Educate me on Slavic people Veeky Forums.
>When did they appear in Eastern Europe?
>Are they mentioned by the Greeks/Romans?
>Why are they not counted as "aryan"?
History/Origin of Slavs
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The concept of an "Aryan race" is a meme.
I'm aware, what I was wondering was why Slavs aren't considered aryan when Indians and Persians are. Did they not descend form Central Asian Indo-European people?
I think the point user was trying to make is there is little reason behind the concept of the Aryan race. Trying to decipher why Slavs aren't considered Aryan is like trying to decipher why crazy people say gibberish.
When did they become the shitty people we know today?
Isn't more they never got over being shitty serfs?
Because snownigger can't """""WE WUZ CIVILIZATION"""" with Slavs.
Illyrian tribes were mentioned by the Greeks and the Romans, in fact, they had made trade deals with Greeks and even waged war with Romans when they got too cocky and started sailing and causing trouble in Greece.
Those were the tribes that evolved in to the southern slavs we know today (Croats/Bosnians/Serbs/Albanians)
They were at war with the Romans on 4 occasions, they lost pretty much every time but they were ballsy motherfuckers with rebellions and all kinds of shit they pulled against a much stronger force. Even killing some of their 'top tier' generals n shit.
I learned this in like my first year of college so I'm speaking off the top of my head but you can look up the details.
German racial ideology had little to do with actual anthropology
like everything, its Mongols fault
Eastern Europe theory is wrong and outdated.
They were living in entire "Germania", but were mistaken by Romans as another Germanics.
Romans didn't really care, they called everyone in this region "Germanic".
there is also this
Majority of German cities are germanised West Slavic names, ending with ow/ov, owa/ova, owo/ovo, in, ina, ino, au, itz, itza, itze or having wend/vind root are of Slavic origin.
I was about to say Ukraine when this guy shows up.
Welp I was wrong.
Wow. Stop posting.
How do people like this even end up on Veeky Forums?
I think Ukraine was their homeland for some time too.
Wend literally means "wanderer" - The reason they repopulated modern day Poland and Eastern Germany is because they used to live there before.
repopulated so fast*
>Why are they not counted as "aryan"?
Because Aryanic people were assimilated into Slavic population, but didnĀ“t make up the majority.
Not him but kys retard
'Aryan' in the Nazi sense refers to an imaginary Nordic super race. They didn't like Slavs, so they left them out. Ignore it.
Aryan in the modern sense refers to the people who historically called themselves 'Aryans', which means Proto-Indo-Iranian speakers who emerged in Central Asia and spread to India and Iran. In India the term eventually became more of a cultural that rather than an ethnic or linguistic designation, while in Iran the name Aryan simply changed over time to Eran/Iran. Non-Indo-Iranians have nothing to do with the term Aryan.
>le retard man
Where does this "nazis thought Slavs are not Aryan" meme come from? Surely not the nazis themselves, read Gunther and Rosenberg.
A bit off-topic, but I guess also somewhat related subject: can someone explain balts for me? Are they just slav offshoots or what. Veeky Forums was the first place I ever even heard about them.
Tried going to /int/ with it a few times, but all I got was memes.
They're a mix of early Slavs and Finno-Ugrics.
Holy shit it all makes sense now
Somewhat correct, except that Analbanians obviously aren't Slavs.
The first thing you have to know is that eastern europe is divided into two parts northern forests\marshes and southern steppes Slavs are descended from the former and are not asiatic in any way.
Forgot Pic
>says the italian
A people doesn't just "appear" somewhere out of nowhere, retard. There's this thing called ethnogenesis, you know.
Why don't they have a historically verifiable ethnogenesis? Because pan-slavism is a scam. "Slavs" are eastern germanic
Holy shit kill yourself with your strawmen fallacies Oleg.
On the Ahnenpass it VERY fucking clearly states that "slavs" are aryan aswell.
I know you suffer from pan-slavist-induced autism but try to actually read the historical sources you're talking bullshit about before shitposting. Kthx
>northern forests\marshes and southern steppes
You forgot about mountain ranges like the Carpathians and the Dinaric Alps.
>On the Ahnenpass it VERY fucking clearly states that "slavs" are aryan aswell.
This. The Ahnenpass literally uses fucking Czechs and Poles as an example of "Aryans".
