I love Lissandra! edition
she's perfect!
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for breast metal waifu
hello newlolg friends
pay respects to the cutest comfyest lolg couple~
What does /lolg/ think of this? I'm the maokai
I want to MATING PRESS Kled while Trundle fuck me in the ass!
Yasuo is cancer
Nth' for warwick confirms lamb is scarier than wolf
>go into a popular(ish) lol youtubers discord
>the youtuber is online and in vc with a ton of the people
>join the call
>weebs talking about how theyve "lost their sanity" as the youtuber awkwardly tries to change the subject
I could fucking HEAR how fat the people in there were
>tfw playing velkoz mf botlane with manly adc husbando
Hey friendos
I know I do this everyday, but i'm in need
so post G u r o smut for me please.
I have gifted skins and champs for it, and I'll gift you for it.
You did okay, but they're super retarded for focusing you instead of Soraka.
>lvl11 against a bunch of lvl7-8s
Gee what am I supposed to think?
>webm of a champion that gets picked because it doesnt die
>webm is about said champion not dying
You gotta add Nasus dude he's got some pretty nice buff thighs
Threadly Reminder:
Its pronounced EVE-lynn not EVUH-lynn or AVA-lyn, or Ev-lynn or whatever other retard pronunciation you sheeple think it is.
Did Maokai get a fucking size increase or something? He looks massive.
>want to play a relaxing game before I sleep
>get a Jihn that starts Dark Seal
>he only has ONE image of his couple
you cant be comfy unless you have at LEAST 10
i hope you go out into the world and start calling everyone eve-lynns. don't be a sheeple. fight the man.
Which champion has the biggest donut butthole?
I'd say Hecarim, I bet he get turned on a lot when people look at his ass.
calm your tits. they will probably nerf that AP ratio as soon as they see everyone building AP in PBE.
vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA vg v vg up on NA
go to sleep
Hes a big guy
What the duck is in it for ME?
Any PBEfags in here? Can warwick actually work as a glass cannon or does he need to get tanky?
qt on serious tilt huh
Where the fuck is Annie.
Why did we go 5 smite? What were we thinking? Did we expect to win? Or even to have fun? Did we expect anything at all?
Lamb butt.
Veeky Forums games are about as balanced and questionable as I remember.
Vel'Koz, Zyra, Teemo, Sion, Patheon, Sion, Illaoi, Trundle are better supports than Leona, Nami, Lulu
Do the Platinum mains ever to go sleep?
It's no fun playing against a stacked team of plats that talk to each other Discord and have plenty of experience playing together.
Merc Threads, Master Style, Annie Bot, etc have all proven their point that they're better than 90% of Veeky Forums. How many bronze baddies do you guys need to beat to be satisfied?
Late night matchmaking is a sight to behold.
Lissfags are as bad as the Ezreal/Talon GAYS in this thread
No you mong he's saying that Wolf isn't scary.
>annie bot
what the fuck is this post
am i just tired? what
>Quit vaping twice before
>Sold off all my gear
>Wanted to get into again
>Just spent $650 for everything I need (all high end gear)
>Pretty sure I have a problem
> I've never even smoked before, nor do I vape nic I just like the hobby aspect and getting breaks during my 12 hour shift
Why doesn't anyone ban shyvana? She can basically farm all fucking game then shit loads of damage and can't be killed. Even if behind.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA
>quinn playing vayne edition
>Merc Treads
>Annie Bot
>playing vgs
>anyone actually using voice comms
>high elo players in vgs
>actually trying (other than master sissy)
this is the lowest elo vg vs vg i have ever seen
>annie bot
Not possible, I'm not playing.
the only stackers are Style, Gumi, Shibbs, and Moosh
guess what the results are whenever these four are playing vg vs vgs at the same time?
if theyre ever in game you KNOW theyre going to be on the same team, all of the other regulars like majin, welding, and imthem join and actually move themselves based on ranked
Obviously the Diamond Smurf Merc Threads will win.
can you guys ever play fair?
