very soon edition
very soon edition
is this the right patch to start playing ranked?
new Warwick has very cute tail and ears :3c
Udyr buffs when?
>that ominous music playing when warwick senses a low hp enemy
riot needs to add more music to champion abilities, it's cool
never ever
bard buffs when
>Tfw hyena is still the best skin
How do you make a skin so based desu
Xth for there's no such thing as luck on a large scale. Only stats.
There is never a right time to start playing ranked.
I agree. The sound and music sting that happens when Jhin opens up his ult is pretty sick. Sion's ult sound sends me into the same sort of panic Nocturne's ult does when I see it. "OH FUCK SHIT WHERE IS HE HELP"
why does that hair make WW look like such a faggy spakledog OC?
something about wolves with mohawks is just a huge red flag for me
anyone here buy an account on lol?
where are some good places?
literally a twitch
>space jin art
god bless
>Beating a Riven main in 1v1s even after she roamed and got early kills
>tfw she keeps trying to flash all in me and I keep destroying her and seeing her sperg out in all chat
>Vandal Brand hanging about
holy shit ww is busted
contest update when
Bull fucking shit you had 1600 games and 55% win rate and ended in silver.
You don't go 880 wins to 720 losses and not climb.
Post account name or you're just a heretic.
I got mine at lolskinshop. It said it was level 30 and it was actually level 15, but other than that everything was fine.
Oops this is in reply to
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
Lol cloud drake is actually useful on warwick
>getting slowly hunted down knowing youll never get away.
holy shit this champ is cool as fuck.
(from last thread)
Nope, 1600 games last season, 55% winrate, won my lane 95% of games and as jungle I always snowballed whatever lane was winning.
Still didn't climb out of silver. Luck is a huge part of it in low elo, as much as the platbabbies want to debate otherwise, there's no way to stop 3 lanes who literally have cerebral palsy from feeding the enemy 50/10 by the 25 minute mark.
that kind of sucks actually
did it have other shit on it?
Yeah and New Nasus splash is literally a Warwick amirite my man
Because that's a hyena and not a wolf. Google a Hyena, they have that fur that stands straight up like a mohawk. Rito just was exaggerating it.
Damn, son. That's bretty good. I hope it becomes a skin line instead of just a one off so we can get a full team of space pirates going.
I was actually wondering who that was in the background.
>silver is hard guys even for good players!!!
>brain dead silver player can't find his reply in the new thread.
Post account name for verification or you're just a liar.
Who is the best cat Rengar or Warwick :3
Do I buy Dark Star or Arctic Ops Varus?
>Implying this is any different than how Warwick was before
I literally played a game as Warwick a few hours ago where I built full tank and just walked at ezreal until I could auto attack him despite him flashing and Eing under the tower. Nothing has really changed, except now you can have your support stand in front of me when I ult.
we both know the answer :3!
Warwick isn't a cat you stupid nigger furfag.
i just realized
the fear ability is literally just voli´s E except it applies fear on champions
>those nails
gross desu
I'd say artict desu
Remember to watch their skinspolitghts
Don't say the n word
It's more like a better urgot ult
voli e does damage and slows for like 4 seconds. Pretty op.
buy snow day bard
Are you on drugs, dude?
>woah two champions have an aoe fear
>AND they can yell
>that's totally like far out
>totally tubular
>when Hyena warwick activates bloodlust he snarls "REV UP" as the engine starts booming loudly
>those fucking engine revving sounds on E
>first they nerf your shit then they steal your spells
Can I ask for a rufund of a skin on a rework like that?
for a refund token you might
this also applies to a successful dunk around minions
They could give him a more original ability, but i guess Riot isn´t very creative
So what is going on with the contest? Are 1st-3rd place locked in?
Should I buy draven?
fuck off bitch nigga
playing adc is boring anyway
>play adc
>get 2 shotted by literally anything
is adc the hardmode of league?
can you resist the urge to catch an axe when youll 100% get damaged if you try?
if you cant resist then no
That ability is pretty original. The only thing not original is that it's an AoE fear. If it was targeted you'd be complaining about it being exactly like fiddlesticks or nocturne. Why do you think there is never going to be any overlap at all between skills
maybe if we're lucky this will make marksman irrelevant
They were more original ways to design the ability
I might be able to. Does he do TONS OF DAMAGE?
