/dg/ - Destiny General
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WOW! Its literally fucking nothing.
Not like we expected anything.
Rest in peace Jack and Dane.
You're a pretty cool guy
Friendly reminder that if you are a nigger, you aren't allowed to play this game.
Yes that applis to you ThunderTouch.
Yes that applies to you SkittishBeans.
Yes that applies to you John Selected. Argentina is not and never will be a white nation.
Which ones are bottoms?
You too.
I made this general.
Thanks zippy
I post in this general.
>page 9
I reply to this post.
How many numbered titles do you think will we get before Destiny gets mechs/power armor?
>thread might finally truly die until either an april update or Destiny 2
what a time to be alive
Justice ain't gonna dispense itself..
3 or 4.
>4 posts an hour
Top fucking laff
>still no Iron Banner Rumble/Skirmish
Easier to ask which aren't.
>ib rumble
>everyone but first gets medallion
imagine the plebbit tears
Anyone for challenge of elders? It's grenade kill bonus this week so it'll be stupid ez
>IB rumble
What're you retarded?
youre stupid ez for even asking LOL
no he's desperate, he literally has such shit swamp internet that if there's too many people in the tower he lags out
Maybe but it won't be for a bit.
Delicious, unless they make it work as it does for bounties, where top 3 are technically a win, not just first
No, and it would spice things up a bit instead of Control, Clash and Rift
xbone raid?
, baby,
>page 9
now remove all of the players that are irrelevant and the ones that don't play anymore
There'd be no list.
well considering they all don't play the game anymore they would all have to be removed
the fact theyre being mentioned is coin to the fact theyre relevant still
It's high noon somewhere in the world...
>No, and it would spice things up a bit instead of Control, Clash and Rift
No it wouldn't, it would literally make IB matches where only one person can win, you're a moron and you need to kill yourself yourself yourself.
You could have at least read the first part of that post and realized what I said could work, but instead you just want your team to carry your ass and call me a shitter
Pic related, it's you, get out
>You could have at least read the first part of that post
I don't read memes, fuck off Jiro.
No, it's coin to the fact that no one else cares about epeen
>I don't read memes
Your mums a meme.
If one of us leaves we could get you in.
who's with you?
wasn't me
A variety of people hiding offline for a variety of reasons.
>Destiny 2 has massive open world maps.
>Rather than doing a couple tiny maps, at launch only a single planet is accessible, and its slightly smaller than the size of the main Witcher 3 map.
>Each expansion will add a new planet, with a map close to or bigger than the vanilla map.
>There are no tower but rather settlements, you start in one corner of the map and naturally progress towards the other end with difficulty slowly increasing further in you get (Mid-point of the game having the largest 'chunk' of the map, with the starting point being small due to containing basically the tutorial area, and endgame being akin to an open-world raid, being extremely challenging but dense in secrets.)
>Each area has its own settlement, selling gear generally aesthetically themed towards that area.
>Each area has several scan beacons once accessed reveal where patrol beacons can be planted for later use, and show critical targets in the area (Missions)
>Public events are still a thing, but there are also roaming raid-tier world bosses which drop loot exclusive to them.
>Public events are more interactive now, similar to VIP targets in Destiny 1, they move around, but rather than being point A to point B, they will climb around and over obstacles and landmarks, and they even have a chance of breaking down specific walls and structures, granting temporary access to one of the several "Public event exclusive" time limited area that may contain treasures. These include breaking down a wall to an otherwise inaccessible side-room of a silo, containing an exotic chest. Or knocking over an old cell tower to create a bridge across a chasm that is usually too far to cross for access to an old (and unique) sparrow body type.
>Speaking of sparrows, they now come in several types. Slower, large frames that have no weaponry but can be outfitted with several armor types, or several lighter combat types that can carry different weapon loadouts, to name a few.
t. My ass
Fuck off stains.
>turn the game in WoW 6.0 with guns
>Ships play a significantly larger role. With the entire world being a single open map, the airspace is filled with enemies as well, calling your ship on one of the designated take-off areas you can pick two options, going into free-flight mode to fly to other areas directly, with things in the air to fight and collect along the way, or quick travel mode which will instantly transport you to previously visited locations and missions.
