Ice waifu's booty edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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Talking about rewords, are there any rework you regret riot doing?
For me it's shen
Xth for Katarina
best girl
warwick is garbage wow what a surprise they pulled the old "yorick rework" trick again
Shen, Poppy, Talon, Vlad, Graves foremost, Rengar
I love new WW model
I was just starting, but I really liked last Ryze rework.
Reminder tyler1 did nothing wrong
>Return to plat
>People are worse
The pbe is taking it's fucking time coming back up.
Let me see the Nid buffs already.
>lol her ult is cancer
>they just make the whole champion into 1 giant ball of cancer
Yorick was the best rework yet you cunt.
Cute monster cuddles!
Shen is probably the worst fully-done VGU they've ever released.
Hell he didn't even get new voice lines.
fucking garbage
Xth for breast metal waifu
Are Kindred even worth trying? They're free this week, but all I hear is how bad they are
only bad ones were kog'maw which was undone and mordekaiser
I honestly didn't expect them to keep Warwick's color scheme blue with gold highlights but I'm glad they did
>they give her 5 more HP
>hehe there you go she's good now guys xDDD
Remember to save your replays and highlights from the last patch today. They won't be available after tonight.
sometimes i really miss old sion's goofy shit and how fun the full ad and ap builds were, but new sion is still really fucking fun and feels good, just for other purposes.
Mordekaiser is the only correct answer for this.
they will buff him and drink your tears soon enough user
>Warwick's leap increases with movement speed
hooo boy
Tyler1's fans were significantly worse than him.
forgot to take on loading screen edition woops
>oh boy can't wait to pop ghost and ghostblade and jump in 5 people hitting the maokai and dying
"Hey let's take Fiora and turn her into Irelia"
New Warwick is FAST, too.
He's like a Rammus on Roids.
>ywn see reginald on old sion
Feels bad man
wasn't this splash fairly recently too? feels bad when the artist gets cucked
>tfw we won't get a skin that's a tribute to his original default look
Kind of hurts senpai
>that 2000 unit gapcloser ult
>"Hey let's take Fiora and turn her into Irelia"
She's nothing like Irelia what the fuck.
This splash art was always one of my favorites, but damn if playing ww wasnt anything but a chore. If he was just a little more fun prior to, Id have mained him.
Why did they make his ears so long
It's unnecessary and looks silly
You didn't even play old Yorick. Piss off.
he's part bat too he isn't a werewolf anymore he is a chimera
>not using E to reset auto attack
absolutely disgusting
I'm also surprised because there's no "3rd auto" passive, or true damage so are they finally spicing things up?
I can't wait to see people do that too
It ain't practical but I can see some people doing funny shit with it too.
It fits him pretty well desu
The new kit is miles better aside from being percent true damage bullshit.
The visual update though...
yes I didn't and I don't play the new one too because it is as garbage as before
They wanted to keep him simple kitwise for new junglers.
The last thing they need to worry about some x hit passive %HP true damage shit.
Rammus rework when?
Sion and Shen, seriously what was the point of changing Shen?
ursa does damage he doesn't
Nah Rammus is alright
Warwick would be better if they didn't try to make him beginner friendly.
So now that we're calming down about the WW rework reveal, I'm just gonna repost this information that was overlooked in the previous thread.
Some people on reddit noticed something weird happening with Taliyah's, Ivern's, Camille's and Yorick's summoner icons.
All of their icons are a shade darker than the rest of the champion roster.
We know this is intentional because several of these champion icons were suddenly darkened in recent patches
old Taliyah icon:
new Taliyah icon:
old Ivern icon:
new Ivern icon:
Now, the champion list in alphabetical order:
This spells out:
what does it mean?
His ult is literally useless.
We should try to come up with the most cancerous variation of the new WW possible.
>passive also stacks to 3 times dealing % hp damage, healing, speeding ww up, and reducing his Q cooldown
So, how long will it take before new WW is gutted?
What it means is I'm not getting my mindflayer champion.
It means nothing at all
>not building full ap rammus
I feel like when WW is out, we'll get some sort of event with Zaun and Piltie. Maybe they'll darken other icons too and we'll get a spooky message
wow it is totally not like current warwick can do the same
Well, assuming that we'll still be in zaun come warwick rework, possibilities may be:
- new zaun champ
- another rework of a zaun champ
- perhaps some lore event involving zaun.
In the case it isnt city, its definitely hard to tell. I cant tell how those 4 champs could be linked in any way.
>hear hyena warwick laugh as he ults you from across the map
Please tell me this happens
>another rework of a zaun champ
i smell our crab god making a return
Anyone else think this new Warwick will be a better top laner than a jungler?
Imagine TPing into botlane with that W from far away then ulting the ADC
Arent they the latest champions added/reworked?
Galio is up next for a rework
adcs are a meme and should be removed from the game.
i'm worried about it too because riot always butcher champions who are not played in the role riot wants them too
bringing my rely to this person here so they can see it.
you're a cute adc clearing your lane before patching up at base when all a sudden this guy shows up on your dragon scuttle ward
what do you do?
Haul ass outta there.
spam ping river
keep clearing mid wave
sigh to myself as I hear 'ENEMY DOUBLE KILL'
Die. Then wait until I'm at 4 items and watch as he fades into irrelevancy.
accept my death
love how you keep posting it just to realize he will be garbage
Pray to every elder god he doesn't have Ghost.
>This is who I am
I like it.
I know how to balance ad lol
Remove magic damage from turret like it was fucking meant to be, Unless, it's like your specialization like ziggs. No sense having a xerath hitting a tower for 400, they're not suppose to do that
I want to dance with Orianna during a quiet cold long white snowfall.
>only 6mins
WTF are Riot becoming lazy?
I love how he starts off all beastly and slowly becomes sort of human and remorseful, as if he's still fighting back his monster side.
basic attacks against turrets always scaled with AP, its just that they split them to display as 2 damage types for some reason
I QSS, haha get fucke-
oh wait.
everyone will forget about him again after a week why waste time on lines
Also his actual VO is painful to my ears it's actually pretty awful,even worse than listening to Kled
Trick2g in my games again
Alright lads, who's this champ?
>Practice Mode assets added
he and sion should start a death metal band
fizz can play the electric banjoo
warwick has a nice tail :3c
they mutilated her