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Wild Ride Edition

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General guide, read before posting

>Quick Links
Tables: www.optc-db.github.io
Calendar: www.optccalendar.com

>One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.
If you wish to be added to the list put your ID in here.

>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

- Special Events -
>Dec 28 - Jan 15: Colo Batch- Apoo, Dorry, Rebecca
- Fortnights -
>Jan 4 - Jan 10: Prison Croc and Kraken
>Jan 4 - Jan 17: Whitebeard Pirates

- Raids -
>Jan 12: Heracles
>Jan 15: Ussop'un
>Jan 19: Ivankov

>Dec 28 - Jan 16: Colo Batch- Gladuis, Ace, Kinemon, Lao G
>Rotation Batch- Ain, Wyper, Binz
>6*+ Whitebeard material can drop in the invasion raids will be in Ray shop soon
>Dec 27- Jan 10: Shambles Tashigi & Smoker fortnight
>Jan 9: Zephyr

Other urls found in this thread:


>you won't believe this one weird trick that will turn 6k xp to FIFTY THOUSAND xp

Is there anything worth a shit to farm from Oars plaza
I still need to get Kizaru and Bluehawk but they're not super useful units like Lucci/Croc.

game is ded
thred is ded
global is ded

This landed me in first place in my friends list. Used a friend Zeff and didn't let any stage take 2 turns.

How to fix legbeard:
>remove HP modifier, that shit is for babbies
>make him a rainbow lead
>make him cerebral/driven since cerebral neads another lead too
here, fixed him

For the ranking:
I had a crew cost (including friend captain) of 68.
I hit all perfect.
Got 855k

The highest acceptable cost has to be around 70, when you hit all perfect and clear everything in one turn.

Reminder that you don't have to use a full team, 5 unit are enough.

don't know how would you kill butchie with a 218 atk qck fighter in that one turn

why is there no general for naruto blazing

I just powered through it using Tom and Ms Monday.
Its 15 stam so its not like they have tricks or high health.

cause that game is even deader than OPTC

>Reminder that you don't have to use a full team, 5 unit are enough.
Uh, no, because a stage can spawn with 6 enemies.

>Failed at the FIRST Red Force upgrade 5 (FIVE) times now

That's better though, means all the fails were wasted when it still has a low cost so you lose on less cola.

What is the "rare" int unit that drops off kimono? Directly right of zoro on the tips screen.

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot

Mirage Tempo Nami.

>I've gotten four Carnes before a single Zeff

Fucking hell

>poor, unfair droprates are a sign of difficulty and good game design
you must be 18 or older to post here buddy.

fodder team for Kuro ranking



can someone give me a good (non-legend) speedfarming team for Kimono fortnight?

>Double zeff
No one fucking cares. We already know this is literally the only way to do it.

>Zeff finally gives a gold light after 20 runs.


you can do a double Zoro with low-cost high-atk units too you retards

>newfags this assblasted
what a great day

I fucking love Baccarat

>Waaaah everyone uses a unit I don't have therefore it's impossible DX

A happy thread is a thread without mabel

the drop rates are the same as any other game with hard rng
Final Fantasy made it possible to steal extremely rare items from bosses and other creatures because it was difficult to do so. If the effort paid off then you got the rare item, if not then you ate shit.
Its the same concept here, only it takes into account that they cant simply give everyone anything they want with enough time like in home consoles, otherwise the game would be unfufilling and easy.

Youre the kind of player that is literally offended by the fact that the game doesnt give you everything for free and without effort, so consider your opinion discarded

Me and my buddy both pulled Blenheim last Sugo and planned to evolve him, I did it with this team and I'm rank 1 in my friendlist.

Got lucky, also this is the reason why I save "trash" Units, they don't need much exp and sometimes have their niche use.

Thanks for the 3 Gems Bamco

do you seriously have fucking autism stop posting this every thread mabel

This could work.
If somebody wants to try it, tell us your results.

