Canon edition
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Lucina and Azura are shit
Fucking lucy fags
>Canon edition
Someone is gonna get really mad at this.
Felicia is my wife. She's with me on every single map I can have her on.
Love n' Peace!
>tfw forgot to talk to Merlinus
>Fire Emblem Musou gets announced tonight
>Fire Emblem Mobile gets a trailer this week
>Fire Emblem 15 for Switch gets teased tonight
Which would be more exciting for you?
I genuinely do not get excited about new Fire Emblems anymore since Awakening basically rebooted the series, I just come here for discussion of the older titles.
>new fire emblem game gets announce
>/feg/ will be re-surged by all of the people who left during Fates reign of shitflinging
Yes please... even if only for a while...
FE 15 tease would be exciting, though I would prefer it for 3DS and not Switch. I could care less about Musou games and I don't play mobile games.
>though I would prefer it for 3DS and not Switch
Then you faggots shouldn't have pirated fates so much. Nintendo has slowed down 3DS release almost completely now because poor pirate niggers have to steal everything that isn't nailed down.
There's going to be a resurgence of the shitposters who used to run cuckmemery etc into the ground but got bored of Fates and left, too.
>Akaneia/Fateslandia Musou
>shitty f2p mobile game
>rushed piece of shit
How about option D, none of the above?
Silasfag and Camillafag never left though.
I love Hana!
>Then you faggots shouldn't have pirated fates so much
but I have never pirated anything user.
A lot of the faceless anons did. There used to be a time when literally no girl could get posted without a few cuck memes following soon after. When near-entire threads from start to finish were filled with derailments oriented around shitposting a given waifu (threads were much faster then). That stuff just doesn't happen anymore. Or if it does, it's in very small doses.
Haven't played FE7 in awhile but I thought there was another way to get him again?
Camilla a best!
I only pirated Birthright and Revelation
Good man. This is pretty much the best way to get the most bang for your buck. Conquest is the true FE14 in my eyes.
>Look mom how hardcore I am
trip back on spíc.
I think you just get him a few chapters later
Conquest has by far the worst everything out of Awakening, Birthright, Conquest and Revelation with the sole exception of comparatively good map design to the other titles in this group. Pretty sad that this is the best Fates has to offer.
You get the guy automatically at castle caelin
Maybe the next game will be better
>look mom i posted it again xd
>>>Fire Emblem Mobile gets a trailer this week
>getting excited for Japanese mobile games
>getting excited for mobile games in general
nice meme
I wish the Revelations route didn't have so many gimmicks chapters
Which girl do you want a tittyfuck from and why
Conquest's story and characters are by far the worst of the three routes. Not to say they're good in the other two, the writing has been godawful through out the entirety of the 3DS era, but it's at its absolutely worst there.
What's a meme is that Conquest supposedly has this "fantastic" gameplay. It's better than everything else the 3DS titles have to offer, sure, but it still pales in comparison to the rest of the series.
>This is the discourse Fire Emblem has become known for
Thanks for selling out, IS. Thanks for associating my once-favorite series with this sort of degenerate discussion and making Fire Emblem an embarrassment to be associated with and a source of ridicule.
>What's a meme is that Conquest supposedly has this "fantastic" gameplay. It's better than everything else the 3DS titles have to offer, sure, but it still pales in comparison to the rest of the series.
This whole sentence is not an argument and doesn't prove anything, try again later.
If you people would actually play the older titles, you'd find yourself in agreement. Even our resident Camillafag has said as much for fuck's sake. If a waifufag can get it, I don't see why the rest of you can't.
>implying anyone except you cares
Yeah, but which girl's cleavage would you stick your dick in?
>our resident shitposter
Who cares what a shitposter thinks, or someone like you who'd cite a shitposter.
Fuck off to discord Delphicuck
Oh boy, another tired bogeyman post. "Delphikek" for anything relating to the 3DS games being awful, "Silasfag" for just about everything else.
Trip back on
Just ignore it. It's Drill shitposting
I don't even get why people try to pull the "Delphikek" thing. Delphisage is at least man enough to post with his trip whenever he does post.
I love this cute tsun so much! I'd never marry anyone else!
Why is this even a thing?
Nintendo apparently thinks it's wise to put all their eggs in one basket.
