/srg/ Speedrunning General

AGDQ (Awesome Games Done Quick) is the main focus for now. This is a week-long speedrunning event for the Tech Setup Foundation.

Current game is Sleeping RPG Simulator
Next game is another boring RPG game that's Co-op followed by games noone cares about

Schedule: gamesdonequick.com/schedule

Stream: twitch/gamesdonequick

Useful speedrunning links:
speedrun.com/ - Has most, if not all records of runners doing certain games. Many runs have a recording so you can learn what the runners have done.

tasvideos.org/ - Tool-assisted speedruns. Shows how a game can be run in optimal conditions. These videos are usually useful for learning routes and certain techniques.

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>you will never be cucked at a GDQ

why even live?

you all want to be bubbles so bad

Kill yourself

>bubbles plays yet another modern AAA game in a prime time slot
>it's a trainwreck

The black guy is waiting for the fuccboi to fall asleep before he steals his wallet.

>tfw the run is so bad it stuns the entire crowd into silence

this commentary is so fucking bad