>Implying anyone but me kept those ducks.

except youre wrong. literally no game with hard rng is considered fun except to cancerous MMO babbies who dont know what an actual game with difficulty is.
in a real game you get rare items when you beat hard bosses, and you get even rarer items after doing it a certain amount of times, or how by taking no damage/how fast you are/etc. not RNG. Imagine if Colosseum or 60 stam raids had the same drop rate as story mode, nobody would do that shit except the same autist who maxed out Story Magellan on copies alone, its not about having things handed to you for free, its about being rewarded for your time and effort you fucking dipshit.

maybe stop defending bad game models, hm?

I'd love to see a single fucking book.

it's been literally a fucking year since duck squadron nigga nobody has those

>in a real game you get stuff for beating stuff
like in both OPTC and FF?

>you get better stuff by beating harder stuff or by beating it faster
like in OPTC?

>imagine if colo was fucking terrible
Dont need to since it isnt

>game should reward you for time and effort
like OPTC? This isnt Destiny, user

Are you going to make a real argument or are you going to wait til your 18th birthday like a good kid and just shut up

Would be nice to see Ducks everywhere on my friend list

Kimono Nami. basically to v1 Mirage Nami as Sogeking is to GPU

both negate INT damage for a turn. but v1 Mirage Nami has a shorter CD while Kimono Nami has a longer CD but with extra effect on top of the negation, and better stats.

Would you mind adding me so i can double Blemheim as well?
314 495 791

>you get stuff for beating stuff
go tell that to people wasting hundreds of runs in Alubarna then, they should have 100 copies of Mr 0 now.
>you get better stuff by beating harder stuff or by beating it faste in OPTC
you get the exact same thing as everyone else no matter how you clear, and sometimes you get nothing at all unless its colo or Raid.

>completely dodging the argument because you know damn well if it was true no one would do it more than once
hows that shilling taste user

>implying feeding 30+ skillbooks for nothing is a reward

I see you're making no argument here just shitposting because someone called your game bad,fuck off back to /v/ and have a good day

>imagine if colo was fucking terrible
Imagine if story and FN had the same guaranteed rates for copies like colo, that would be a pretty damn good QoL change.

even if you take your time to change your IP, we still know its you replying every single time, so who is the autist here?
both of you are, fucking /co/cksuckers need to stay in your lane

>Kimono Nami. basically to v1 Mirage Nami as Sogeking is to GPU
This is a bad comparison, because Sogeking isn't viable.

Both Mirage tempo and Kimono Nami are viable. One could argue Kimono is even more viable because her cool down is 10, as opposed to 8. You very rarely need a damage negation THAT early into a run.

well, i wasnt so much talking about in viability, just in concept

Both units are pretty useless for semi-advanced players

The only use for both units was as a damage reducer for Aokiji and Zephyr pre-sockets

Atleast mirage has better stats

>i should have hundreds of mr. 0's
maybe if you played alubarna during a x2 drop you would

>you get the same thing as everyone else!
what do you want? a hug? They give you good prizes for beating tough challenges like colo, raids, and rankings. It may be surprising to you but you have to actually play the game for quite a while before any of that is possible, even with good RR pulls.

>doesnt like the FACT that the game has constant updates like colo and ranking to keep the game fresh
>salty that his every effort isnt rewarded instantly
Holy shit just give it a rest
Clearly you cant handle having bad luck at all. You have to realize that any challenge worth doing comes with risks.
You still sound like you just want to breeze through this game like any other cheap throwaway app. Sorry that it doesnt reward you for breathing every day (oh wait it actually does with the log in gem) but some of us want to spend our time on a game that isnt beaten 100% during a trip to the doctors office.

Are we still posting mission teams? I did the ranking with this team even though I hit 5 greats along the way.

what is it exactly about Zeff teams that makes them grand ol for mission

>maybe if you played alubarna during a x2 drop you would

I just got my first Mr. 0 last night after doing about 212 runs of Alubarna 15 on 2x drop days exclusively.

low cost unit but 2.5x captain

said the /a/utist always posting porn crops, primarily of sugar riding robin

oh yeah... guess that should have been obvious.

