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Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

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reminder that only elins are cute
every other race is ugly shit

Weekly reminder that i'm the the only one in dump who does BIG DAMAGE

are you a archer

I want to lewd some loli.

I'm a slayer named Red

your shit

But Red's a lancer main :^)

Post pretty pictures!


> I'm not a robot

At least keep your fetishes and degeneracy TERA related.

Can I pet this cat?

But none of his stuff is good.

The cat is about to go to bed, Sorry user

No biggie, have a comfy sleep.

Sleepy reaper cat sends her regards

Spank her cute little butt, then order her to stand against the wall, with her skirt raised, so that other people walking by can slap her ass if they feel like it.
If she insists on wearing such immodest clothes, another spanking is due, this time on her bare butt, while a small dildo is inserted in her ass, so that each slap you land on her behind shoves the dildo a bit further. Once you're done spanking her, after thirty-forty minutes of intense spanking, you pull the dildo out, and send her to the corner, with her panties still lowered to her knee, to shame her.

You can be sure she'll start wearing proper clothes next time, and stop showing off her panties like a bad girl.

Hey, psst.
Sticks and stones.

can i play as a loli in this gaem? Can i be lewd?


user please, that's far too lewd.

No, these shitty developers keep race locking classes to Male castanics only. It's fucking bullshit and I hope they make a class that available to females.

Is it possible for me to enjoy this game and not be a creepy loli-loving neckbeard?

I just downloaded this yesterday. Literally all the races I wanted to play were either little girls or female. god dammit

What is the rarest race+gender?

Does en masse have one of those charts like other MMORPGs have? showing which % of the server plays which game race

No, it's alright.

Yes. No.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty meh. You level way too quickly, so you miss like 99% of the quests. And the NPC you're supposed to like, Anya, is so annoying you'll end up disliking her.

>Literally all the races I wanted to play were either little girls or female
So what's the problem?

which server? I'm new too. I'm on the PVP server.


Holy shit

>finally managed to enchant my guile gear to +12
>itemlevel: 322
>sweet, now I can enter RM and hard mode dungeons
>body is ready for the gear mats grind
>my pc freezes so hard it literally crashes at the first boss in LKHM
>try playing it on the lowest settings possible
>game still freezes for 10 seconds at the time during the whole fight
>, well, as whole as fight that you can't even finish can be
>eventually come to realize that all the other dungeons will be like this
>which means I cannot do the grind I was both dreading and strangely looking forward to
>Ambush/Behemoth gear never

Feels bad man. I was really, REALLY determined to actually grind up on mats and craft me some good gear. Now I feel just... soulcrushed. Not only that, but I have enjoyed all the dungeons prior to these and knowing that I will miss out on all the content in the game from now on is just heartbreaking because I genuinely love this game.

Anyways, do I blame my pc for being a potato or the game for being optimzied like absolute dogshit?

Jesus christ

when will reaper be this broken in pve

Shut up and post butt


Você gosta dos meus peitos? Você poderia tocá-los, você sabe ~


blame both

I like high elves but hate their stance.
Also their area bit to tall and seem to mistmtach male high elves

que te jodan

>que te jodan
It's in Portuguese, silly. You meant to say "Foda-se"!

Você miserável pilha de vomitar.

Is interracial sex legal in Tera?

A year (2?) ago when pre nerf schm was a thing

reaper's been broken since release, enjoy being on everyone else's level for once

>on everyone else's level for once
but reaper is closer to bottom tier

lmao no, try running with numbnips some time, theres maybe only a handful of reapers who werent class carried retards that are still playing the class

I want to spank an elin and listen to her crying with her cute little voice.

is the elin imgur down for anyone else?

Only at the Interracial Breeding Grounds.

I think it might've been the angle, mostly, from the sides it's a bit flat in comparison to the thighs, but gah DAMN, if you get it head on, it's got a perfect shape.

Spank me

How do I get into a HH raid on CH?
I've got ambush and all that good shit.

