Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
how do I become popular at my locals
I love animal ears
suck up to your token top player
Give out free blowjobs
>want to have fun in SFV
Be a girl
People throw games for girls.
is it rude if someone says "hey" to you and you ignore them
next sfv waifu reveal when?
are you guys watching agdq?
they're playing mahbel
how would you feel if you said "hey" to someone and he ignored you?
Soon. That russian blonde chick is basically a shoe-in for s2.
And being a blonde white girl, she'll be at least good, if not OP
Play Rammy of the turbulent wind's game
>tfw cammy is just a better Karin
>want Yun in SFV
>captcha is choose palm trees
thank google
How do I win matches in KoF98?
>tfw you'll never be her rashid
why live bros..
Why doesn't she just wear a bigger dress
Why is it still so hard for Guilty Gear to get players despite Capcom totally dropping the ball with SF5?
Where are your trousers soldier.
God I hate this outfit
>regular military dress uniform
>whoops I forgot my pants
Do the stuff in How to Win Friends and Influence People.
I'm here.
cause street fighter has this passive ability where people think that they are actually good at the game. Other games punish bad players harder than street fighter.
They think that they have good defense and/or decision making until they play something else
1. The anime artstyle, that alone is more than enough to drive away most people and ensure even more won't take it seriously
2. Lolsorandumb characters, moves, and fighting styles. People enjoy Fighting games because it's a focus on Martial Arts and such, an occasional weapon or gun is good and gives variety, but people driving mechs or giant robots and other weird shit is a turn off
That's really it.
lmfao, those IDIOTS in the fgg discord have NO SECURE INVITE function anymore
ANY retard can get in now
worse waifus
you dont get dedicated players in soemthing like fighting games just because people are disenfranchised with whatever is their main game, you need to appeal to them despite their feelings on the main game, this holds true for anyone transitioning to any other game, you cant create a loyal player who cares to improve because hes mad what he wants to enjoy, he has to just enjoy the game hes playing
it also helps to have a community worth joining when these communities are so much smaller, for instance the kof community has basically killed its own new game due to lack of caring, and gg fans are pretty vitriolic even to other anime game playerbases
i enjoyed this filename kenposter
just going to lie in bed for a couple hours, the anxiety of possibly not getting a T7 release date is getting to me.
No one cares about the discord or about you slim
martial arts is boring at, speak for yourself
>People enjoy Fighting games because it's a focus on Martial Arts and such
Where the fuck did you pull this out of your ass from?
lmaooo what the fuck
>do neutral jump next to Urien while he is getting up
>he does his EX unga bunga headbutt
>Karin's hitbox isn't big enough to hit him
i am getting fed up with this fucking game
Because you can get wins by learning how to fireball and DP in Street Fighter.
You actually have to learn the game properly to win against anyone in anime.
I actually enjoy fighting Urien and Balrog.
fuck Laura though
Not enough money in it
Fear of trying new things
There's some money in anime but it's mostly funded by the community.
>No way! It can't be true!
They shout, as SFV continues to gain players and stay alive while GG dies off. Don't ask a question if you're not ready for the answer.
There's a guy on my Steam with over 1k hours in SFV who I asked the other day. He doesn't like the game but keeps playing it regardless, I still don't get why they don't branch out. I think maybe they don't want to start from step 1 with a new game again.
Let me guess, you play a rushdown character?
>see my opponent do an unsafe jump on my wakeup
>implying i'm not gonna smack him out of the air
>make poor read
>dont get what I want
>complain on the internet
sf5 sucks lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo
What's the point?
Once the mods have another autism attack, wont they just kick everyone they don't like again? Assuming that his is temporary.
>braindead chun shitter whining about no infinitely safe pressure anymore
Learning how to throw fireballs and reversal is not learning how to play the game properly?
Guitly Gear isn't new by any stretch of the imagination. The franchise started at around 1998.
Because besides KI it's the only fucking respectable game to play.
Face it, people don't fucking care about your randomass anime fighting games, that's just how it is. SFV is one of the few fighting games with legit western appeal and because of that westerners will continue to primarily play it. If Microsoft wasn't buttfuck retarded and locked KI behind Windows 10 only and maybe threw it on Steam, SFV might have some competition.
That's the beauty of it they can't seem to re-enable their powers
day 3 of finding nobody to fight in KI EU. Shadow lords is actually pretty fun, AI is not good at fighting mira
what martial art is rashid doing?
what martial art has fireballs and tatsus? Stop being so dumb you dummy. What part of street fighter is gaining players?
tfw you use the offensive crouch
This is a thread only for day 1 Urien mains
Everyone else can leave
>join it because expect people actually playing games
>check brief hour of messages
>people calling others nigger and talking about non-fg stuff
>has an actual dedicated channel to one of its members
>brief look through all the channels shows no one asking or playing fighting games
And they said the circlejerk doesn't exist
this pretty much.
it's always weird seeing guilty gear players cry about sf5's coinflips when the entire gg franchise was founded on coinflip mixups.
i stoppedp laying ki when they ruined cinder's bomb loops tho.
fang, so kinda? It's not a character thing though, I just like blocking Urien's overheads on reaction, it's satisfying. And you can bait Balrog the same way you could in 4. He's cheap in the corner and shits damage but I feel like he needs that.
how did urien get buffed
why werent people complaining about him in season 1, he had the same aegis mixups, right?
been playing him since SF3:NG buddy
Got a few bucks to spend for dead fighting games, 9 go out for Arcana Heart, any others I should get?