>maybe if you played alubarna during a x2 drop you would
dude holy shit stop posting

I agree sort of
Since theyre always there it makes it maybe a little too easy to obtain story units, but the god awful rates make up for it maybe a little too much

Yeah see this is what I mean. Just because the story units never go away doesnt mean they SHOULD be this hard to get, since you still have to ise stamina to get it.

>doesnt look at the rest of my post
you first

Can anyone put pappug the star as a captain please? I need to check if he works for the ranking

Wow, another... ZEFF team? who would have thunk. got me old brain noodle pumping

Implying I saved that shitter. Didn't think there could be any use for him.


Friend ID? I have one

>tfw hit all perfects during ranking and clearing everything in 1 stage but you get 4 fucking red orbs on all your green hitters and you don't kill Kuro in 1 turn and you get 840k points

If you had that particular socket...


It's up

934985512 thanks!

That's right with level one of cooldown reduction he could have used max Zeff special and turn those red orbs to green orbs.

How did you hit 5 greats?

I hit 4 greats with a lower cost team and only got 838k.

I am calling shenanigans.

i hit one great myself and got 849k...

>trying to hit perfects with diable sanji

On occasion I see colloseum teams that use Kimono and I think I saw one forest team use her.

i thought i was the only one always missing his shit

So should the Colo announcement be tonight? I feel like it usually happens on the 2nd to last appearance.

Hopefully it's Vista.

fucking hell this ranking was more of a pain in the ass than I thought it would be
I feel sorry for everyone without Zeff

i dont get why evolved zeff ca is worse than zeff

Hell I went and got myself a Zeff for this (he dropped first run thank fuck) and it's STILL fucking impossible. I've had runs where my crew cost is sub-45, cleared everything as quickly as possible and missed 1 perfect at most and still fall short. The boundary should be 800k, 850k feels borderline impossible.

I hit 1 perfect with a 55 cost team and got 857k
it's pretty tight

>cleared everything as quickly as possible
This can mean from taking a single turn per stage to taking two turns per stage.

If you fail to clear each stage in one turn, you basically fail.

guess I'm farming me a zeff today

Update about the pappug team with 4 crabs: I don't recommend it, you can clear the ranking but you must hit all perfects, get the baby turtle stage, and have awesome orb luck on both Siam and kuro stage.

Was fun to try tho.

Was about to post this
Its in the bag if you land django on turn 1, but if not then it becomes a nightmare

i use a slasher team with double raidhawk lead, 2 str slasher and 2 qck slasher. No need for stalling or whatsoever. Just hit perfects

can you post the team? I sort of dont believe you

Just use double MC, 3 STR hitter and Alvida.
Kill Luffy in 2 turns and don't get him



any Jap bros with Corazan mind putting him up?



Should i single pull in an attempt to get a Int Blueno for my new Legend Lucci?

Wait for which ever day of 2nd Anni has the whole CP9 batch boosted so you can try for either Blueno or Jabra at once. If the days' batches are the same as JP, then 3D2Y will be boosted at the same time, so you could also pull a Sanji.

Int Blueno is a poor man's 3D2Y Sanji
Wait for either of them to be a boosted unit in sugo.

No Blueno is worthless shit you must get 3d2y sanji otherwise your lucci team will always be shit! SHIT!

But it's fun and my self boosting orb users are doing okay with Squardo...

Guess ill keep saving for the anniversary then.


Gib stats. I cannot read Enel.

1.55x for shooter ATK.
1.2x for shooter HP.
-2CD at the start of the level.
Special cuts 7% of enemies HP.

>cannot read Enel

Is that a joke about Moon runes or because Kami sounds a little like Kanji?

Shooters' ATK up by 1.55, HP by 1.2. Reduces cooldowns by 2 at the start. Special cuts HP by 7%.

Literally a direct upgrade of the Ace boat.

post team that forest is aids

This is disgusting.