Only if I can pump you full of cum afterwards.


If you really want to join someone's group, just stand outside the portal until they come out and then ask who to talk to about joining. If they're not complete assholes, they'll say something, but odds are they'll ignore you and just run back in. Check out LFG, sometimes they have runs as well. Not gonna lie if you're some lone guy trying to get into a good HH group, then good luck even figuring out who to talk to. Entering some group's inner circle is just the start, these guys practice this thing for several hours every day and you'll have a long line of DPS willing to suck all kinds of cock to join in your spot, so you'd better have the availability of an unemployed manchild with four spare pissbottles tucked away under his desk or they'll find somebody else who does and relegate you to a substitute role. Once you're there, have fun just standing around like an on-call nurse, unable to do anything because you're hoping they'll take you along. Even if you get in and win, you can enjoy looting against 29 other people and passing on what they tell you to pass on since you have no say in how the raid functions. Why anyone does this is a fucking mystery to me.

I want this!

You THINK you want that.

Anyone who doesnt have a personality and a good social network is totally fucked when it comes to HH. Anyone who treats people in their party like npcs are utterly fucked unless they have an impressive amount of skill that puts them in top the 3 of their class. Its the autist holocaust

Not like I wanted to do HH anyway.

I mean what defines someone as the best at their class?
I'm ranked third at my class on moongourd (for RMHM Lac since that seems to be the only one people seem to look at)
I've never made got around and talked to people at endgame besides my guild.
Thing is, most people who are the raid are people who are "worse" then me.
So i'm not really sure what I need to do.

I think its reputation more than anything, moongourd scores wont tell you much asides from how huge a difference party composition makes on dps (and whether you have healers that know how to hurricane). Certain classes have zero competition too, I know someone who was actually upset that he got rank 1 so easily after his first tryhard run on his class with how little competition there was.

Get the right people to notice you and you'll have a better chance, but generally that takes a lot of spending time with them to let them know you're competent and not a dickhead who will take brooch, backstab them and then run with other raids instead.

This is boring, post butts

pretty much this, you're fucked if you're an uppity cunt whos too good to talk to anyone or run with anyone outside of their perfect composition 5 man static. most of the time they dont even do that great dps in comparison to the 15 other dps who do more than them because the composition is exactly the same as their dps competition.


I got the uncensor patch and is it normal that the model is fucked up around the butt like that ? I've noticed its like that a for a bunch of armors too.

yeah a lot of outfits are messed up there


forget the pedo shitposters and play what you like. elin are fine, but elin players are fucking insufferable

Helves and castanics here are too though

are they? i didn't realise there even were any, never even seen them through the haze of "elin this elin that lewd lewd lewd"

Are you blind or retarded?

would you like to point one out?

This helf
But people who talk about what they wanna do with elins here mostly don't play the game

Ignore the first helf I guess, it looked like the same helf

someone pretending to be a br is pretty obnoxious i guess, but how is that worse than:
it's worse by volume alone

>two are talking about mods
>no idea if the rest even play
>elin players are fucking insufferable
I don't get it

should i say elin posters, then? would that soothe your autism?

Sure, but then what's the point of your original post?

All me

>forget the pedo shitposters and play what you like. elin are fine, but elin [posters] are fucking insufferable

it's almost as if it reads exactly the same

So what if elin posters are insufferable? Do you care that much about a general on Veeky Forums?

>being that autistic that you go and sort through posts to get the elin ones

the person i replied to did seem to care
pedo shitposters sure are defensive

post elin butts

Post butt

>video suggestions
Atleast they have some competition.

Did the Warrior buffs help them with tanking at all?

Dead game.

Dats gay


Any sluts around that wanna help me cum?

>Warrior scythe fixed so its significantly higher crit chance now in harrowhold
Oh baby, no more 25% crit chance scythe

The buffs raised the bar considerably for whats considered a passable healer too with how tight and organized the cleanse timings have to be, its going to be interesting seeing how the raids are going to fare

Yes, they buffed their damage by a lot from the front as well.

