Does Veeky Forums likes black metal?

does Veeky Forums likes black metal?

fuck you gay death metal, "core"-metal, edgy fake poser shit; rap hip nogg music; fag mainstream radio songs

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no because we aren't edgy teenagers in moms civic

We don't need multiple threads for this

i saw that and it looks like only the ameritards know death metal and thats it

>im edgy asfk

lol hondas are gay, i dont care what you drive or what i drive, but you are just a pussy, i bet you you listen to the gayest shit down the road

[using keemstar voice]: you fucking nigger!

I listen to salyer when I want to go fast, but that's about it

>[using keemstar voice]:

BM is too edgy, stick to death metal

I do. :3

Nah, I like bare metal.

Yes. Carpathian forest ist krieg


Death metal is American, Black Metal is european



No, i'm not 15 anymore

Yeah, I cruise to Moonsorrow. Currently cruising with Jumalten Aika.

Call me a weak ass bitch, but I've always preferred music dialled a couple of notches down from black or death metal, constant howling or blast beats just stops being music to my ears

currently blasting Suppressive Fire, Nuclear Devastation, TBDM and the eternal Skeletonwitch.

saw them live back in october


also fuck your poser mainstream shit

carpathian forest is shit

i stick with the trve 90s demos and rehearsals

f off

Op here going on a ride on mums civic to get me so black cock as you can tell i like everything black even my cocks and tyrones know how to deliver

This. Black metal is fucking edgy tryhard shit. Death metal is fine.

i like fast melodic death metal
but if im driving for fun i normally stick some sick old dubstep or infected mushroom
all on my phone tho, car has no radio/speakers.

I do.

Not sure if shitty bait or underageb&.

Yep, my favorite black metal bands are Krallice and Deafheaven. Pic related it's me

Scene 50 Cent?

>these threads