Fighting Games General /fgg/
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did vanguard princess creator really die in that tsunami few years ago?
evo japan excite
toppest vagina stickers
daigo said in his book to not play by theory or copying others and that you should autopilot
do you agree?
wow those are some big cartoon boobies
What fighting game character is this???
Killer Instinct for W7 when
literally all i do
Tfw a single Jap guy comes up with a better game than Yatagasaru without resorting to crowdfunded jewing.
Vanguard princess would be pretty cool if those retarded assists didn't block me from being able to tell wtf is going on
Also if it had GGPO
Luna from Vanguard Princess. It's a freeware and there's a DL link in the OP pastebin.
anyone want to play something on fightcade?
Yatagarasu is a better game than 3S desu. The problem is that the devs gave up/became too greedy and left it unfinished.
If they had finished the menus and implemented GGPO it would have been amazing
>kermit is going after KI now because GG is so dead
Playing in autopilot gets me shit on because I don't internalize what the other person is doing in various situatuons so I don't look out for patterns.
Turns out not everyone has the same brain that works the same way.
does vanpri really have no rollback netcode?
When are we getting a cute fish girl in a FG
When I play on autopilot I become a passive retard that gets walked on. I guess I still haven't internalized the aggressive tone of the game yet.
why play nash when you can play guile?
why play bison when you can play balrog?
I said cute and girl
>Woman on the top, fish on the bottom
That's the stupid way round
Why jerk off when I can fuck your mom?
i doubt fucking my mum would be better than jerking off
I find the writing"worse, it's /v/ memer bait you can make a garbage game full of meme text and it'll sell like hotcakes because of that, I mean I don't expect great writing from a porn game but it feels like these days people make stuff specifically to be posted on Veeky Forums and youtube, i guess it's because the market is saturated but still
I feel like this may only work if you are a grinder type player
clips twitch tv/quartusveritas/CuteSwanDatSheffy
in other news you can update to 1.10 in kofxiv now
Is there no way to navigate menus on a PS4 (in-game or otherwise) with only PS3 devices?
karin should have yuns command grab
it would be fun
Is there anyway i can combo into a throw with ken? just in case they are blocking.
thinkgs that capcom wanted to reduce / get rid of:
anti air jabs
throw loops
invincible meterless reversals
thinks that akuma has:
anti air jab
throw loops
only an EX invincible reversal, which is however cancelable with v-trigger for safety
seems fucking backwards if you ask me
Don't forget he gets meterless invincible reversals from 1f when he's in V-Trigger mode.
Sounds like the direction for SFV has been more in the kind of "throw shit at walls and see what sticks".
I don't really get the "anyone who complains about SFV is a hater or jelly fanboy of another fighting game franchise" meme.
To me it sounds like most of the people complaining about the game are people who actually bought the game.
Is this the new Valle approved OS to discourage any negative impression of the game?
Valle is a nice guy and wants everyone to get along but his career is also dependent on SF being successful.
Valle definitely falls into the Capcom defender camp he doesn't bad mouth other games either. WNF had top 3 of GG on the main stream last week
>most of the people complaining about the game are people who actually bought the game
you are incorrect, though lots of people who did buy the game are also complaining about it
I can almost understand a new character getting in with tools as a mistake, but the fact that they left throw loops on some characters while removing from others is way more insulting to me, though Akuma shouldn't have them either, this seems way worse
so how am i supposed to get good at a game on fightcade playing aganst these tryhards?
Which game you want to learn?
Which FC game?
find a buddy on your skill lvl that you can practice with.
I recommend he's a darling and is willing to play anything
There's no tryhards in the 3s lobby so I don't understand your problem
There's still a weird mentality hovering over SFV where you're not allowed to criticize it.
It's fine if it's telling people bitching about stuff like no arcade mode or "sfv sucks lmaooo" to fuck off but ANY criticism about SFV gets blown off as being a "hater" who's going to get "left behind"
It's not like Capcom is helping themselves either. Like the servers are still ass.
I don't understand how people have so many problems playing new games desu.
Play someone
If they're better than you then pay attention to how they play the game
Copy their playstyle
Boom, you are no longer a beginner.
Anipedo image, post discarded
>ANY criticism about SFV gets blown off as being a "hater" who's going to get "left behind"
statements like this are just as dishonest as the pros who vehemently defend the game as though it were flawless
Goobers are the Elliot Rodgers of the FGC
Necalli's AA jab is literally the exact same
in MvC Infinite!
How is that dishonest? I don't remember people doing the same thing for SF4
How is it dishonest if that's true?
See that infamous tweet from that Capcom US PR guy.
>rev up TTT2 for the first time in over a year
>was never a good TTT2 player
>figure there can't be many players left, so remove restrictions on rank
>highest rank i've ever been is warrior on dragunov and that's about it
>prefer to play one character because tag system never made sense to me
>go online
>savior baek + hwoarang
>mfw the game starts and the kicking ensues
>Still no new character info for SFV
>Still no Tekken 7 release
Play BlazBlue
how do you stop rashid's whirlwind spam as gief?
I'm surprised they haven't so much as teased what the next character is.
I'm starting to wonder if the silhouettes were actually nothing and they didn't know who they were putting in S2.
How is Makoto in CF
>tag system never made sense to me
then make sense of it? it's not even that complex.
against a good rashid you can't so use your lariat, against online scrubs just walk back and forth till in range to jump
Are western fighting games good now?
That's smart PR marketing.
Rather than addressing all those issues, Capcom US knows that Capcom Japan isn't going to do jackshit about them so they make it seem that nothing is wrong with SFV and all is fine (except it's really not).
What they are doing is divide the fanbase of the series even more. It's dangerous but smart, if you think about it. It makes people who said valid criticisms about the game look like contrarians.
KI and NRS games are
NRS games are pretty different though so they might not appeal to you personally.
That'd only work if they hadn't openly fucked up so much, like with the rootkit.
Sniffer shitstink
Trust me, it's definitely working on their part.
Jubei when
KI was always good
while that fishman is, uh, curiously attractive, I don't know if I'd call him cute
>unfun combos
>unfun neutral
S1 was a bit rough but once IG took over from S2 and on it's been pretty great
thanks m8
I'll just add him to my dodge list alongside guile and dhalsim
I thought they got a new dev team because season 1 was poopoo?
play my game
Should I use Claw or Rose in A3
At least it has a neutral
It was because DH got bought by Amazon so they brought in IG
The season 1 studio got bought by Amazon I think
Why should I trust you? If even in shill central like EH or /r/SF you can find upvoted criticism, you can't tell it's working.
Claw is the stronger character, especially if you learn his tricky Vism stuff, Rose is by far the easier character to play and is effective without learning Vism
>At least it has a neutral
haha yeah *minute long combo into minute long combo*
I want to caress Ibuki's thighs
>KI's neutral is so good it extends into the combos themselves
How does anyone else compete???
herp derp what is combo breaker
>guess right and if you're wrong the opponent's combo lasts two minutes instead
what game is this sniff from
>ill exaggerate about a game ive never played
a really really fucking bad mechanic
>combo breakers
>in any way a good thing
The acclaimed Cummy Blasterz
just pay attention to the number of hits in the linker
anime combos are still longer friendo
Uhh heys guys
I like Urien
me and my wife
He's alright.
yes you and everyone else all of a sudden really likes him