Do you guys have any tips for sleeping in your car?

Do you guys have any tips for sleeping in your car?

My hotel room fell through and I can't get a refund for what I have invested for the vacation. (Anime convention)

I'll be spending about three nights in my car. It'll be parked in an outdoor garage for the entirety while I am there and may be cold out.

Any tips? What should I pack for comfort?

Pic related is what I'll be sleeping in.

Get a case of water bottles and throw it in the trunk. Convenience stores or grocery stores sell small styrofoam ice chests for cheap so you can keep water cool and a pack of sandwich fixings (bologna cheese) without it spoiling. For ice just go to any restaurant ask if they can help you fill it with some ice and explain your situation. Peanut butter has protein too. Get a cheap can opener from the dollar store and eat Campbell's chunky for lunch. Pack 2-3 blankets and a pillow keep a pocket knife within reach AT ALL TIMES. Wallet locked in glove compartment while you sleep preferably in a well lit area

Sell your car and buy a volvo

Oh wait, you're a weeb, dw mate

that guy

>he thinks you need a Volvo to get comfy at night

>calling niggas weebs and shit
>posting on a kamikaze harikari desu board

Will do. Not worrying about food too much but will definitely get a disposable cooler for the alcohol I'll be toting.

Also any tips on how not to kill my battery? You know, for phone charging? Leaving my car running may be an issue since is loud as fuck and the security is pretty strict there.

rent a van from enterprise and an air mattress from walmart.

You might get caught and told to leave

just go to the nearest hotel and chill in the lobby and charge your phone to 100% before you go back to the garage that way when you wake up you'll still have more than 80% left

Sleeping in a Mini? How tall are you? That will definitely hurt.

Anyways, Carry a weapon because depending on the event and how large it is, there will be someone looking to break in your car.

Happens all the time at anime conventions due to shitty patrol.Had my car broken into twice at anime conventions. Nothing stolen, but be careful.

If possible tint your windows too and get a windshield shader for privacy.

Most likely not if OP is most likely paying for the parking.

And if it's three days then he/she may be paying like 70 dollars for the parking so pretty sure they wouldn't mind as long as there is not disruptive shit.

>how tall are you?
6'2. I think I can get away with reclining the seats to make a bed on one side.

Windows are tinted to 5% so I'll get the sun visor for extra privacy. Thanks.

Not worried about my car getting broken into since the venue is far away from populated areas in an upper class setting. I do have a BB gun to flash just in case though.

Parking is 50 dollars thanks to parking panda. Hopefully I won't get thrown out.

I guess this could work? I really don't want to throw any more money though. Feels like that would cost as much as an entire hotel room.

Hoping that I could do this since there will be like 100k people there.

You're allowed to park at Walmart without getting told to leave.

>bb gun
i would not suggest flashing a gun unless you actually have a gun, bluffing is an ez way to ge t shot. bring a baseball bat instead

You'll likely be able to find plenty of people who have a spare room, couch, or floor space so you can at least stretch out for the night.

you telling me you're that much of a scumbag that you cant afford 39.99/ night for a motel 6 for 3 days?

This is just a theory of mine and I have no idea if it would actually work but grocery stores and department stores often have overnight crews and I always see their cars in the parking lot. They usually park towards the front of the parking lot or along the side of the building in parking spots. I know for a fact that one could easily get away just parking in a discrete location near those vehicles and sleep without raising any suspicion.

Use hotwire next time, they'll tell you if 18 or 21 is minimum for renting a room

or he could just find a walmart parking lot where he is 100% going to be ok to spend the night at as it is their policy to allow this

The point of the van is not to be cheaper than a hotel room. I assume if there's an anime con in town, hotels will be hard to get last minute and expensive if they are available.

That's the issue.

All of the nearby hotels are booked.

Thanks brodies but this would be useless as I need to be as close to the convention as possible.

Yeah man I like the idea. I'm just saying that paying 300 dollars to rent a van for the would not really work for me especially since my room share was initially 80 for the weekend.

To save money I would rather sleep in the Cooper

Unless I could find a shady rent a car or a crack heading with a van? Idk


I work at a hotel and if your room fell through because of overbooking or a similar issue there should be no reason why you couldn't get a refund. I'd go back and talk to a manager in the morning.

Unless you booked through a third party site. (which I'm assuming you did) In that case there isn't much they can do but maybe try and call Expedia/orbitz/whatever for you IF they're nice.

he likely got refunded the hotel costs, he's unable to get his tickets for the weaboo-convention refunded is the issue.

Sleeping in a cooper at 6'2" sounds like fucking torture. Find somewhere with a multi floor parking garage and hope you can find a tight-ish spot between 2 large-ish vehicles. Load up with blankets if its cold and get at least a few pillows. Take the passenger head-rest off, seat all the way forward and go to 90 degree recline and hope its SOMEWHAT bearable.

If you get freezing temps at night, this might be a little rough.

I've slept in my mini before here's how you do it. Fold the back seats down and the front two. Open the trunk and crawl in. Have a bunch of pillows or blankets stacked in the gap between trunk and folded seats. You'll be sleeping at an angle so your feet will be on the back of your driver or passenger seat.

I don't know about the comparison with the seats down but I'm 6'2 and used to sleep comfortably in my 2 door Accent. I could recline the driver's seat all the way down and pass right out. I slept at many rest areas.

>My hotel room fell through and I can't get a refund for what I have invested for the vacation. (Anime convention)

So, you're a neet whose parents won't let you use one of their credit cards for the hotel but you've already paid to attend your autism convention. You could get some roommates to pool in for a cheap hotel room but greentextanimeconventionbreakfriendsbreakpickone.jpg

>Anime Convention
Just strap a tube from the exhaust raight in to the cabin and keep your car running. That will keep the car warm.

>ctrl+f sleeping bag
I can't believe no one has suggested this. If you have one, bring it, it will keep you much warmer

Just find some conslut to spend time with and sleep in her hotel room

>sleeping in a fucking mini

Good luck with that

It would be more like 100-200 to rent a van for a couple days.but it'd be way more comfortable than the mini.

Damn that totally slipped my mind. Literally charge your phone at McDonald's. They've got outlets. Ask for a water cup and grab a soda with it. Don't waste your vehicle's battery charging your phone unless you plan to drive as well. Alternator charges your battery while you drive.

Just get sandwich shit. It beats hitting the drive thru when you're peckish
No you don't. You just need to be less than a 20min drive to it. Where is the con at? Weather is a factor you know.

A tent, a mattress and a sleeping bag. Go to the nearest camping ground/park/wherever it is legal to camp and you´re good to go.

Is this for AX?

>anime convention
>drives a Mini

Like poetry.

I have sex in the back of my subcompact, step up senpai.