is there a good youtube series or something
is there a good youtube series or something
driving sims
actually driving a real car
get a crappy project and go to town
They ded, son?
At the worst, you can sign up for a driving course. They'll either be offered by local insurance companies, DMV office or community college.
And then practice. Driving a vehicle requires a level of confidence and familiarity you can only get from practice. You have to drive to get good at driving.
My step-father never cared...
You have to do the real thing and practice. There is no shortcut. Video games and videos can't give you feedback. There's more to driving than driving. You have to get a feel for the car so you know the space it takes up and how you're going to park it because parking is so hard to do when you're learning when it seems so simple
Are driving lessons scams or not
Are they Veeky Forums approved? Or will pajeet only teach me bad habits?
No driver trainers are absolutely retard tier, they can barely drive themselves
How do they get accredited then
is there a good youtube series or something
Driving school
Are they scams or not
Some people are saying they are.
In my experience,
The online course material is a scam, as most of that info is easily available. But certain states (assuming fellow burger) require you to take some online courses before you can get a permit.
Actual driving lessons were extremely helpful for me, as my father wasn't the most available or patient, understandably so. If possible, have your father or grabdfather, take you to an empty parking lot and get used to the car, then move on from there. If this isn't possible, I only had like 3 sessions and 5 hours of behind the wheel and was able to get my license no problem, from there just practice being cautious and aware of everyone around you. Gl.
I'm in Canada and it's in class and in car lessons. They're also certified by the ministry of transportation so you save on insurance if you take lessons. Like $500, though.
Driving lessons are good for insurance discounts in a shitty place like Ontario (driver training counted as 3 years experience here for a G2). When the driving course is ~$500 and you would normally pay $300-$400 a month on insurance from the start, any sort of discount is going to be huge as a new driver.
it was helpful for me regardless since my dad didn't have time to teach me. But it's really more for practicing how a car feels rather than learning. I ended up learning more things from Canada's worst driver instead.
Go to a driving school with good ratings. My parents both tried to teach me, but weren't good teachers, went to driving school and got it nearly instantly.
Jewtube cant teach you how to drive, only getting behind the wheel can do that
Just fucking drive, senpai.
1 - Learn the rules of the road - Signage, merging rules, priority roads, passing rules, signaling before switching / turning, etc.
***** HINT: Don't be a pussy, have confidence that you will be a goddamn master, just know everyone makes awkward mistakes at first.
2 - Learn to operate an automatic vehicle in an empty area or parking lot. Then drive it in suburbia.
***** HINT: Always look all around you and know where other vehicles are and what their intentions may be.
3 - Drive on highways and in town.
4 - ???
5 - Become Drift King ®.
If you all actually payed hundreds of dollars, or will consider driving school
You are seriously fucking cucks and should neck yourselves
>l-look how cool I am, guys, I didn't go to school, haha!
No one fucking cares, mongo. Did you drop out of high school, too? You type like a retard, after all.
Back home people just go to driving schools because they know the folks in the local DMV so you get a guaranteed license on top of the lessons.
I didn't but such is life in a third world shithole but eh.
my parents were shit too, just steal the car and drive it in a local cemetary
No one else will teach you, right?
Then go to a driving school.
Trips don't lie.
I bet you don't even have a license you filthy immigrant
the way I started: get the driving simulator, and play around a bit to understand how a car works, before going to driving school i already had in mind how and what works, then once you sign up for a driving lesson, ask the instructor anything, don't be shy, ask him, how should i press gas and let go of the clutch... anything you can't do or anything you're not confident about ask him, then just get a low budget car and practice driving.
good luck
On mobile don't care
I actually do cunt. I waited until I was 18 to get so I just walked into the dmv
Payed 33$ took the written test, passed, took driving test, passed and got my license. No fucking school required
Pay for formal instruction. End of story.
>can't even spell "paid" right to save himself a letter
>believes himself superior
So, you dig ditches or occupy a jail cell as a profession?
Kids in the 70s sure had tons of youtube videos showing them how to drive
Maybe that's why they were such niggers
Serious, non-troll answer. Your dad teaches you. that's one of his jobs. Not kidding.
>mom was a single parent because dad had no sense of responsibility
damn i want a poster like this
Driving school sounds good. I don't know why you didn't just take the class in highschool though. Mine was probably the best class ever. You sat in one of these dark portables and there were little car terminals everyone had to sit in. We all watched the screen and the program would run to see how we'd react in driving situations. It was kind of like a big multiplayer vidyagame. I'd imagine today they're much cooler.
Then we'd sit around the class and wait in groups of 3 to go out on the road with the instructor. I remember exchanging worried looks with this QT sitting in the back while this retard was braking hard and throwing us all over the place in the school Blazer.
Have you seen this man?
In my state it is required to have X amount of hours (6 or 10 hours if I remember correctly) at an accredited driving school before you can get a permit.
I never took a class or anything, my parents road with me while I learned in a shitbox geo prizm.
I'm about to take a defensive driving course though. 95 USD for a 6 hour course, and then I'll get a 10% discount on my insurance, which will be about 150 USD a year in savings.
>tfw someone near you had to make a conscious effort to learn to drive
The control method of steering wheel and pedals exists because it's the most natural way for your body to transmit instructions to a vehicle. It can be picked up instantly and if you don't "get it" within 10 minutes of sitting in the driver seat, you never will. Your total lack of hand-eye coordination also illustrates inferior genetic stock and should be sterilized to ensure a future for humanity.
I played racing vidya as a kid, with a controller and NOT a wheel, and mowed the lawn on a riding mower. The mower was good for steering I guess but has no foot throttle and the brake is nothing like a real car. That was the extent of my driving education before I climbed in a car and got my license at 18 years old. I also flipped through the DMV book so I'd be able to answer the questions on the written test, but I knew it all already from being observant when I rode in the car with my parents.