You know you're pretty much a fucking meme at this point, right? You literally copy-paste your posts every thread you have a chance, it's easy to recognize them because a condescending asshat that is so unironically elitist about anime videogames is not as common.
posts like:
>Welcome to neo-FE...
>Can we all agree that 3DS FE ...
>This is the discussion nu-Fire Emblem...
Are all you, and don't even try to deny it when you always use the same words an ""arguments"". You even samefag pretending to be new-fag that asks for the quality of Fates in the same threads just to give yourself they answers you seek.
Look at this:
>If you people would actually play the older titles,
See how mind-bogglingly retarded you sound? I know this might sound strange to you, buddy , but FE is just a videogame that anybody can play and beat. But since waifufags are the bane of your existence they are the only ones that disagree with you and the only thing they care about is their waifus. My poor sacred cow!
Not to mention how amusingly moronic you are when you simply can't find faults in older titles and anyone that points at them is just a "butthurt awakening baby xd". Also you never back up your claims and only use straw man for the sake of ""winning arguments"".
You're just a living joke that comes to this place just to regurgitate the same shit while hoping to make others as miserable as you are. Consider suicide.
Calm the fuck down and go back to jerking it to your waifu. They're the only reason you and your ilk even "play" Fire Emblem in the first place, and we all know it. I don't even give a shit if that's your thing, but know your fucking boundaries and don't overstep them.
Peri is MINE
you're wrong and also stupid and you need to calm down
Oh, it was just Drill falseflagging as the bitter oldkek. My bad.
You can have her.
I like Hana
>I unironically like Kagero for her personality
not an argument
She's cute!
What the fuck is this post attempting to convey
[Insert character here] a best
Everyone deserves their own Peri
Who getting /comfy/ for the switch presentation here?
Infinite Peris. Infinite Laslows.
>user tries to preserve his love for his waifu
>"nah cuck everyone can fuck her"
Do you just live to shitpost? Go back to your shitty chatroom already stupid cuckposter.
i can tell from reading his post there is no point arguing, i'm just saying that he is wrong because there is more than one person in the world who likes the old games and wants to see gameplay discussion and improvements. in fact last night there was a whole bunch of that from a lot of different people. also they both are just autistically mad and bitching and nobody wants to read that so i think they should calm down.
Inigo a best?
Kagero is nice too.
Everyone a best.
It's also supposed to be a parody of the threadly begining posts
>this level of bait
Please don't mock me I am autistic
>he unironically believes what tharjacuck says
>tripfags are getting riled up again
I guess I need to start posting more pictures of certain Owain cosplaying faggot putting black phalluses in his mouth. Maybe this time I'll try other boards...
Cum inside Kiria
Ah, my favorite meme samefagged conversation. In 3.... 2... 1...
How about you fuck off?
The best solution for all of us
>because there is more than one person in the world who likes the old games and wants to see gameplay discussion and improvements
Which goes beside the point. Take Delphisage for example, he loathes 3DS FE with all his soul but he does more than just copy-pasting his opinions while whinning all day, he at least has tried to generate gameplay discussion about older games and the like. The whinny faggot i'm talking about never tries it and just comes here to complaint like a brocken record about things everybody has talked already. Doesn't help that he's not seeking actual discussion and constantly evades giving actual answers.
Post your Fire Emblem Games Tier List
Take your pokemon garbage to /vp/ tripfag
How about you back that shit up. Cherchefag will suffer if you continue. Do you want that, Lasi"bro"?
Mokushu must have had a great time with her
The ones I've played
Oh come off it, faggot. A year or so from now you'll be reminiscing about how great the BLACKED memes were, just like you were about Brady/cuckposting.
Lasigo is right though Silaskek.. Fuck off with your cuck memes
Sleepy Kagero is cute.
S: Thracia
B: 6 & 7
C: 8, new mystery
D: PoR, Awakening
F: Gaiden
haven't played anything else
Next time I play Birthright I might go for her, considering how much Hayato sucks in that route.
It was fun to fuck with Bradyfag. The rest was pretty autistic. I wxpmained that once. Remember it for the next time
>Awakening F
>Birthright B, Revelation fucking C
>Conquest S
Literal meme tier list. You get all of your opinions from /feg/.
Pretty solid taste
You too, even if I disagree with PoR being so low.
lol i don't think anyone cares my dude