Building Glass sounds awful even with that 50% damage reduction. You need a fair bit of tankiness to get full use of your lifesteal in fights. The 100% Ap ratio on his q might make some cheesy burst builds possible but with the whispers of the jungle income nerfs that are coming that might only be possible in a solo lane.
wow bro u must have the fattest rips
elisefags are as bad as lulufags
dude what
merc are you trying a new drug
There's something off with Shens kit.I'm thinking he plays like a fighter rather than a tank, yet doesn't have the numbers or abilities to be an effective tank, nor does he have the abilities to be effective 1v1 as a fighter. I don't know if it's the way Q works or how lacking his E is but something not right. As if I'm too reliant on everyone else doing better than I am to be useful.
I haven't experienced this same problem with Poppy or Malphite and I can't figure out why.
What you guys think of the new Lucian skin?
Leave lulufag alone he's my bud
Darius support never loses!
Who the fuck are these names.
Why do you assume anyone besides yourselves cares who you fucking are.
>the Ezreal/Talon GAYS
but thats only me? thats my exclusive ship
"Hey is there any chance I can have mid"
"o-oh ok"
every time.
Nowhere near as persistent or obnoxious.
He popped up over in Korea, didn't he?
then tell them you got auto filled and can't anything but the role you que'd for
What's a solo laner that can farm well even when they are being pushed?
I'm trying to learn top, but my CS is always way behind and I suck at fighting 1v1. I'm always being pushed and unable to farm or poke or make good trades.
ImThem builds something retarded and feeds 90% of the time. To his credit, the more stacked his team is the more retarded he'll act.
>tfw im to nervous to join the league discord voice coms
all these (((riven))) and (((lee sin))) mains in silver
why is kayle such a slut holy shit
Well kill the koreans then
It's not even an "I hate playing against this" thing. I'm a fucking Malzahar onetrick and I'm not about to deal with him being pick/ban AGAIN. I thought the hype after the rework calmed down and I could just play my champion all the time again. Fuck this.
irelia is good under tower
but you should just get better at keeping the wave balanced
then you leave lissfag alone, hes MY bud
Sure thing, lissfag. And by chance ur not same fagging, he's a literal nigger you know
>only pure waifu in the game
not how it works bub, angels are virgins by default, anything sexual happens to them and they automatically become like morganna
Havent you tired top warwick my dude? Its fucking gross. Youre only limiting his gold income taking him jungle
why is malz support a thing now and not as much after his rework. he could've done the same thing then?
the only thing maybe that some of the mage supports aren't as popular right now with redemption, and mage supports are the best for laning against malzahar
If malz support becomes big, he won't get banned because people generally don't like banning supports.
Pick a champion. Not just any champion, one of the last three champions you played.
Got your pick? Good.
Your Champion is now the protaganist of the Witcher 3.
How do they fair in their new setting?
I dont care about skin color, I just admire his dedication
how the fuck can you say you love your waifu when you dont even have top 10 mastery points on her
lissfag is cool in my book and not lazy like most of the trash waifufags on this board
I'm willing to play any role but adc, try to make yourself more available than making it seem like you're just trying to get your one tryhard role.
I feel like whenever I leave tower the enemy top laner always has the upperhand in fights. I can go all out on them and I'm more damaged than they are or even when my jungler ganks they always escape with less than 100 hp left. They'll play a champ that can poke me better than I can harass them.
This land is mine!
>There's a third one
what the fuck i just found out about the second yesterday
what's wrong with adc?
You're probably just new to the role. Top is all about details.
>waifufags who don't even play their waifu
Absolutely disgusting.
But he should just add all the links out of courtesy to people who want them. Not like copypasting them takes effort.
I do.
Nothing, I just suck at it.
>waifufags who dont even have lvl 7 on their waifu
worthless desu
but honestly tho I think the memelinks are stupid, like if you visit this general you KNOW what those links are and if youre new to the game you should just be playing instead of looking through random links you dont even know how to navigate through for information you dont even know how to apply
>It's a Lulu support that insists on Flashing into the middle of the enemy team and ulting herself
>It's a Leona support that rush mobility boots and Deadman's plate
>It's a shield/heal support that goes full AP with no support items other than sightstone
>niggas keep taking my images
wai tho?
thats like the third one out of the many personas I have on /lolg/ where someone jacks one of my pics
>80 cs
>get an S
moby rush on leona is completely acceptable