I already have KI, SFV, Xrd:R, BBCE, Melty, KOFXIII, Skullgirls and Vanguard Princess.
And I suck at all of them
Koihime Enbu
Cummy Blasterz
Probably because there's 6ish ways to defend in GG but 2 in SFV
Koihime Enbu or KoF2002UM
It's just the act of having a more realistic fighting style, it doesn't have to be super realistic obviously, but the characters are (for the most part) dressed naturally, they fight with their fists and feet and pull of various different close combat moves, etc. GG and BB you've got people summoning robots and riding scooters or using magnets and shit like that, it's weird and dumb to most people.
yung daigo is travelling to some yuropean event next month, not a ranking event tho
I think KoF, Tekken, maybe MKX are all good games too.
I think what some people might complain about with SFV is the lack of defensive options. The game is pretty decent but it's easy to find flaws.
Cummy Blasterz
laura had the same mixups and damage in season 1 but nobody complained then. When you have to actually guess people get mad
i've complained about laura since day 1 as a bison main
Discords never benefit a general, never. Just ask /ssbg/ for a testimony.
>day 1
my dreamcast is older than half the people in this thread
i'd still rather have sex with a woodchipper than join a discord with you outrageously homosexual virgin loser nerds.
no offense
>how do I become popular at my locals
Be a streamer or commentator.
No skills and all the glory
>tfw afraid to join discord because I'll probably be kicked again
How many people have been playing since 98? How many people have tried playing GG seriously?
It could be the 100th game in a 100 year old series but it'd still be someone's first. SF is safe
Not to mention all the people terrified that every game other than SF is "dead"
Hell you have people pretending like MK sells like shit or that Tekken is unpopular.
there's also less offensive options in sf5 than gg so it works out, no?
Sure man FANGs fighting style is super realistic. Juri also does some textbook tae kwon do. Its also incredible how balrog fights just like how tyson used to fight. Vega jumping off of walls just like they do in spain
Your reasoning is so stupid I don't know what else to do but point out how dumb it is. Street fighter is popular cause its street fighter. People know the name and its easy to look at its as simple as that
>6 ways to defend
Then why is the game turn based fighting where one guy pressures while the other one watches ?
just block it and receive your free 350 damage you mong goddamn
There are very few actual coinflips in GG, there is usually a way to both correctly defend and a way to punish whatever he's doing.
Like the classic Millia oki disc into overhead/low loses to reversal blitz.
Which game are we talking about here?
that's the event last year where poongko shat on everyone
And reversal blitz loses to her baiting it.
>plays a hype technical character
>is japanese
>i'm in my late 20s, balding and cant get out of super bronze hell with necalli
It's not fair..
all fighting games
>he doesn't have asian hair genes
sucks to be a white man lmao
How much are you practicing
Also just shave it off pussy
Fucking annihilated
>tfw love Xrd but don't really have a character I enjoy playing
This hurts the most.
China is an idiot with almost no awareness of what's going on.
I like Sajams idea for John Tbh. The kid should get sponsored and be presented as an idol. The little japanese girls will eat him up
Stop playing Grapplers
Not necessarily in Revelator with charged blitz.
This guy wanted to make me try Rashid, I couldn't do his crush counter eagle kick punish and gave up
People are upset at SF5 because it's revealed the true nature of fighting games without the veneer of complexity that other fighters try to hide behind.
The truth is that fighting games require no skill beyond the first knockdown. After the knockdown is established, it devolves into a coin flipping game. GG tries to hide it with defensive mechanics that result in the same coinflip, but with a different coin. 3S tries to hide it with parries, which force a coinflip in order to flip a coin.
The cat's out of the bag, folks. All you can do is wait for Riot Fighter to revive the FGC.
I actually got Revelator (I do enjoy SFV though, just wanted to check out GG), my thoughts:
-way too many fucking mechanics to learn, the tutorial kind of made me want to quit on the spot
-some characters are so fucking dumb, bedman has to be the dumbest character I have ever seen. May is a dumb lolli fanservice character, why the fuck is she in a fighting game. Faust? Like WTF
-some characters are really cool, Zato and Ramlethal look amazing and I find their move sets really cool and unique. Pro players playing Zato wets my pants
-you can do really cool combos and be very creative, this shit is awesome
-very small community so you only face players that are godlike, no easing in like in SF that has a relatively big player base. It's harsh
-the graphics and music are amazing
-the anime style is way over the top for me, I wish they toned it down a notch
-the vortex/set play is very strong, meh
-overall I do enjoy the game, but I don't think I am going to spend a lot of time gitting gud at it, just way too time consuming