League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best Star Guardian Midriff

Old: Buff Her Edition

>Very Useful Links


>6.24 Patch Notes


>Warwick: The Wrath of Zaun


>Champion and Skins Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

Today we're watching AwesomeGamesDoneQuick

Come in and have some fun !

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No more Monte and DoA
SpoTV bullshit
Why even watch LCK


>"Would you prefer my bow or Wolf's bite?"
>I would rather me use my "arrow" in you and Wolf can use his mouth if he wants :)
>tfw they both kill me


LOL when i saw that image i thought lulu was trying to grab jinx gigantic futa dick


>tfw you play Taric
is there a better fucking feeling?

I can see why and now I can't unsee it


>Today we're watching AwesomeGamesDoneQuick

>Watching other people play games

Who would do this?


Delete this

Should have held it open



>There are people here that would close the door.

I don't complain, but sometimes I really wonder why riot gave Lamb such a great ass.

So what do we think about the Warwick teaser?

It's like no artist bothers to count Lamb's fingers.

Oops, dead thread.

>WW rework.


I might actually come back to this game if it's good.

Only complaint was the guy had horror movie theme logic.
>I just saw my friend just get murdered by a wolf man.
>I should get closer and investigate.

F for Fleg and Boggin

also Riot needs to make a Bioforge thug skin for Graves or something already

Bullshit Five Nights at Freddy's pandering faggotry

haha let me try ziggs bot out
let me get a viktor support too! rofl x'DD
let me feed a jhin and walk right into thresh hooks!
let me end the game 0/8 haHAaHAa! x'D
just a game x'D'd lol!
i saw qt doing it LOL! I CAN DO IT TOO! X'D

should riot continue withi thier current paymodel or change it up in season 7?

>Lendo made a comic about Lulufags


It's just a stupid game brah.

The guy would've lived if he didn't try to sate his curiousity

>just a game x'D'd lol!
it is still just a game dude

To sell better.

Thats fucked up man

Overwatch is this way

To prevent cancer dude, fuck cancer

>Only lulufags can bring Lendo back from dead

im ok with this

Trinimmortals' Beat League series has more lore than Riot's entire league universe.

Thats saying something.


>playing some dawn of war retribution
>have gamesdonequick playing on my other monitor for static as I hack through yet another howling banshee squad
this fuck likes his melle also sometime their speed running tricks are top tier PogChamp action desu


It's a stupid game and you're studpi!

>slamming his hand so quickly on the broken metal that he cuts himself

Deserved it

Hon is dead
Literally no one cares in dota2 since you have to buy keys like crazy until you get something decent

League is fine letting you buy what you want.

Also you dont need to fucking buy cosmestics to play the game

youre stupid

Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her!

If he had lied down and sat perfectly still in the cable car he probably would've lived but the dude was panicking and his friend just got brutalized by a steroid jacked wolf-creature.

He almost lucked out with the whole oil/gas masking his scent but he fucked up when he decided to rubber neck.

holy fuck this pic is old.
do you have the gas mask/baseball bat guy too?

pretty sure its tomorrow though buddy


>every lane won
>darius stopped showing top after 3rd death
that was surprising promo

E aí Raafam, beleza?

So we will get WW's rework abilites and shit today in the PBE update, right?

why are you hiding your normals score user? :^)

Small indie company please give them enough time to disgest their holidays festive dinners

please buy more star guardian skins we need to recruit more employees who'll do absolutely nothing all day except come up with a skin concept every 8 months that will be discarded

>Being literally Bronze 3 on the hue server

Though I think his R will be the same and will get a leap ability.

well you know the saying "When in rome"

>No redemption
>No red trinket
>No sightstone

We should have a minion syndicate. Minion's rights, workers´rights!

I love Lissandra! she's a pure plush qt!

i have more respect for bronze players than silver surfers, any one else feel the same?

No they have been pushed back to patch 7.4
There will be a post about it tomorrow

i want to fuck her cold cunt

Another huezilian here, i was sent to bronze III after doing my placements but i climbed back to silver in a matter of three days, those were the easiest games i ever played. I carried almost all of them.

