World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
How do I get good?
>he doesnt play female worgen
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
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As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
I'm curious, how'd it go for people who saved their caches for the patch?
>he doesn't play female worgen rogue
The new shitter combo
So did shadow actually get the undocumented shadow crash change? I can't check myself because yurop
Thank you based linker. The discord shitters who keep making the OP will not prevail.
I tried stockpiling AK scrolls on my warlock, who was at AK level 2. I sent him my 1-4 compendium,which should put him up to 20. I had one work order ready, and one work order still running. When I used the item, it put me up to AK 18, which was immediately turned into 19, and will be 20 when the next work order finishes. So, the game counts AK levels still in progress as being in your inventory.
In the future, use the compendium before you begin AK research on an alt.
Which Classes and Specs get guaranteed declines on Mythic?
anybody know chest/pants that would go better on this?
When I'm running a M+, I will take literally the first healer and tank that apply.
I like Tauren Females in the World of Warcraft
I want too make a new character but I can't decied Unholy dk or Arcane mage with recent patch today what fairs better?
>playing not what you want but "what's better"
suicide is your only option, dumb metaslave
I want both though faggot I just can't decied/
Playing what you want is a bad idea if its something that doesnt get accepted into groups.
>Tank doesn't mitigate
>Keeps getting killed
>Blames dps
I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills. Jesus Christ.
>open battle net
>says 7.1.5 is released
>log in
>says 7.1.5 is released tomorrow
what did he mean by this?
>tfw waiting for addons to get updates
Dumb euro.
Is Demo fun?
Based elvui shitter.
if you hate yourself
Well, you get to have a floating skull orbiting you.
Outside of that, no, not really.
except elvui is working literally fine
I am not breaking any rules
But even then, the mods of this general stopped enforcing the rules a long time ago
But you're welcome to remain angry
>Your guild friends finally come back run raids in great group when Nighthold comes out
>It will only last week or two before they stop playing again
>new patch out
>thread is more dead than ever
So I bought WoW 2 weeks ago and just hit max level for the first time.
Just wanted to let you fags know.
>not playing both
you missed the boat fag
people are plagihn the game
only if you have autism. maintenance can be pretty enjoyable then.
>reddit race
>at work for another 2 hours
>can't wait to make my alts all AK 20 and finally play the game
Don't use that word.
X ( X ((EX)) P E R L
As a demo main, i can tell you that i love it. But don't take my word for it since warlock is all i play since pandaria ended. Still, i love it - it has great ST dps, and very good aoe if you know what you are doing (+ the aoe mechanic is pretty unique - implosion).
>But even then, the mods of this general stopped enforcing the rules a long time ago
Veeky Forums.org/bans
Go to the 6th ban, the 30 day one. That was posted last thread.
Not saying I like his pictures, but wouldn't a rule like that pretty much prevent people from flat out posting actual races in the game?
don't kid yourself it's only ever above average on stationary ST fights
>Frost DK was virtually untouched
>BoS is still subpar and the ptr buff was nerfed
>useless talents that were buffed are still useless
The correct thing to do would be to not pull the lever, bring the one person tied to the track onto the other track, then stand in front of the trolley yourself.
Hi mabus.
you told me demo would be nerfed and affli would be the only viable.
new simcraft rankings show demo on top? did you lie?
>mongo specs thought they were getting buffed
us real thinkers who play rets are no longer underpowered and our characters match our intellects
*tips ashbringer*
What is there to explain? You claimed demonology would be "nerfed to hell" and that affliction would be the to-go spec.
But looking at the rankings you're clearly wrong, or did you lie on purpose only so I'd waste AP on the affli weapon?
>patchwerk sims
Why is blizzard trying to stop me from dropping ret? They keep buffing it. I have it at AK 25. I have a great transmog for it. I don't want to play a meme class. Holy shit blizzard, I'm not going back to ret.
STIO ufing my imagesd noobs
>his performance isn't very close to the patchwerk sims
ah yes I forgot where I was for a moment there
>ret buffs
>The damage done by most Retribution abilities has been increased.
rets were underpowered in most facets
>over a month later and shar'toss doesnt properly give the gold for killing it
Did you guys remember to praise your new WPVP gods today?
>the ptr buff was nerfed
No it wasnt
When is ghostcrawler coming back to wow?
When is morello coming back to lol?
I promise I will never again complain about balance.
Unholy dk is most fun. Don't be a meterwhore.
Class discord I guess. /wowg/ discord would be nice too since thread no longer has any info on OP
why would we want a reddiscord link in the OP?
99% of people here arent namefagging eceleb shitheads so its not needed
/wowg/ discord was attempted.
It was not nice.
Stop replying. The guy is samefagging and trying to force his discord garbage again.
>Don't be a meterwhore.
>this is what unholy DKs tell themselves now
did someone call you a dumbie? :(
Doing 500k ST breath spec with literally no idea what I'm doing on world bosses.
I know that's not amazing but clearly it's going to have it's uses on short ST encounters.
>on world bosses
At 890 ilvl you do 680k sustained ST dps with breath build
I'm 884 I just switched to breath and hungering rune weapon. I haven't bothered to switch to haste gear or proc sephuz
Unholy isn't even that bad right now. Then again I haven't looked at the patch notes. (EUfag here)
I know its probably not meta but playing Guardian with the astral/moonkin affinity you can swooce things from a mile away with your AoE moves.
So how does Acherus recruit new DKs?
Do they watch some worthy fighters who are dying in battle or do they literally murder high value targets, scramble their brains with microwave magic, and then raise them as DKs?
also no idea why it attached the image twice. Fuck this app
>Only 48 traits on my weapon
>Already 1 shotting noobs in instanced PvP
>tfw you know you made the right choice to quit after seeing the patch notes and stealth nerfs that weren't even in the patch notes
have you quit yet, /wowg/?
>Quitting a game you supposedly like because of a few number tweaks
I never got this.
It depends. They don't kill their allies but they have no qualms about raising them, so they usually keep tabs on powerful heroes. As far as I recall they sometimes kill enemies to raise them though.
Yeah it's fucking hilarious. Maybe I will actually get gladiator this season because of this trait shit.
>shitters leaving the game because of the usual balance pendulum
Good riddance
How do you grind so much AP , senpasu ?
>DK telling other to not be a meterwhore
>what is m+
so if i got a brawler's ticket back in mop, do i need to get a new one for legion?
how much are third legos dropping now