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/wfg/ - Warframe General
What keeps you going in this piece of shit game, /wfg/?
the extra creds only drop if the enemies are killed WITH the whip WHILE the whip is ACTIVE. quick melee does not count for the boost.
if you dont believe me, the telos boltace has the slash aura also only on slide attacks when it is equipped.
Always have something to do.
> now doind the same amount of rounds but with 2 simulor mirages in the team(one of them got over 500 kills in 10 rounds) I only got 40k CR
are you fucking retarded? That's because the simulor cancer was killing everything.
You just have to actually get the kill with the whip. This doubles the DROP, not the amount you receive. Everyone gets all credit drops, regardless of whether or not they pick it up, they got the kill, etc. And if the drop is doubled, it's doubled for everyone else. I was getting 40k bonus credits without a whip as EV in 5 round akkad runs. You're fucking wrong idiot.
>the telos boltace has the slash aura also only on slide attacks when it is equipped.
wew we got someone that reads patch notes over here
Nothing better to do.
Doom hasnt finished downloading
>Attempt to troll TQ with a dedicated server motd
>Take it down after a day or two since it had the intended effect
>Get a message from support about a month later about it
Are they really this slow or did someone report it a month later?
Were the Tenno Orokin or just lower-caste citizens in the empire?
also, i forgot to add. the extra cred that drop when one kills them with a secura lecta are counted as drops. they will drop for each player.
for some reason, there can be variations in the value of about i think 10%.
only sometimes. its just that i own and play a telos boltace.
Time waste sometimes.
Gift people when possible
You guys. I enjoy the company.
i hope next prime will be zephyr
I'm curious to know which colors do you use for this shot.
That skin is beautiful btw, ready to throw money at it if DE isn't retard enough to refuse it.
Nigger I explicitly said I only had the Jewwhip equiped, therefore it was active the whole time.
are you fucking retarded? user said you didn't have to kill them with the whip to get the CR drop, I know perfectly everyone gets the cr bonus, not only you're wrong, but also an illiterate faggot who can't read, kys you fucking idiot.
They got to my problem in about 8 days. Maybe they just don't like TQ.
I dont know any other good free game for PC
No, user said "I just sit with a 2 macro and hit 4 occasionally while everyone else does the work."
To which you had a spastic fit and acted like that somehow would stop me from gaining the credits from others' whips.
You fucking mongrel. Sorry that you lack the ability to read a single sentence, consider finding a brick and dashing your own skull open with it, you stupid subhuman trash.
>user said you didn't have to kill them with the whip to get the CR drop
No, he didn't. He said that I could go into an akkad credit farm and let everyone else do the work.
YOU said
>Enemies only drop CRs on kills you personally do with the whip equipped m8
Which is simply not true and now you're backpedaling.
Is the staticor worth potatoing? Just popped em out of the oven, got a silver or two knocking around and nothing good to put them on.
My other favorite game died so why not
erm i just picked some random colors in my texture software
1.Moss green
2. Brown.
3. White.
4. Yellow/goldish.
i tl;dr 'd and read only the lower posts.
drink some water, you sound salty.
you know you have to actually kill them with the whip to get the bonus, right? You don't get bonus credits just for having it out and equipped, which is why you got so much less in that second round since the Miragulors would have been killing everything instead of you.
what'd you play before?
How big is your backlog /wfg/? Got pretty much all the frames and companions out of the way, but ~120 weapons left.
tfw the forums and reddit is starting to seep into wfg
Anyone interested in a Lato riven? It is unrolled.
i am waiting 3 nitain for my last frame, but im sure missing about 140 weapons too.
pets and sentinels are done.
>I just sit with a 2 macro and hit 4 occasionally while everyone else does the work
That implies you aren't doing kills with your whip you fucking autistic faggot.
> spastic fit
I happily explained how it works, you humongous cocksucker, the someone else had an spastic fit and started insulting me, which I responded by having an spastic fit.
are you that stupid? Your parents must have beat you far too hard when you were young.
He said
>I just sit with a 2 macro and hit 4 occasionally while everyone else does the work
I took that as not getting kills with your whip, if you
> let everyone else do the work.
then you're not getting kills, therefore you won't get CR from your Lecta
>you're backpedaling.
I never backpedaled you autistic retard,
>kill shit with whip
>get CR
It's not that hard to understand is it assmuncher?
kys faggot, eat a cock
read above shithead
What do you want for it? IGN: NrSpringfied
quite certain that got nests and everything already
Would 40p be alright?
4 1/2 hours
jew goys of their plat, that's it
now that i have filtered tq, some other asshat cant stop shitting on his keyboard.
also you shithead you need to get the cred from SOME lecta, any lecta. but they have to be killed with one.
you dont have to get the creds from YOUR lecta.
