In Louis the XIV courts, they had no toilets

>in Louis the XIV courts, they had no toilets
>people were free to shit on the floor wherever they felt like
>King Louis himself had a chamberpot, he would often meet guests while defecating into it. It was considered a great honor to be greeted by the king sitting on his "throne".
>they sat aside to store all the feces cleaned up from the rest of the palace
>once this room became so full that the ceiling broke down and all the content fell into the level below
>enemas were also a popular way to treat illnesses in his court, female courtiers would sometimes instruct their servants to publicly apply enemas to them

Tell me again how the present is degenerate and we are regressing from some great past.

French nobles have literally never not been "degenerate", especially the Bourbons.

Still, most people who nostalgia over the past have no idea what they were in for.

Thank god for the revolution
I know it was two Kings down the line but there is no reason for this shit

Mostly nostalgia

Like how losers in the city think the countryside is some arcadian utopia where we'd accept their autism

And rainbowfarts were the common kind of farts

Please give me some respectful sources for this claim. Otherwise, you may sound like certain youtuber

he make poo poo?

wtf I hate monarchy now. Better exterminate an entire class of people, butcher thousands more, and start a European war!!1

>spot the monarcuck

"pajeet, mon fils" would make a great title for a book about earmy modern indo-european history.

Not him, but I thought it was common knowledge Versailles smelled like shit and those people were disgusting in hindsight. Just google "Versailles toilets".


It's spooks all the way down, children.

Le poo in le loo?

>shitty republican propaganda
As bad as monarchism

"Just Google" isn't a source.
Versailles was pretty disgusting because people had a different perspective on hygiene and because it was crowded but we're far from the memes.

Found the Jacobin

The french vicotries of the revolutionary wars shows how superior a merit-based promotion system is compared to a class-based one.
Loyalists BTFO, someone please give a ferry suscribtion to Louis XVIII. Let's raze Lyon and rename Grenoble "Grelibre".

If anything, the fact that they believed that miasma entered the skin via the pores, and so avoided baths (that opened the pores) and put 2cm of make up everywhere didn't help their hygiene. Same for flea-ridden wigs.

Also Henri IV, despite being called "Le Vert Galant" (a.k.a. as casanova grampa) is cited as absolutely reeking by his mistresses.

>Discussing poo and calling cucks eachother
This thread is literally /pol/ tier.



But French were introduced toilets by Poles earlier.

>In many aspects, Polish culture had a positive influence on France. At Wawel, the French were introduced to new technologies of septic facilities, in which litter (excrement) was taken outside the castle walls.[19] On returning to France, Henry ordered the construction of such facilities at the Louvre and other palaces.[19] Other inventions introduced to the French by the Polish included a bath with regulated hot and cold water, as well as forks. Henri III (1551–1589) [...] he is widely credited for having introduced the fork into France

Why didn't they use it?

>female courtiers would sometimes instruct their servants to publicly apply enemas to them
Tell me more

They often deviate into crony capitalism not "merits" as this so called Jacobin claims.

They did but it wasn't nearly enough in the overpopulated Versailles.
Water was a huge logistic problem.
The rest in all meme.