>Aryans, wherever they might live in the world, e.g. an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian
This "nazis excluded Slavs from being Aryan" myth needs to die, it's literally and I mean LITERALLY communist propaganda.
Nice pseudo-scientific fantasy bullshit map there
Fuck off Oleg
I am interested in what you're saying here. Is there any scan of an Ahnenpass online that you could show me this in? I'm not arguing, I'm genuinely curious.
I found a scanned Pass, I am scouring it but not finding what you describe
Couldn't find a scan, but see Deutsch: Eine Sprachgeschichte bis 1945, page 447.
Nevermind, I found one.
That's fascinating, is that from an issued Pass or a separate document?
It's from the 1935 Ahnenpass.
Slavic ethnogenesis happened somewhere near the Ural mountains, in what is today Kazakhstan.
Did this hold up in later editions? The 1939 one I linked doesn't have it but seems truncated anyway (only offering a how-to manual)
>"Slavs" are eastern germanic
fucking imbecile
The reason there is no slavic ethnomemes is because there was no Poland to spout the memes during XIX century when Germans started their memeing about germanic tribes.
Doesn't mean Slavs HAPPENED out of thin air, you fucking fags and german theory that they were from Ukraine is wrong. It was debunked by archelogy and genetic studies
Are slavs the true indo-european descendants?
They pretty good at horse warfare, with the cossacks and the hussars.
Oh look another one who's feigning retardation. Fucking naive hypocrite too.
>This "nazis excluded Slavs from being Aryan" myth needs to die, it's literally and I mean LITERALLY communist propaganda.
Didn't stop the Germans from killing over a third of Belarusians.
>You forgot about mountain ranges like the Carpathians and the Dinaric Alps.
Those areas where settled later, what I was trying to say is that Slavs have absolutely no link to the steppes despite proximity and later settlements, they were infantry centric instead of mounted archers and they were settled farmers rather than nomadic pastoralists. This is important because I think (assuming the people who are pushing the Slavs aren't white meme are not completely retarded) people are misguided into thinking that the Slavs share some part of their ethnogenesis with Sarmatians and\or other turkic\iranic tribes when this is completely false.
TL:DR version; the environment ethnogenesis occurs shapes the culture, Slavs had nothing to do with Steppe culture originally
Indo-Europeans like Scythians/Sarmatians were assimilated by Vandals/Goths while retaining their original culture in "Poland" and "Czech", Czechs have more Celtic influence though.
That's how it went most likely.
well, being at war with communists who are using "civilians" to agitate class warfare kind of tends to have that effect. oh wow, partisans died! you don't say!
Just as I thought see my post
Slavs are not a Steppe culture despite the Sarmatian meme by Polish nobles and future settlements and conquests if anything they share a similar ethnogenesis to Balkan culture although more inland
Sarmatians were assimilated in Poland.
Assimilated maybe, but did not play a part in Slavic ethnogenesis
Slavs were not really a horse culture, they only interacted with horse cultures later on
Sarmatian meme came after Vandal meme from Medieval period though.
So many memes, honestly I get tired from all these we wuz thing going on in regards to Slavs, personally I like to think of Slavs as highly adaptable to anything
>Viking in early Rus and even Slavic pirates in the Baltic
>Cossacks in Ukraine
>HRE state of Bohemia
>the huge transition from feudal to industrial country by SU
>recent transition from communistic to capitalism
>Macedonian meme
Slavic just too fluid of a identity
They didn't say that and didn't need to, because Slavs were already considered sub-humans anyway.
And those that were not are magically German somehow like Croatians being Goths, blond haired Poles being kidnapped to be raised in Germany and Slovaks being mostly lost Germans
A+ post Schlomo
Slavic folk are central Europeans, like the Poles, Serbs, and Czechs. The original Russian ethnicity emerged (900 AD?) when slavs, baltics, scandanvians, and finns settled down in what today is Russia, Belarus, and northern Ukraine. Nowdays Russia is multi ethnic melting pot like most other nations.
Cossacks are independent and unique nation within Slavs and hussars are Hungarian concept of cavalry
No nazi apologist, Germans even in the first months of the war executed many civilians for being in places at the wrong time, due to nazi brutalities many of them joined the partisans. There were also Ukrainian and Belarusians who fought for their countries and also against the communists later.
>>I get tired from all these we wuz thing going on in regards to Slavs
>I don't understand something so it's le maymay