>After other planets are introduced, flying high enough will pop up an option to travel to the other planets once they are unlocked.
>The main theme of Destiny 2 is "longevity" so the new engine is created first and foremost with the ability to expand, alter, and update existing maps on the fly and this theme will recur frequently with the live team updates. Think tower during the dawning but a lot more extreme. For example a hive infestation event could see hive structures and tunnels popping up all over the world, once the event is finished there are there permanently until the next disaster builds on top of them, with that, the world will constantly be changing and evolving, significant events introduced during each expansion's "intro cinematic" will alter the world maps significantly and permanently. It might start with seeing one event and going "Hey, that spire wasn't there" or missing an expansion and going "Hey, why is there a crater where a settlement used to be?"
>That one retard that compares everything to WoW.
The only thing in that wall of text that's same as WoW is a large open world map, and that shit is the only thing that's basically true.
>that one retard that ignores the second bit in the list or the flying or the expansion ideas or the limited time areas
>that one retard that refuses to admit WoW is the basis for pretty much every MMO nowadays in some form or another
>tfw no Destiny announcement for Nintendo Switch
>thinking a WiiU Slim could handle destiny when the rice cooker that is 360 barely can
What next? Going to be sad when Crysis doesn't get a remaster on it?
>$300 burgers
dead on arrival
huh, so I was wrong
fuck off underage autistic spic faggot
hiya shinobu
not him
fuck off
...put it in my boipucci already daddy!
>Using my webms
Oh hell naw
Fuck off knob goblin I don't even come here anymore. See you fags in D2.
But why not? We have so much fun here.
A human being can't actually have this little reading comprehension... right?
>WoW is the basis for pretty much every MMO
>retards that refuse to understand WoW changed the MMO market every step of the way
>retards who refuse to understand every expansion or major update on WoW has a comparable game essentially based on the model
O I am laffin.
On a semi-related note. Nintendo introduces paid online and nintenfags go full suicide watch.
Ultra newfag 300 years late to the party. Rented this from work today and it's bretty fun. Should I drop the 40 for the full collection so I can play the "full" game not 1/5th of it? Or just wait for D2?
wait for D2
>Got Destiny on Disc at launch
>Got Taken king when it came out, it gave me a DLC code for TTK even though I bought a physical edition
>Got Rise of Iron which was DLC-only and required Taken king which Required vanilla
>Still can't play without disc
I'm just sayin'... getting TTK, should have converted the game into digital.
If you enjoy it go for it. More loot and things to do. However you can still get good pvp weapons w/o it.
I'm just going to wait until you realize what a fucking retard piece of shit you are.
It still needs a disc btw, so if you meant to imply otherwise, kill yourself.
Still waiting here you fucking imbecile. I'll give you a hint. go to the PSN store and check destiny you fucking piece of shit faggot.
Wow, touchy, who hurt you kiddo?
Please, tell me oh master of neckbeards, what am I looking for, you fucking piece of shit faggot imbecile.
That doesn't look like the PSN PS4 Store you STUPID BITCH. Get online and check before I eat your ass and spank you for being disobedient.
user theres a digital conversion button on the PSN store if you own TTK and ROI
I just told you its not there, how fucking dense are you? I've literally been saying this since my first post you illiterate piece of shit, what the fuck is your problem? Are you literally born with half a brain missing?
You know what, tell me where you live, please, I'm begging you.
whoa there not even him, calm down i was just trying to help you because that user was acting like a piece of shit, prick.
Haha not my problem if your some blind piece of shit. I tried to help you but you're too much of a god damn piece of shit faggot cunt ass bitch to figure out how to press a upgrade button.
Coward ass bitch.
Seriously, where do you live?
Your mothers pussy you faggot ass piece of shit.
Never mind got it.
Oh no user you hacked my phone!!
Whoa. We got a badass over here.
Would be cool if you could switch TTK+ROI into digital. The disc is worthless now without those two, so it's not like we can resell the game
>people want shitposters to go away
>thread is dead without them
>kymmenen sivu
Älä viitsi!
Why are you up and doing this at this time?
I'm never not awake.
You should stop.