Ace Combat General #278 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #278

Hoffnung Edition

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PSX 2016 trailer:

Returning to Strangereal.
Composed by Keiki Kobayashi.
Directed/written by Sunao Takabuchi and Kosuke Itomi.

This is everything we currently know (or think we know) about AC7:





Gold Box? Probably 30 fuckin' tickets

> (use Text to export the build into a text format)




In other news:
An user based to the point of Godhood is making an AC inspired PC game:
Someone else is making an open-source thingy based on AH assets:
Good ol' Razgriz Patch Guy:
RPG Logs database:

Because it bears repeating:
>Ports never (?).
>HD Collection Never (ever).

Other urls found in this thread:

It's time.

You chucklefucks let it die again!

Future slav shit best future shit.

Get hyped

>tfw you have finally unlocked your favourite planefu





>autist shitposter at it again
please kill yourself

everyone else post cute planes




Well we've officially ended The Belkan War campaign for the Ace Combat RPG.

Special thanks to everyone who joined me in either play testing it, or contributing more directly, literally too many people to individually list, you know who you are and what you did.

Long live Basilisk flight.


This is fake! Fake!!!!!


Fuck off hippie, General Resources forever

>no AC7 for Switch

Is Pixy a dirty commie? He beilieved in the elimination of borders, but does that make him a globalist, or simply a ted kazinsky type, since he wanted to blow up the world?
He was wrong, however, as borders exist as long as humans do. Grog wants thog's women, and will do what he needs to get it. Borders literally cannot be eliminated, since they will reform, along new lines, old natural boundaries, between different types of people.
Or did Pixy know this, and want the extinction of the human race?
>Pic not really related



post missilefus.


>image named after 1 blurry plane in the distance as opposed to the gangbang of F-16s.

>Is Pixy a dirty commie? He beilieved in the elimination of borders
He wanted what Sweden wants now. That tells a lot about him.

>Pomf =3
>"Waaah, what are we going to do on the deck?"

>The article specifically mentions that they'll be going through the VR in AC7. The problem is that they're still developing, the game is only half complete, and no one would actually care for any incredibly-vague information.
>SlyCooperfan1 says
I guess we're looking at Q3/Q4 2017 release date then.

There are 8 F-4s in that picture.

Morning fellas!

>pic related
It just looks so kool

Oh yeah, forgot to post it yesterday, thanks for reminding me.


He's a marxist, elimination of the state, post-scarcity society, etc



>he WAS a Marxist
He's going through an internal struggle and debate by the time he's interviewed.

He betrayed a friend over political views, which is ridiculous and an outrage. Pixy was a faggot.

*ride of the Valkyrie's starts playing*

What is habbening

I did!!! It wasn't very good!
Better than AHL but worse than 4.

Back in 1995. And in his defense, he was extremely disillusioned and disgusted with the way things were heading and turning out. In his point of view at that point, he might have seen Cipher as part of the problem, especially on the Mercenary route. Anyway, that's not the point. Again, by the time the interview happens, he sees how wrong he was back then, admits a borderless world can never happen, is willing to see what borders can do for the world, and still feels a bond towards Cipher. When he says "I should have died that day," I don't think he was just referring to how that crash or his injuries should have basically killed. I think he means he deserved to die after all that he did.

Did you do all routes? Because Atmos Ring is better than Stonehenge in my opinion.

>he was extremely disillusioned and disgusted with the way things were heading and turning out
He was a mercenary. War is his job.

He even tells PJ to "learn to accept it", yet he himself couldn't.

>He even tells PJ to "learn to accept it", yet he himself couldn't.
That's right. You might call that "Pixy being a faggot", I call it him having depth as a character. That scene in the grand scheme of the story tells me Pixy was saying that to convince himself more than to lecture PJ. And he couldn't do it. Pixy was just as idealistic as PJ, but in a different way. The difference between the two is that PJ was steadfast in believing in his ideals. Pixy's faith, on the other hand, was challenged and doubted. He began to think his ideals, actions, and way of life, especially as a mercenary, was just adding fuel to a fire that would never go out at that rate. So, he decided to put his faith in Wizard 1's ideals. That's showing good character flaw.

>Pixy was saying that to convince himself more than to lecture PJ. And he couldn't do it.
Then maybe he shouldn't have become a mercenary.