Hard content in a 30 fucking man raid is a mistake.

Its more like, why is phase 1 an asshole destroyer and phase 2 and 3 a fair bit easier. Phase 4 should be hard, else it'd be boring.

>people who could get away with being shit in a 5 man actually have to do something
Good way to weed out shitters

>content where the healers have to know how to heal, dps have to know how to dps, and tanks have to know how to tank
jesus christ how horrifying, why is this allowed? i demand free hand outs for dindus

But I'm all for hard 5 man content because it's actually feasible to get 5 decent people together and practice a lot.

HH is a form of difficult that was otherwise impossible to get in tera. If we had HH but only needing 5 people, it'd be incredibly simple. That boss is pretty stationary and has really slow attacks. All of its difficulty comes from the coordination of 30 people, and you cant replicate that with 5 man. Its an option that people can easily just ignore too, the rewards aren't all that great
>2% increased stats that make it unable to be liberated
>5 second longer qf brooch that only drops once per raid and you have to fight 30 people for

No one could care about the dungeon nearly as much if it were easy, and it'd be worthless for profit if it were so.

But you can have difficult 5 man content. IIRC it took over a week for people to clear SCHM.


Of course, you can. Just not in the same way as harrowhold. Early schm had incredibly tight margins of error for dps, especially if you didn't have one of the rare two lancers who had a generation weapon early on and could enrage the boss at 100% and maintain aggro. Warriors had an easier time holding aggo and couldnt enrage, but because of that you lost a significant amount of party dps doing so. They also got bled the fuck to death through block so enrage phase was an even worse dps race with insane pressure on the healer. Solo healing was the norm back then too so healers actually had to be good. You can get away with having top 5% of their respective classes for HH, but early SCHM you needed the top .1% for people to clear in disco which was the intended gear progression, or to clear with a warrior tank. Finding 4 other people good enough to clear schm was even harder and less feasible than finding 30 people good enough for HH. Most of the people that did clear ended up cheesing with as many pieces of +15 renegade as they could, or waiting until dreadspire handed out generation materials locked out by schm like candy.

I really do wish we had both hard 5 mans and hard 30 mans though, its just a different flavor of difficulty. Also makes me really miss pre nerf schm with its wonky tank balance

>beat Imperator again, just another guild quest done in a few minutes
>guildies all leave, you're the last dumb elin there
>about to go as well, when you notice movement just beyond the invisible wall separating the arena from the rest of Dakuryon's manor
>to your astonishment, the invisible wall is gone and you can move past it
>as you round the corner at the end of a long and narrow hallway, large rough hands grip your wrists and pull you down, colliding your face with the concrete. You let out a choked sob as warmth fills your face and your nose gushes blood, but the mystery person does not seem to care
>"Heh, heh, I KNEW you would come!" shouts a familiar voice, the source of those hard hands, they grip you fiercely and drag you, like a burlap sack, over to a nearby table. Allowed to face your captor at last, you see it is none other than Dakuryon himself.
>As he binds your arms and legs with his blood magic and then bends your comparatively smaller frame over the table with your rear end sticking out, he gives your ass a firm smack and says "Give me a moment ... I want to make sure your death is memorable." Then, to your horror, he rips off lower half of your expensive new dress, leaving it wrapped in tatters around your knees. With one of his massive hands, he gropes your ass and lets his fingers sink into your chubby flesh until finally those magical digits make their way to your panties. Brushing past them without a care in the world, he forces two of his fingers in your ass, completely neglecting your front just to be a dick
>he continues this until your body aches for more, longs for Imperator's engorged blood rod. He makes you beg for it, makes you tell him that you want it. Only when you're thoroughly broken does he say "This despair must be new for you!" before burying his fat cock deep in your aching elin breeding hole. He's not even halfway in when he triumphantly declares "I WILL RIP YOU APART!" and forces his way in to the hilt. He cums inside.