Anyone making money off Instagram?

Anyone making money off Instagram?

I am getting close to hitting 1k followers, adding around 20-40 new ones per day. My niche is travel photography and I am thinking how to monetize this (once I hit a few more followers).

I was thinking of approaching brands directly and offering sponsored posts (since travel is a broad field that everybody likes and most brands would want to be associated with, I can approach quite a lot of them). What's a CPM I should be aiming for? (I was thinking of $15 sub 10k followers and then up as a I gain more).

Anybody making money with insta and care to share their story/give input on my plans?

Sites like kayak,, Skyscanner etc. All have affiliate programs you can apply to. You also have camera, film, printer, gear companies to look up as well.

How long did it take you to get to 1k? How often do you post? Is it all OC?

I'll keep them in my notebook for later thanks! I was also thinking about general lifestyle brands (fashion, accessory etc.)

>How long did it take you to get to 1k?
I am posting since June, but I am using a service called "Instagress" for a little under a month and have since then gained 500 followers
>How often do you post?
Once per day, around the same time that suits most of the relevant time zones
>Is it all OC?
Yes, I've gathered some good amount of pictures from my travels so far, but I am going to go to around 8-10 countries next year so I am going to be adding more to that pool soon

i want to kill 2 normie faggots i know that have tons of social media following because they became famous minecraft players

life is a fucking scam i hope they get cancer

okay, but how does that make you any money?

Definitely what OP was saying. You need to have a lot of followers and do ad placement for companies, like wearing a brand name jacket or saying you shot this with a certain camera or phone.

hwo does not saying it make me money

the only way to get tons of followers is being a famous normie

My wife makes money off of Instagram in an indirect way. She has a business and uses it as a marketing tool to gain potential customers. Roughly 45% of her business comes from instagram.

This is also something I was thinking of doing, possibly selling prints and books on specific places/projects.

How does she have her shop set up (as a proper store page or just via a link in her bio?) and what kind of content does she post?

1k? that aint shit man, start talking when you hit 100k genuine followers not the bot shit

>only way to get followers is to not be a faggot
oh shit that's the secret eh

you should sell lil plastic business card holders that are like mini plaster folder sleeves but translucent so u can see nature

My sister does the same, she has almost 10k followers and earn no money so far, but lots of samples and indirect customers to her business and the sponsors.

kys mong

if you are not famous its imposible ot make money on the internet

>My wife

Post her tits, m8

I obviously wouldn't start with 1k, but I am planning ahead for the future
sounds interesting, but I'm not sure whether that fits in with the overall theme of travel photography and the lifestyle around it I am trying to go for


Clever shilling. Well played.

Thanks brodda

Be a girl with booking info

Add a business contact number. Have sex with arabs. Gl

A sex change is a hefty investment but I will consider it
I will add a number for Whatsapp/Line/Kik whatever at some point