encourage team
>Team does nothing but feed
>Throws the biggest lead(s) ever
>Plays like complete trash

>/mute all
>Hide chat
>Don't say a word
>Only communicate with pings or don't
>Team does nothing but feed
>Throws the biggest lead(s) ever
>Plays like complete trash

I'm pretty sure the "toxic people lose more games" is just a fucking meme to keep people's feeling from getting hurt.

yea I have a strange feeling this game is gonna die soon, don't know why

I want to marry and build a family with her.

this is just fine
there is also a picture of a thinking man to inspire some thought in you all

He is if you play him mid.


>sample size

Also being toxic isn't usually beneficial, except when you're ahead and throwing.

>what the fuck akali stop dying


>yo we got the lead just don't dive, group up and force an objective


6 or 9 decides my new name

No one cares loser.

before I open this vid who made it?

>Pretending what you say in chat matters
everyone knows that unless you're in diamond 2 you're paired up against bots that only exist to give you forced 50 winrate

>tfw allies throw the lead by not grouping up, getting picked off because they're overextending, and not getting any objectives at all
It was such an easy win but every time we're grouping up near the objectives, its either Ahri is nowhere in sight because she's farming across the map or Ezreal is fucking useless and doesnt even have his ult because he keeps throwing it down mid

Eh, I think it has 2-3 more strong years going for before it really starts going down the tubes ALA WoW.

I have a hunch that Riot's well aware of this though, and they're developing a new game (or several) behind the scenes. We just haven't heard anything about them yet because they're riding out their MOBA train while they still can.

>Lux Binding plus ult does over 1000 damage due to thunderlords and passive proc
>over 800 with abyssal
>Riot didn't try hotfixing this until now


A literal who with 87 views. Just someone shilling their shit.

just dodge the binding and ult lmao

My point was just that being openly negative isn't helpful.

No views. It's just a Garen buying multiple infinity edges and blowing people up.

I thought it was pretty okay, desu.

Where's the hotfix?

I asked who made it not what it is.

Some fucking xd glowing knifre click bait shit is not worth some epic fucking meme if youtube starts recommending me some cancer fucking shit from brofesco or uberdanger.

Mentha, a fellow with 8 subscribers. 91 total views on the video.

well that was quick

>Competition is getting close
>Have to outpace Poppy and Vayne
>Veigarette is rising fast, too

WHO ELSE /nosleep/ TONIGHT?!


Will riot ever give us an oppai loli champ?

man, I was only around level 17 when lucian came out, so I never got to experience good play with him, I wish I hopped on the league train sooner


this name rings a bell for some reason, are they a fellow /lolg/ poster?

If you never leave the fountain, it's impossible for you to die (except for being dove but we'll ignore that).

If you leave the fountain, it is possible for you to die at any moment.

If both of these are true, would it also be true to say ALL deaths are not only avoidable but are also only caused by either being unaware or too aggressive?


im okay with any kind of new loli champ

oh i thought you were talking about the bjergsen one, very similar but urf

I wanna kiss annie's legs!

I think camille is kinda lust for sex and often mastubarte given her personality.
I mean she is kinda old and sassy,and to aggorant to let lesser man touch her body.
She is not having sex for like 50 years

Sure, but never dying isn't always a good thing, depending on who you are anyways

what if the enemy has blitzcrank?

or at least a new skin


And her biological clock is ticking.

What if you get flash ulted by malzahar/annie

Or if you're an adc and syndra misses all her spells then just presses R on you

>Dodge at gold v 0 lp
>-10 lp
wow this is dumb

yeah i post here sometimes; who would link my shitty video other than myself

>I will never have a sexy old cyborg wife
this life was made for suffering
I can't even play Camille in game cause she is practically permabanned

>When the 1-9 Zyra support at 20 minutes is working on her Haunting Guise and still hasn't bought sightstone

The flaw in that logic is that you assume all deaths are bad. Sometimes it is necessary to die to benefit your team. In a team fight, if the initiator dies but the carries clean up, the death was avoidable (they could have just not gone in) but it wouldn't have been good to avoid it.

So the premise that deaths are only caused by being unaware or too aggressive is wrong as it's based on the incorrect logic that deaths are always bad.

What does her vagina look like? Is it tight? >////

The only good loli is a loli with tits.

are you in the vg chat or do you post on r9k?

>Europeans wake up

>Loliposting starts

Where does new warwick fall on the league power scale?

>every year more money than the last
>"but all the people i know quit!!!"
they don't care about you. they keep on making nicer hats accidentally typo'd cats at first, but maybe they should make that too, and people (just not you, apparently) keep on forking money over for it.

pretty sure its tight given her rarely if not never having sex before.
well maybe one or two with that machinist guys

Not very high



I know Ive added you before tho


Tight and dry as a rusty key hole.

>Posting in the thread
Are they a /lolg/ poster?

bet em up

All on top

I wanna cuddle Jinx I also wanna fill my nostrils with her scent of gun powder and licorice while pleasing her body like I'm a slave and she's my master
Glad that Warwick is gonna kick off some new Zaun lore (the Bioshock vibe is giving me such an indulgent feeling). Teaser wasn't half bad.

>Americans go to sleep

>Fagposting stops

I like to dominated her in bed
Like tie her up and slap her ass and force your cock into her mouth and hear her sassy voice
I think shes into it too,just that shes not openly admitted it


Rengar will shit on your asses

>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league. Warwick is a fucking killing machine with the right items.

I'm going to miss him

What do you guys think Warwick's changes will be?


probably something autistic

yeah dominated the dominator alway feel good
I think I want to rape camille now

saved for futures generations

Post your mouse

Others guess your ELO

probably some rando from a discord who just happens to also post /lolg/

>Breaking down a proud feminist into an eager cumslut

LITERALLY my fetish.

how are you using a dreamcast mouse like it's 1999 and the buttons haven't worn out yet?

>one day you wakeup shivering with snow in your bedroom
>you look around and notice your window is wide open
>you see Nunu outside of your window just staring at you
>"What the fuck is your problem Nunu?"
>he runs off
>you close the window and leave your room
>snow is everywhere
>all of the windows are open, so is your front door
>Nunu is looking at you through the door
>he runs off
>you go into your kitchen to make some hot chocolate to warm up
>Nunu is already there carrying out your pots and pans and the microwave
>you try to grab him
>he blood boils
>"God dammit Nunu I'm calling the cops"
>you grab your cellphone
>someone is calling you
>it's a picture of nunu
>heavy breathing
>hang up
>call the cops
>"Hello, officer Nunu speaking"
>hang up

funny names?

g400s like 4 years old

not gona post shit

but here is a spiderfu

forgot picture

brand new when i got it.i treat it nicely. have a hand made adapter as well.
scrolling doesnt work

post it


>draven buffs
Fuck, I already get shit on hard enough every time I play against him.

heres mine

>tfw no mousepad so I have to use a blanket

Friendly reminder to never give up.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.


I just got my spirit destroyed by a morde top.
we won the game but this tilted me off the face of the earth
>Start top lane as renekton, morde took ghost and ignite with stormraiders
>He's sitting behind his tower, I assumed afk
>I notice he's standing just close enough to earn passive xp
>the moment he hits level three lee sin comes from behind me and they both flash mastery 7 as they rape my butt
This morde denied himself 20+ farm and 2 levels so he could dick me as hard as humanly possible