Why are Volkswagens and Audis more expensive to maintain compared to Toyota and Lexus?
Why are Volkswagens and Audis more expensive to maintain compared to Toyota and Lexus?
Several reasons:
>Audi tax
>VAG doesn't really manufacture parts within the US
>VAG cars breakdown more often
Because you're a burger and VAG doesn't have the manufacturing capacity in the US to make parts and have to ship them from Europe.
GM cutting corners and telling Germans to do their usual over engineering with a lesser budget than they're used to.
They also feel incredibly cheap. My friend has an Audi and it felt like being in a base model Toyota Camry.
VAG and german cars in general require special tools
GM has nothing to do with it. The only German company GM owns is Opel, and they're fairly low maintenance, reliable, and cheap to maintain.
Audi is owned by Volkswagen though. VW also owns Seat, Skoda, Lamborghini, Bentley, and Porsche.
More like Porsche owns the majority stake in VW.
which owns Porsche
>JD power
>radio not loud enough is the same as engine explosion
how about consumer reports then?
Yes, Porsche owns Porsche.
>american stats
We are people like you.
Because they break more
Maybe if you don't know what you're doing.
I've spent no more than $100 repairing my A4 since I bought it almost 2 years ago. Shit, the oil is more expensive than the repairs.
There's so much information available online that there's really no excuse other than mechanical skill or physical disability to not handle repairs yourself. Then again, the people who do buy luxury cars don't care about money and have the funds to repair them. The people who don't shouldn't be buying these cars in the first place.
Maintenance is viewed differently in Germany. There people actually follow service intervals. Amerilards tend to just put gas and go, then cry when shit breaks.
This is bull and everyone knows it. IF anyone thinks the Cayenne is anywhere near the reliability standards of a Lexus RX they can go suck their own dicks in a gay bath house.
>if you don't check your tire pressure and get an oil change every 15 thousand miles your VANOS electrics will break and your coolant system will fail
My mother's A4 needed constant repair before it was sold.
The final straw was the water pump bursting for a second time in 80k miles.
Because Germans are shit at engineering.
Because that's how it should be. We're in 2017.
because they break down more