>tfw it's not the Middle Ages anymore, Catholicism is not the strong religion it used to be, I can't just walk around and beat some Cathar or Huguenot without anyone saying anything, so I have no choice but joining Islam or some alt-right group to satiate my instincts of violence
Tfw it's not the Middle Ages anymore, Catholicism is not the strong religion it used to be...
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb frogposter
>actually lumping in the alt right with the radical Islamists
Kek. The alt rightists talk a lot of shit and do a lot of woofing but so far they haven't done jack shit but post stupid trump memes and black crime stats
Western right wingers are chicken shit pussies. Not that western leftists can really talk, they've degenerated horribly too
Wether it's ISIS on the right or the YPG/PKK on the left, they at least mean what they say over in the ME
It's a damn shame. Both the far right and far left in the west used to be pretty formidable before the capitalists and neoliberals watered down and ruined everything
>middle ages
>who is Behring Breivik
>who is Dylan Roof
>alt right
breivik is a whiny faggot who spends all his time bitching that they don't give him the latest PlayStation games in his pussy Norwegian resort prison. Even when they do snap and kill people western alt rightists are still utterly degenerate
Same with the western fags who join ISIS. Even if they are Arabs or Pakistanis or whatever growing up in the west still makes them a bunch of whiny entitled cunts rather than genuinely fearsome warriors
>tfw the "Dark Ages" proddy maymay still exists
There was a pretty big fight in Sacramento, California not too long ago. Antifa attacked a meeting of Heimbach's party, National Workers Party or something.
There is also all those antifa fights in Europe, but I don't know how ideological they are, and to what point its just people looking for a fight.
It's no surprise that the fights nowadays are much smaller, governments are much more stable than during the interwar, there's much more technology to maintain order, and standards of living are much higher too.
The less stable the country is, the more you see political groups engaging in violence, see Greece.
>epic street fights XD i worship mass murderers XD
edgy ass children
Sorry for the 6.10^12
sadly this
t. iron pill pro
u mirin?
>who is Dylan Roof
a boy with a bowlcut
what is this autism?
welcome newfriend
Does it displace the copper from the blood?
are you autistic?
all I am seeing is sanic tier memery.
do you know where you are?
> some guy who role played in secondhand militaria then blew up and shot a bunch of white people, mostly unarmed teenagers
> some kid who shot a bunch of unarmed black churchgoers
Are those seriously the best 2 examples you could find?
I have no idea what this shit is but it's hilarious.
hey I made an edit like that years ago
>he genuinely doesn't understand why Breivik and Roof chose the targets they did
>Islamist shoots up memorial service yelling ALLAHU SNACKBAR!
>this is a lonewolf psychopath not influenced by a larger ideology islam is a religion of peace not all muslims okay
>Basement dweller incel with a bowlcut shoots up a church.
>this was a message. a message to his legions of followers. those creepy white people plotting to lynch black infants at during their klan meetings. they're everywhere. these alt-rightists infiltrating america will stop at nothing until every non-white is dragged through the streets straight to the gas chambers. we need gun control NOW!
> those kids needed to die because they'd grow up to be left wingers
> it doesn't matter that Trump voted for and donated to the Democrats and Hillary herself, people change! People's politics change!
Alt-right "logic".
>missing the point entirely
>being this normie
>accuses others of being normies
lol u mad
You must be confused buddy.
Breivik targeted those "kids" because they were the next generation of leftist leadership in Norway, the type of people who go to organize ANTIFA groups and become leftist college professors.
Roof was an accelerationist who targeted innocent black people to exacerbate racial tensions and set the mood of the nation toward race war.
aka a fancy way to say autist
Why good does it do anyone if they change their minds in thirty years after the damage is done and the war is already over?
Better to kill them now for the damage they do now, than wait a generation to see if they develop regrets in old age. Peter Hitchens already exists after all, we don't need another one.
Go on then, explain your point. Or are you honestly sugsuggesting that the hand wave excuse for Breivik mowing down a bunch of white people, is they were the kids of left wing politicians and would have followed their parents footsteps?
Is this guy missing the point too?
