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I like Tauren females in the World of Warcraft
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hey user! i heard you're playing legion! what spec are you playing?
oh.... oh... you're playing.. hunter? that's cool, i guess...
oh sorry user, i have to go now, chad is playing shadow priest! i want to see how he performs with the new changes!
>come back to this game after leaving mid pandaria
>suddenly you are one of most powerful druids in the world and get to wield literal weapons of legends
>also everyone is fucking dead
where are they going with this game
I mean what's left after this
also what the fuck almost 2 million hp and I can't even do raid finder yet, I've been 110 for 2 days
I guess this isn't lewd it's just a bad joke, which is allowed
Please add Maw of Souls general to the op
>shit thread made
>shit posts begin
Left is clinically depressed and has given up on her own future to the point where she considers cats acceptable substitutes for the kids she'll never have.
>go to the Helajar Landing: Rockaway Coast world quest
>none of the ritualists are alive
>like 30 people there all dpsing the vision of Helya with 556M HP
>they actually kill it, expecting their reward
I'm gonna go with the superior girl. Pic related.
I want to breed a blood elf.
At least my images are related to the game and I'm not breaking any rules
Meanwhile you have nothing against trash like
which are completely offtopic
Fuck this huntard, almost had a great picture.
>you have nothing against trash like
I quoted the attention whore posts, and the thread claiming the pic is reddit is sort of true as only cancerous "people" use it and make threads with no info
pandaren diaper poopers are also related to the game, doesn't make them not shit
>Can't have kids.
>Makes you use a condom anyway.
Stop this cow shit sick anons -_-
>ywn be taken captive by the naga and forced to clean their briny cocks
>Half the thread filtered already.
Is Wriggling Sinew supposed to be bad? it seems to do a much lower damge % than Naraxas spiked tongue
>play 2 characters
>have BRH keystones on both of them
It's probably more important to use condoms for anal because the receiver is at a much larger risk of infection
Guys I wanna make a qt worgen boi. What class should I play and what revealing armor should I collect for mogs?
What's the problem here?
They're impossible to pug. I've got a +6 on my DH and a +7 on my rogue and the only people who even apply are like 840 ilvl shitters hoping to get in since no one else wants to do it.
Druid obviously
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As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
I wanna see hot wolf ass and paws not cat ass and paws
Do them with your friends???
Amount of Mythic 2+ Dungeons completed in time: 82
Amount of Mythic 5+ Dungeons completed in time: 31
Amount of Mythic 10+ Dungeons completed in time: 0
just kill me dudes
Okay then something physically strong
> losing to a hunter
> ever being good
Pick one
>he has friends
Ha ha... ha...
she looks like shit
Finally unsubbed. Over 24,000 hours put in to the game.
Great memories.
That's absolutely nothing lol
my main problem is i haven't completed a +10 in time
it feels impossible with pugs
I never said I did.
See you next week
Then you should understand my struggle, user
>tfw no friends whatsoever
>tfw they all moved away after highschool
>tfw I just go through the motions of college, in and out of classes with hardly any interaction with my classmates or professors
I keep telling myself that it's for the best, that I'm only doing it to stay focused on my school work.
And while it kinda has worked (I get good grades anyway) I just kinda feel like I have this pit eating away at me. I think the worse part is there are times when I want to reach out but I just feel like I shouldn't bother.
fuck off faggot I'm only looking for praise not mad jelly retards
no +10 done is like not having aotc lol
rogue or warrior. which one has skimpier armor for moging?
why would I be jelly of that shit?
you don't deserve any praise, begone from this general
I had no friends in college AND my grades were shit, so it could be worse.
I managed to graduate somehow though.
wew lad...
Doubt it. Havent played legion at all but kept sub going just for nostalgia.
>tfw making mad dosh by selling pets thanks to the new shoulder enchant
>affli is even more broken now in pvp
I just get this sinking feeling sometimes that I'm never gonna grow up and be 'happy' or 'fulfilled'. I guess that's kind of why I've stuck with wow all these years, it kind of gives that simulated feeling of progress and being around other people.
I honestly think Veeky Forums and trade chat might be the highlights of my social existence. I honestly would not know what to do with myself if they disappeared.
which enchant ?
Good gold makers for a LW/Skinning character?
jesus fuck
the new shoulder enchant
>go to stormwind
>everyone is on fire
>get set on fire myself
>it spreads to everyone near me
What is this
link on wowhead please
>Talent that just grants 6% haste is best one in its tier
holy shit that's boring af
Every patch with buffs and nerfs is like this
She looks like she needs a friend. I'd play cribbage with her.
af? What the fuck does that mean?
Just came back to this game and it looks like a patch just came out.
What's safe to play currently for dps and tanking?
google it
God damn it you're dumb af
Yeah, I know what you mean. I live vicariously through my WoW character because my own life is so boring.
It'll get better someday probably. Being this age is kind of a rough time because it's like, mentally you're an adult and want freedom and to live your own life but you're still a student and don't have any money or anything to actually go out and do what you want. Hopefully when I land a job and move out I'll hate my life less.
Paladin or Druid.
He's baiting for replies
bruh u dum af smdh xD
What if I don't like either of those classes and would be fine with just tanking or just dps?
It's what BR's say when they die.
I really hope things work out for you. For the both of us.
Good luck. Hopefully we'll be able to actually find real happiness.
It hurts me to think about how common this situation is nowadays.
"as fuck"
MNK is good for tanking and DD this patch.
Can shapeshifted druids get pregnant?
W-where did my crusader strike go
so now you can get bis loot by doing LITERALLY nothing?
lmaoing at your lives retailcucks
inb4 ni hao
I'm sure things will work out eventually. I hate living with my parents enough that eventually I'll get too sick of it and be forced to do something, which will be good for me in the end.
By that I mean like, move out and finally get a job. Not anything creepy.
Yeah, hard to really do anything else though unless you're from a rich as fuck family who can afford to get you connections and a nice apartment and shit once you graduate.
ive got balls of zeallll
Fuck you, faggot. We engineers EARNED this
tfw zandalari troll rp
I want to defeat Queen Azshara!
daily hunter suicide pact post
hello wowg
queen azshara raid literally never