>think of all the women alexander must have fucked
>get jealous
>think of all the hair and lack of hygiene
>not jealous anymore
Think of all the women alexander must have fucked
He could have been homosexual, but yeah he surely banged some chicks
That's a homosexual meme
There's little evidence for it
No one was exclusively homosexual. Homosexual as a concept didn't exist until much later on. It was a hobby, then a sin.
>lack of hygiene
>implying Ally wasn't fucking high born qts
Nothing wrong with a bitta bush
Fuck off Foucault
>t. Butthurt bottom boy
>there wasn't a concept for electrons therefore they didn't exist
Alexander was gay with Hephastion from what i recall
They've had razors and tweezers since the bronze age. Also, it was legal to fuck 12 year olds.
He had children you retard
he might've been bi but certainly not gay
No need to be rude. I doubt very many people know about his son who died aged 13
>Not liking bush
Doing gay secs doesnt make you gay lad.
Homosexuality is an identity and nobody back then bothered to say "im gay, watch your pronouns".
Take Aquileo for example. He fucked woman and loved both woman and men.
If you want to be a millenial about it i guess you can call them bisexual, homo curious, panromantic or whatever
Tfw no qt Persian gf
Kek. Homosexuality and bisexuality are two very different things.
Being bi was fine, being gay however was not. Choosing the sex which doesn't allow you to procreate and spread your genes is literally the biggest sin anyone can commit.
>denying millions of years of genetic advancement simply because you prefer dicks
Put that into the context of all your ancestors who fought tooth and nail to survive to keep your line going till today.
It's truly sickening.
That's pretty spooky there, m8.
2soon. Also A _rod was def bisexual by our standards today, but desu Greeks didn't have terms for gay or straight. You just did what feels good
kek, is there an easier way to tell the Veeky Forums retards from the rest? Good job.
>Veeky Forums
Absolutely spooky, famalam!
>he's still spook posting
Kek. Literally on the level of Bane.
>Put that into the context of all your ancestors who fought tooth and nail to survive to keep your line going till today.
>It's truly sickening.
I don't get it, do you autists actually think you're making a point when you rape Stirner like this?
Surely the women Alexander fucked were well groomed, right?
Well, they weren't smelly, unless he was into that.
>posting spooks
>not a spook in of itself
Kek, you're all literal idiots.
>Put that into the context of all your ancestors who fought tooth and nail to survive to keep your line going till today.
You mean like literally every other person alive today? It's like saying "oh don't be mean to that woman, she's somebody's daughter" as if it made daughters more valuable.
>Doing gay secs doesnt make you gay lad.
>Homosexuality is an identity and nobody back then bothered to say "im gay, watch your pronouns"
>fucking a guy isnt gay
You are right in that which gender you liked to fornicate with didnt matter as much back then, only that you werent on the receiving end. Getting it up the ass or performing oral was something for the second rate citizen. At least in the roman empire, dont know as much about the greeks or macedonians.
As long as you got married, had some kids and provided for your family, few really gave a damn who you poked. Love wasnt a requirement in marriage back then, only that you provided for a sound future.
>think of all the women alexander must have fucked
He didn't have sex outside marriage. He was a disciple of Aristotle.
His relationship with Hephastion was not sexual either.
get out you dirty little namefag..go show off to your fucking fat mom...
>lack of hygeine
>implying you don't want your qts covered in sweet oils and then having it luxuriously scraped off to make soft, smooth skin
>implying your bitches would be getting sweaty sitting inside all day
>implying women wouldn't shave when their competition is little shota boys
The tooth situation might be an issue though.
>"oh don't be mean to that woman, she's somebody's daughter"
Kek, this kind of logic gets used all the time, especially by parents of daughters. Are you retarded?
Didn't they whiten their teeth with piss?
Supposedly the Romans did. Never heard it said for the Greeks, nor really heard it 100% confirmed for the Romans.
Still, best case scenario, everyone's breath smelled like olives, fish and wine.
they didn't consume sugar so their teeth were fine. plus they drank alcohol 24/7
I would guess they had basic knowledge of dental hygiene, I would guess the brushed their teeth but it was probably only with water.
I'm only guessing, we should probably google this shit.
and they didnt have sugar so that helped alot.
I'm pretty sure the Greeks, Macedonians and Persians trimmed their pubic and body hair.
Besides, there is nothing wrong with a hairy pussy/dick
I dunno. I know the Tahitians figured out charcoal use because Bligh and friends were super surprised at how fresh and so clean clean these random island natives kept their mouths.
Pro-tip if you're ever randomly transported to the past: burn some wood and rub it on your teeth.
>Pro-tip if you're ever randomly transported to the past: burn some wood and rub it on your teeth.
If I am randomly transported to the past, they would probably first notice my physical stature and strange body language, secondly they would notice how shit my teeth is.
>strange body language
My solution for this has always been
A) hope I'm not instantly shanked out of xenophobia
B) upon figuring out some of their language, tell them I'm from a land very far away
FYI for the Greeks, performing cunnilingus on a woman was seen as honorable, whereas receiving fellatio wasn't.
It had something to do with who was in control of the sexual act i.e. you getting a blowjob meant you could be controlled via sexual favors/were being dominated.
Or so I've been told.
you dont think our body language has changed in the last 1000 years?
If I would ask someone for the time, what should I point to? If I pointed to my wrist, no one would understand what I mean, secondly most would find it strange man couldnt tell the hour by the suns position in the sky.
There's probably many small bodily expressions we have today that have no meaning or different meaning to people 1000 years ago.
>he doesn't have a wrist sundial
Truth be told I can't imagine the kind of faggot who would actually have one of these. You'd better be a Veeky Forums-minded farmer or something to justify it.
Why do people think that ancient people were hairy savages?
Surely everyone know that Romans love baths and pride themselves on hygiene, do they think the Romans were the first to discover good hygiene? And Alexander was clean-shaven, as viewed in OP's pic, surely that is a hint that there were shaving tools back then.
>being a slave to nature because muh fee-fees and muh tradition
Truly sickening.
>think of all the boipuss he got
>become extremely jealous
the hygeine wasn't up to todays standards. so yes they were filthy savages compared to us
This. Bisexuality makes sense. Homosexuality is just being contrarian and an outcast.