Basically, accelerationists on both sides of the fence are absurd and usually work against their own interests.
llearn to spell then first maybe ill think about it
autism is dangerous yes
There is literally nothing wrong with killing the children of leftwing politicians. They already have the blood of thousands of children on their hands it's only fair they get a taste of their own medicine.
It's only fair that Pharoah's firstborn die as well.
> llearn
> ill
You first.
So I you're off to kill Trump, when?
What does killing Trump NOW in 2016 have to do with the price of tea in China?
Is he an old politician like Ted Kennedy responsible for destructive policies that have been in place for decades and claimed countless lives?
Is he some young up and comer SJW activist college kid with political connections who is doing damage in the present day?
I genuinely don't understand what Trump has to do with anything or how killing him would help politically or bring justice to the world. What is going on in your head user?
You misunderstand me, Veeky Forums is a board of peace, we abhor violence and would never hurt anyone here.
At the same time though let's call a spade a spade, while I would never push Ted Kennedy into a wood chipper, or suggest anyone do so, I would shed no tears if he somehow found himself pushed into one.
sure thing whopper jr
>Is he an old politician like Ted Kennedy responsible for destructive policies that have been in place for decades and claimed countless lives?
Yes.The guy has been a democrat his entire life, has given them thousands of dollars in order to get their candidates in the White House and as a result of both given them moral support. Anything the Utoya campers deserve for what they MIGHT do, Trump deserves for what he HAS done.
>Veeky Forums is a board
ya u mirin
Nope, mixing Christianity/Catholicism with this pagan /pol/ shit makes me cringe.
is /pol/ hiding in your closet too?
There's a difference between contributing to politicians and being a politician friendo.
You might as well start shooting voters if you're going to shoot contributors.
Frankly you're just being silly if you're going to equate political donations with political activism.
>Breivik targeted those "kids" because they were the next generation of leftist leadership in Norway, the type of people who go to organize ANTIFA groups and become leftist college professors.
There were (and still are) plenty of actual jihadists operating in Europe. Why not take a trip to Antwerp?
>Roof was an accelerationist who targeted innocent black people to exacerbate racial tensions and set the mood of the nation toward race war.
So instead of shooting up a crack-house, he shoots up a Bible-study class instead?
>You must be confused buddy.
The only common thread here is cowardice -- rationalizations for attacking weak, defenseless people because the actual objects of your hate are just way too strong.
Do you make this? Because there are numerous errors in the text.
In the 9th panel where they say "Heill og sæl" it should be "Heill og sæll" since "sæl" is feminine and "heill" masculine so you're mixing genders implying you're addressing two diffearent individuals.
"Ráðseyjarsundi" should be "Ráðseyjarsund", since the -i ending suggests the accusative case which is not appropriate here.
And most embarrassingly since the author tries to be condescending about translating it in the fourth last panel it should be "Tveir fuglar með einum steini" since the accusative is needed for the "one stone". But this is not an Icelandic phrase and a more appropriate one would be "Tvær flugur í einu höggi" or "Two flies with one swing/hit".
no i didn't make these
>why not shoot jihadists
because the only reason jihadists exist in Europe is because leftwing politicians allow them to. Kill a handful of politicians and ideally the political balance shifts so jihadists can be deported, kill a handful of jihadists and the politicians just arrest you and nothing changes.
>shoot up a crackden
Why would a race-war start up over a few dead crackheads moron? The whole point is to commit an atrocity in the hope that a cycle of escalating reprisals occur culminating in a race war.
I don't understand why people have a hard time grasping this. Especially in the case of Roof since he went out of his way to commit a deliberately inflammatory atrocity.
>hurr it just shows you're weak and the enemy is strong
No one attacks the enemy where they are strongest moron. NO ONE.
How is it silly? The activists cant do jack shit without the donations. Trump made sure ads for Hilary got aired and shills get paid for correcting the record. Trumps money did that. Trump did that. Trump is just as responsible.
Yes, because as the history of paramilitary activity in Europe clearly shows, killing politicians helps to promote your cause, while killing the terrorists attacking your people just destroys popular support.
a-at last I truly see
I like yours the best