>Corpus is an Orokin word for family
The synthesis imprints are pretty interesting
We're never getting any more of them are we?
never ever, why isn't it in the invasion rotations, it might even be half decent with condition overload and pointed wind
You fucking retarded spastic idiot I know perfectly everyone gets cred from anyone's else's Lecta kills, the one asshat shitting on his keyboard here is you.
I'm gonna guess the offline is a no, would 30p be a better price?
It's been awhile since I've played, what's this icon denote?
That'd be fine, though I'm dirt poor right now. Selling stuff right now, or at least trying to.
Baro's ship
>dedicated server
What did they mean by this?
it denotes that you should kys
Alright just ignore the 40p post, wouldn't want you selling shit you would regret losing, just go with the 30p.
OG goy here, just letting you knwo that you will NEVER EVER get excalibur prime and his sweet sweet FREE mastery points
Whoops forgot to put my IGN down.
Kiss Your Saryn
You DO have Saryn, right user?
I actually paid money to get master.
I got my t-shirt and bandanna and I'm actually wearing the t-shirt sometimes
faggoty rl friend of mine got grandmaster but his t-shirt/bandanna never arrived :^)
>want my tittyfairy to do damage
>have neither sweeping serration nor fanged fusillade for her weapon
>know I'll be doing subpar damage no matter what I use as a replacement
Life as a gay man is suffering.
No, it implies I'm sitting there channeling people energy/shields and healing them. I'm barely doing any work, others are whipping, I'm MAYBE killing a mob every so often with the 2. But, I'm getting all the credits from all the other whipping. Sorry that you're literally too dense to understand the most BASIC of concepts, you stupid inbred subhuman mud-eating sister-fucking retard. Consider finding a lake and filling your jacket full of rocks, and then taking a swim.
Yeah, but her ass is covered and inaccessible.
Post how she looks at least
>vay kek first phase
whose idea was this nonsense
neuroptics please drop
Everyone else has a whip too you autistic retard. How is that so hard to understand? Have you ever even been in recruiting chat before? Every akkad credit farm requires you to bring your own whip, but you can still just sit around doing nothing while everyone else kills shit.
game related question do not ignore
Staticor is a whole bunch of fun, with a high status chance it's my only gas/rad weapon. Wouldn't call it extremely optimal, but worth formas and potatos.
The staticor is fun and usable up through sortie 2 content with about 2 or 3 forma.
Post Frost
Ok, thanks!
Don't let people bothers you, this skin is honestly one of the best Graxx skin you made with Valkyr/Volt in my opinion.
Ohhh, so that's how you equip Arch-* mods
I am too stupid
I want to use the skin but i can't let go of the arcane helmet
Best Saryn build is?
use it with the skin, the helmet makes you into a horny giraffe
What do you guys think I could honestly get for this?
>Best Saryn build is?
Whatever makes her ass look bigger
fuck the arcane, fashion is the true stat
Let my gavel ring justice off your thin tin skull
atlas, what did they do to you?
I was trying to make him look like tyl regor
Where are her horrible lesions from the genetic decay?
The fact that you're a fucking swine, vulgar, filthy heatslut means you're more subhuman trash than I could be, the fact that you're too stupid to properly read my post makes me think you're autistic too, how about you slit your eyeballs open and go dance on a landing strip you fucking nigger-loving berinesanderssupporser mouthbreathing dirty sidewalk-eating fedora-tipping chink-praising gives-spics-work donkeydickswalloging notevenhuman basementdwaller pissdrinking betaorbiter redditor shitasting fuckhead cuckfaggot?
Fuck off faggot, you didn't even read the post did you? by the way kys
Does not exist in animu.
comfy Tron liset you got there
Good riddance.
I feel no ounce of pity for them. Trying to mindfuck my Tater.
What's the single best color palette to buy?
Twilight or Orokin
the basic saturated one
>meso fissure
>use radiants twice to get CP cerebrum
>first round didnt roll
>second round enemies suddenly stopped spawning and didnt get enough reactant
>use last unrefined relic on a lark because nobody would extract with almost zero %
>get it
okay then
As in following him, or the 1st phase with invincibility on his head? you can just run straight to the boss room to skip the chase
Black & white is for true aficionados of fashion
I really think Radiant relics are a scam.
I get more rares from non upgraded relics than I do fully upgrades ones.
Damn that one is probably it indeed.
Monochrome just isn't my thing, I guess I'll never truly understand fashion.
Both of those have some nice colors but then some of them are kind of eh.
Thanks doc.
You're pretty cheap if you're only worth $5.
How exactly are Levels determined? I need to Alerts for muh Nitain, but they are locked.
You need to have access to the area to do the alerts. If you don't have access you can always get a taxi, have someone bring you there.