It's not as simple as he thought war or bloodshed is bad. It seems he was under the impression that as a FIGHTER pilot merc, he would be put up against other pilots, not bombing civilians. There's a reason they show him hesitating to shoot down civilian homes and windmills in Annex so early on; it's to establish that even as a merc, he still values the lives of those not actively fighting him. If I remember correctly, German mercs had that same viewpoint during the American Revolutionary War.

>The chaplain then recounts the case of a Jaeger subaltern who was assailed "by an Englishman in his cups" with the declamation: "God damn you, Frenchy, you take our pay!" The outraged Hessian replied: "I am a German and you are a shit."

Hessians are cool

user, he was a mercenary. In order to become a private contractor, you must have military experience, have experienced combat, and overall not be a green fresh into war.

War isn't pretty, if anything, he should've expected the atrocities they'd ask him to do. Mercenaries do the dirty job national militaries can't after all.


Which way do you turn?

Call the enemy on the radio and ask him to please stop shooting fucking missiles at me

>He uses guns
What now?


These frenchy planes are a clusterfuck of hardpoints.




No mission infuriates me as certainly and as effectively as Glatisant

fuck Glatisant

what is the one mission you hate with all your might, /aceg/?

How is Glatisant infuriating? You just bomb things. Sure it's kind of boring, but it's not inherently irritating.

Try Grand Flight, Sulejmani's last stand, Bug Hunt or fighting the 8492nd instead of running away and you'll see what "infuriating" means.

every time I play it I crash into the fortress walls

this happens without fail at least once, and usually towards the end of the mission

Well you could always try not crashing.

what the fuck I never thought of that

I know, right? I was fucking dumbfounded when I found that out. Shit got way easier since I started doing that.

Blackbird in AC3 (US). Nothing is more of an example of what is unholy and sadistic. Fuck Namco for telling me to shoot down 4 planes at 40,000 feet in 90 seconds with something that handles about as well as a container ship.

If I could remove any single mission from the entirety of Ace Combat, it'd be FUCKING Blackbird. Nothing else in a video game has ever given me a splitting headache for being so pissed. Fuck Blackbird and fuck the sadistic prick who thought it up.



Val, I'm not going to make it to the IRC tonight. You guys go without me and fill me in later.

>not be green
what was Cipher then?

A mercenary with combat experience. He downs 4 Ace pilots + others in his third mission.

Stonehenge and megalith fucked me up when i was a kid, since i kept flying infront of the barrels and getting hit point blank, and the walls were scary
Now? Sorcerer squaron on ace is bullshit, as is the timing mission in ac5. The radar circles are just tedious, and i dont like those missions much

Should I buy an F-15 and be buddies with Pixy or continue flying my Typhoon

I managed to get a Terminator really early and played my first run on that. Somehow i got a Wvryn early too, early enough to beat sorceror squad with it

You get the planes from the ace squadrons you beat, though they're pretty expensive if they're actual good planes

since everyone fights gelb the terminator should be available from mission 7 on no matter what

Maybe i shot down a secret wevryn? Or i got it from my saves of ac4 and 5

you get a wyvern from having an AC4 savefile I'm pretty sure

You had an AC4/5 save in your memory card before playing Zero. That unlocks the Wyvern.

Canards make everything better.

This is undeniable fact.

Said nobody but Tom, ever

>adding canards to an already supermanuevrable fighter
>adding canards to a stealth fighter

why is canards bad on a stealth fighter? if they're shaped right why wouldn't they be fine?

They're forward of the main wing. From the front, a stabilator is masked by the wing, A canard is not.

ohhh i see


Since the thred is so ded, the stream is now live.

strim up, despair of both kinds and maybe some ACX

Hey guys is any of the ps1/ps2 era games available for pc? I tried emulating once and the performance was shit, I'm thinking of a port ala silent hill1
Hell I'd settle for the psp ones.


No games have ports, except for Assault Horizon.

Jaguar a cute

>missile pylons mounted on top of the wings
What are the advantages of this?

IIRC it's to free up room on underwing pylons for fuel and bombs.

What button will be flares? What will the D-Pad do?

There are no flares
D pad is for ally attack/cover

I mean for AC7

I wouldn't mind if flares came back.

Feels kinda pointless when you can just evade missiles, or just use ECM SPs

AC7 will never come to PC as well, sadly, as most guys on AC FB fansite point out.

But flares look really cool.
I can see a utility for it as a crutch for nuggets or if you're piloting something that isn't super duper manueverable.

It's cool until you run out of them