>Things are going back to how they were in season 1 with ADCs going mid and APs going bot with a support
It's all coming full circle. Next, junglers will become the least played role again then we go back to having tank v tank top lanes
We're a year later since the Marksman Rework/Update.
Now we need another one because all these mages are bot lane.
>mages shit out damage
>they also shit out tower damage because lol what if ap was damage to towers
>there are far better tank shredders than adcs already present in the game
hmm, is this the beginning of a meta not forced by riot?
Is Rumble worth getting? His scaling seems good but I cant stop feeding.
Is the champ or is it just me?
I'd ask you for your input on what you think qualifies as more creative but you're probably not even going to give one.
Play him jungle retard
I remember when I was a trend setter in season 1 with my slick morg pick. I would destroy every ashe and my team would rage at me in champ select because we "didn't have any physical damage" bitch take an adc somewhere else I'm taking these ashes to the freelo bank.
not him but Riot often recodes and reuses the same abilities but they disguise it
>Zyra passive is just Illaoi passive
>Yorick W is just a smaller J4 Ult
>all those "walls" coded as minions
>Sivir spell shield is just banshee veil (same animations too)
>Tahm kench devour is just a faster Kalista ult
>Bard Chimes and Thresh souls are the same thing but with different "pick up" ranges
>Rek'Sai tunnel destroy animations are just the beginning of turret capture animations from Dominion
>crystal spires are the 3v3 control points
I have other junglers which I like more
you probably can't stop feeding because he's not easy to play
though if you get good at him, he's pretty ok now, though you get kinda shit on by shit like fiora camille
What If I´m making it right now? :v)
>all these mages
>not taliyah
I just seen Doublelift straight up lose vs. Taliyah APC and Karma. She was simply shoving waves like no other champion could. He just lost because he kept getting shit on by Taliyah and Karma while he was playing Caitlyn and had Brand support.
He is far better in jungle than on lane faggot
>Only mid-range flat ap damage
>Next to zero mobility
>No cc
>good scaling
delete this
>Lucian Q and Passive buff
As if he wasn't bullshit already. this is exciting.
Seriously thinking of banning Ziggs in my games.. this guy does way too much damage.
>lowest win rate adc
That's because people don't know how to use him.
He's not talking about it from a mechanical perspective, he's just complaining that two champions have an aoe fear. He might as well say "Rengar's roar is the same thing as Voli's roar except it doesn't fear" or "MF's Q is the same thing as Gangplank's Q except it hits two targets" or some shit like that. Some of those things I don't think it's at all a bad thing to reuse shit like Sivir spellshield being the same thing as banshees (?) or what you're saying about the chimes and souls. They're basically the same thing anyway and it's not as if it's glaringly obvious like the crystal spires are.
Honestly, I think people who complain about shit like this are just insatiable. Things can be alike without being the same and things that are alike aren't necessarily bad or not creative.
Not that guy, but no it's because he's trash in the current meta.
Only 3 more weeks of grinding until i can play Yorick
and you know right my silver friendo
right, the best adc players in the world, who basically played nothing but lucian nonstop for the last 3 seasons "don't know how to use him"
but i'm sure your experience whatever elo you're in proves me otherwise
When are we getting a fucking Jhin skin!?!?
but youll get a new annie skin next patch ok?
Are you saying that Olaf is bullshit as well? He's never played in casuals but he's always picked every year especially this last one where he was the top 3 picked/banned champ.
I've only laned with it twice, one for with and against.and I can agree he does a lot of damage.
The second time I saw it through (against it) I remember what qtpie said on the beyond the rift about not walk near your ranged minions and cyberbulying him, so I did just that and it worked out great with naut support at least.
be thankful he didn't get a heartseeker skin
I can't. Everyone must know of it.
it's literally counterstrike. Instead of dodging autos, it reduces damage taken from all. Instead of a stun, it's fear.
At this point I just want something else I don't want to be a cowboy anymore get me off this ride
Didn't anyone tell you he was getting that mediocre 750 SKT 1 Skin?
>Guy who's winning is talking mad shit
>He's on your team and tilting the shit out of the enemy
After I get a cactus Ivern skin where he wears a sombrero and dances the mexican hat dance with the jungle camps.
what if
>soulreaver jhin
>still no general jhin
>Everyone must know of it.
I want you to do and know something,
I want you to know that that build is famous as fuck and has already been spammed
I then want you to look at that build, its from ages ago user
Memes over son
That won't be out until the summer right? Jesus fuck
>mid range
>No cc