Now i'm silver I and i'm getting matched with high golds, low plats and holy shit, am i having a hard time getting to gold, i think part of it was me getting too cocky because i shat on bronzes but another part of it is definitely the teams being a lot harder to carry.

Bronzes actually try so they can play decently if you guide them, but the high golds and low plats i'm getting paired with seem like they don't even care.

explain you're shelf

why bother censoring only your name, we can literally look you up by with any of the other 9 names on that match
você ainda cobriu o modo, mas dá pra pesquisar e saber que é normal game
não precisa ter vergonha, Rafaam.


because you guys are mean

I'm not even trying 2bh

i presume a big portion of ranked players stop playing ranked after geting placed in silver, so assuming these players stop playing ranked, there are high chances that if they continued playing they would be placed in lower ranks, BUT they are lil pussies that dont play because afraid to lose, at least bronzies have anough courage to keep trying

You have to go back pablo

Lulu is best girl!

I was only playing normals because I don't own taric yet

>proxy singed every single fucking game

okay it was funny once in a while but im getting really fucking sick of this shit

you cant chase him or you die, you cant chase him or your turret dies, you cant freeze waves with your body on most champs without items or you die to them and the jungler, you cant double-team him with your jungler cause he just throws one of you or drops his massive fucking slow and gets away anyway

jesus fucking christ

>he dosen't know
should we tell him?

farm under the turret for the first few levels
catch him with jungler next time he tries to go proxy
repeat until win

>you cant chase him or you die
what champions are you playing? if he goes proxing in the first wave just chase him down and use everything

>depending on another person in soloqueue
>expecting them to not be retarded
>singed and their jungler coordinate even the tiniest bit

it all goes way too right for singed too easily man

i cant think of a single champ to beat him with that wouldnt get shat on by his memery

Thanks user

darius, garen, nasus, renekton, basically all the big top lane bruisers

nothing's come of it besides me chasing him for 5 seconds and losing half my health for it

make him face the future

ignore singed, farm in peace


tfw summoners are dead

>mfw farming marks as kindred on cd

I agree though, proxy singed is just a hassle to deal with



i think i own him but

what the fuck do i do, just farm for a while then shit on him from afar with the POWERSLAM

I wish I were Orianna's pet ball.

We'd dance together until the end of times... into oblivion.

I'd be watching her, her watching me being... well, just a ball, a very happy ball..

>pick a top that isnt shit and can go all in early on like the vast majority of top champs
>go all in early
gj now singed is feeding

>mfw Bobert comes close to someone and instadies because they have the sunfire or some innate multihit passive

is gp/5 runes still viable on gongplonk

I wanna cuddle Jinx
Break from climbing is over and my jaded heart's been melted can't wait to see what will refreeze it this time!
>autofill support
>teams somehow being stupid enough not to remake
>somebody going full League of Egos and crying over the pettiest of things
Best of luck in any climbing you plan on doing today.

that's like having 20% more gangplank, you sure it isn't broken

It's pretty big, with 4 rows full of a variety of junk.
more trolley problems please.

ayy I got from bronze 1 to plat 5 in less than a month

I wish i were BALLS DEEP into her tight mechanical vagina.

>In Zaun's Grey-filled streets, the criminal underworld is hunted by an engineered beast.
>the criminal underworld is hunted

Does that mean Warwick is now the Punisher?

The ball is angry.

Do you think Orianna's father crafted a tight, leather pussy, that she can control with mechanical muscles?

>inb4 "new lore"

he is singed's guard dog lmao

motherfucker do you expect to know everything without even trying? jesus christ play some games as jayce and learn how to own the top lane, is it that hard?

am i good?

Non-canon user. She crafted her own tight leather pussy :^)

no, but the booster is

No one below d3 is good

t. d3 :^)

>"lore" after the Freljord bullshit, then the Shurima bullshit

fuck this, Skarner is still a brackers from Kalamanda, Cassiopeia is a Noxian noblewoman cursed by a foreign diplomat, and Udyr has never been to the Freljord

>below master 200lp
nope, might as well be unranked



hour and a half left nigger

fuck my sideways and call me katarina