CLANG edition
CLANG edition
udyr buffs when?
i made this, do you guys like it?
Should just have League General /lolg/ and it would be good op image
>shit posting /lolg/
nice meme my friend
Are you lying to me? I literally just asked him
No this is Dawngate mourning thread
Tell me a secret
Even with the entire roster I don't have mastery 1 with half of them
I like that lamb vagina desu
She holds the key to my heart in her back.
another option would be shit posting general
>tfw too intelligent to ADC
>no corki to represent the helicopter
Why the fuck do people keep making these fucking retarded images of sad frog harming feels guy? Fucking edgy 15 year olds on r9k thinking they make good memes. Or any memes at all.
>Not "Wish I could turn back time because now the guilt is all mine"
is it too much to ask for your solo laners to just break even
That depends, is their jungler ganking their lanes while you farm? Are they playing a champion that can't snowball 1v1 and can't play safely 1v2?
Since the warwick rework doesnt look batshit broken and have paragraphs and passives on every single ability does that mean certainlyT is learning? Is he getting better?
Sell me your favorite toplaner, so I can find a main
>Has good lategame
>Decent laning phase, doest have to good, just not bad
>Good at teamfights
Who is she/he?
pretty gud user
Poppy. Hard to kill early, huge teamfight presence with a lot of disruption, and lategame she can reach almost unkillable status.
I want to massage Janna's ears!
Honestly I want to think yes. I'm actually really hyped for the rework which is a surprise. I hope that the Galio rework will be just as good.
Amazing early game, if he doesnt outright destroy someone he whittles them down and cs's fine anyways
Multiple cc abilities, if ignored does teamwide % damage, if killed continues zoning and threatening the backline
Infinitely scaling health, Huge ass stuns never stop scaling
>Dominant early game with Fervor and Ignite
>Huge midgame powerspikes
>AoE teamfight damage
>Kinda falls off, but Titanic empowered W will still make squishy carries want to kms
Ult wins fights late.
You don't have to win lane.
Literally ult the enemy carry and win.
I am not that shitty lissfag that should kill themself.
>late game
you need to be in every thread if you want this to catch up
What's the best current ADC? I main Jinx but I need to take a break from her. Is Jhin good enough?
I remember people going apeshit
Reminder! There's nothing wrong with your waifu dating other men
If you are a dirty fucking cuck.
Vayne or Jhin desu
Vayne because she can self peel herself from the 5 assassins the enemy team picked and solo tanks.
Jhin because "lol xd *twirls gun* FOUR!!!!"
Shoot yourself
dude fucking fat crits what else do you need to know faggot
I'm not cuck! I just realize that Zac can make riven more happy than I ever can!
>Being a cuck
What are you a pussy?
>see a kat that i got fucking destroyed by not too long ago on the opp team once more
>this time theres no fucking nocturne
>treat this match like ranked
>their team is saying theyre flaming like no other
>absolutely stomp the shit out of their fed ass
>post game lobby
>"how'd it feel to be crushed?"
>they say nothing and leave
i feel it. oh i really feel it
i feel that anger from the other end of the planet. felt so good to kick their ass
Shoot yourself. You've posted this exact shit before.
>warwick's hyena skin has a V8 jammed into his spine
vroom vroom
fuck off neils
For Hyena Warwick we added some unique VO lines and kept his unique laugh emote. We however didn't have a laugh on Q or his Ult which a lot of players are rightfully sad about. We will be adding laugh VO to his Q, Ult, W activation AND when he kills someone. Hopefully this will retain the feeling of the previous Hyena skin. We will also be giving him unique or recolored VFX across the board as well to better fit his thematic. As for pre-rework Hyena's unique run animation, new Warwick already has a run animation when he hunts. In the place of a run we added a unique Engine rig to his back that has unique engine animations that don't exist on any of the other skins
That is the definition of being a cuck you fucking autistic no life fuck.
>Corki has outclassed every non-Ashe carry
Wait, he was viable once?
Whats in the box?
Corki was meta like three fucking times at least.
>he is so new he doesn't know corki used to be by far the best carry for 4 years
Why are you guys so rude?
Something shitty.
Crocket has always been viable. He's been top tier several times. He's that adc you can't hate desu.
Why are you so autistic? I legitimately don't understand why you would be posting this shit and acting like you're on furaffinity.
Because you wont realize you are an autistic cuck with no life, unless we abuse you.
>getting cucked by your waifu
>not even an Ahrifag
Shyvana is for consensual cuddling, not for mating presses or rage sex
>Wait, he was viable once?
He's viable right now. He's one of the few hybrid champions. Suffers with the old Miss Fortune problem of only dealing damage if you build AP BUT He doesn't actually have that problem becuase you can build him full AD if you want but you waste a lot of stats if you do and even then he's still good.
You just build AP items on him, primarily; Liandries, Sorc Boots and Void Staff if you need it. You always pick up a TriForce on him.
Right now his damage output is insanely cancerous. Pick him mid. He's retardedly safe because of his W, it's literally a get-out-of-jail-for-free card.
Giving it attention only makes it stronger.
Let's talk about how I somehow completely missed Riot gutting AP Ezreal and playing him was like driving nails through my shins.
Playing Ezreal.
i fucking hate poppy
day 1 buy
I legit think corki is not that bad bot lane right now
he shits on vayne in lane
A carry that isn't particularly good right now is beaten by a carry that isn't particularly good right now.
this guy will never be fair
Lamb Butt
>He doesn't have it already
>He's not laughing like a hyena right now
off topic, but guys what estrategy do you use to cut the shit that is stuck to your ass?
warwick is a pretty boring piece of shit right now don't even meme at me kiddo i been playing this shit since season 2
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
Please take a moment of silence to appreciate all the pastas support has given us
Post your top 3 mains in order
Others guess elo and whether youre serious
I love Yasuo
hi silver
>People playing botlane with AP carries
Will people start playing shit like Quinn and Corki top? Would that even work? Major point for ADC is tower taking potential after all, so would it even matter where ADC is played?
Will Quinn get buffed in the rumored ADC buff wave? Man id love the birdlady to be even more stronger
Tbh I like that Riot actually takes the time to respond to these questions.
if you look closer he isnt sad hes glad.
>Will people start playing shit like Quinn and Corki top?
>Will people start playing quinn top
>where she already excels
>and has done since her initial release
>will corki be played in top
>when he's already being played in midlane
>and has one of the highest winrates
Vi,Kled and J4
i feel like submitting a ticket
what should i ask and how should i word it?
No, it's because ADC is in such a shit state that dual poke bottom lane can do more than an ADC + support. ADCs are almost all too vulnerable while AP bottom lane can poke from afar and all shit damage.
anything as long as its not too weird and not too complex to answer
Your elo is like high silver
Darius, Vi, Illaoi.
Well in competitive(LCS and shit), you see all kinds of stuff in ranked/normals after all
So, what's the best Kat skin?
warring kingdoms
Never as long as this madman exists to abuse them
Slay Belles
why does yasuo get free shields
literally how do i win trades
If your favorite champion were a YouTuber what would their videos be about?