>Automute getting kicked when Madti is officer in the guild
Daniel Torres
> Alliance lineup for quest mobs 1 by 1 with organizers off to the side > Horde mobs up in groups of 50 spamming "INV!", everyone has tagging macros
Didn't know there was such a stark difference in factions.
Luis Edwards
stop watching hentai
Gavin Collins
elysium PVP is the dedicated anime server if you dont watch/enjoy anime you aren't welcome
Cameron Lewis
>constantly asking to post the guild tab here it is
Zachary Garcia
currently jerking off to manga orcs on /h/, what are you gonna do?
Logan Jenkins
>Elder God Tier
People who actually become famous on the server for good reasons, like through their skills.
>God Tier
People who set out and complete their hard goals like downing Naxx or getting Rank 14, possibly both. Well respected on their server.
>High Tier
/nosg/ fags who only hang out in cancerous Veeky Forums guilds for a little and then branch out into real guilds to actually accomplish things.
>Mid Tier
Your typical /nosg/ fag. He only ever raids Molten Core with garbage guilds like and nothing else, because Veeky Forums players are largely trash.,
>Low Tier
/nosg/ fag who only ever joins meme guilds and does lowbie ganking/memeing and other unproductive garbage.
>Shit Tier
Usually a weeb who is 400+ lbs irl who mainly does erp in the game along with his /r9k/-tier conversations. Will; commit suicide before dying of natural causes.
Xavier Brooks
is there any reason for me to use a staff instead of a wand early on as a mage?
Charles Thompson
they use different slots
Eli Thomas
tell you to get better taste
Leo Robinson
weird I looked at the original post and I think you guys forgot .....seems like they have a few more players than the other Horde guild.
Ryder Brooks
first for fresh fresh cucks
Samuel Cruz
too bad nerdo
Wyatt Butler
I'm not the one who suffers from this, just looking out for others if they're willing to listen
Aiden Jackson
>don't worry guys, Automute is not leading the guild, so join ! >Automute gets his gf to lead it
I can't fucking wait for him to take over!
John Anderson
reddit guilds don't count, bub
Lincoln Torres
Adrian Martinez
>that gmotd
holy shit lel
Landon Stewart
Okay, I will be your big strong elf.... uh I'm not sure what class yet
Grayson Lee
>freshfreshcucks thinking they'll get ahead on the freshfresh server without "AFK abusers and chinks" >it will just be another tear and ass-blood stained realization once they fall behind yet again and slowly drag their asses back to the only relevant server where they're now even more behind
Michael Miller
>willingly playing with yarrick K E K
Brandon Fisher
>salty dogs >7 online happening
Jack Cook
>Not Ahead of the Pack >Not with the Pack >Completely behind the Pack
Feels so good, no autistic queues for mobs, practically no competition.
So glad I waited a few days to start.
Grayson Foster
in 2 days.. if you die to a orc rogue... it was me, you've be warned
*let the bodies hit the floor*
Thomas Phillips
what the fuck, I'm leaving this guild
Cooper Lopez
Justin Powell
What is the best class?
James Sanchez
>salty dogs keep spamming the same old screenshots over and over >false-flagging and shitposting the thread and guild chat constantly >harassing their own members who aren't part of the inner clique >active member count dropped by like 20% >meanwhile placeholders active member count went up by 130% really makes you think huh
Hunter Brown
Are they going to speed up the spawn rate for a week with fresfresh as well or will it just be normal from the get go?
Fresh has become pretty insufferable with dynamic spawns seemingly turned off, glad they were on at least for a few days.
Nathan James
anybody have a macro to eat and drink at the same time? wouldn't care if I had to hit it twice but once would be amazing
Cooper Gomez
Why should I roll on this server when it refuses to ban the Chinese, allowing goldspammers aplenty and is hilariously overcrowded?
Dylan Rodriguez
Is Auto really going to be our main tank again?
Dominic James
Is mining and engineering clunky to level?
Bentley Hill
>saltycucks were wrong about fresh >and are falling apart told you guys
Kevin Smith
you guys are so weird. Social politics on an anonymous image board?
Julian Gray
put the pieces together
Charles Rodriguez
Can someone please tell me if its true MoH is rerolling on Fresh Fresh? Do we have a Fresh Fresh guild?
Henry Rivera
My caster friend is under attack by a rogue, hmm? Maybe a warrior?
You think you can burst through my heals? Tch.
Blessing of Protection! Granting immunity from all physical attacks, this spell was passed down to me by Arthur the Faithful to deal with bandits such as you on the road!
Samuel Clark
>DPS Mage, Rogue
>TANK Warrior
>HEALS Paladin, Priest
Everything else is "Ok" or "Absolute garbage" tier. Personally, I play hunters, there is at least 1-3 raid slots for them.
Easton Kelly
Don't really care, you guys sure are forcing it though >we mean no hostility towards placeholder members
I wish the guilds would just merge already so we can share the fun
Bentley Young
stop running away from your real life problems
Eli Martinez
>only 1300 queue is it the time zone or did people just say fuck it im playing tomorrow in the new one?
Jayden Lewis
To learn special pet skills, do you have to tame and learn in the rank order i.e. tame and learn hurious howl rank 1 before taming and learning furious howl rank 2?
Dominic Johnson
New hotness is tomorrow. As long as new servers keep poppin up the previous ones will just die out
Jaxson Hill
They increased the cap to 11k not long ago.
Its why the queue dropped by 2k.
Jordan Hernandez
so freshfresh starts tomorrow? I think I'll just wait and roll a pally on there
Wyatt Lopez
um... i like cuckolding and i voted trump... can i join saltydogs..?
Benjamin Garcia
isnt it a pve server? fuck that
Carson Flores
This actually did make me think. Do you know me?
Sebastian Barnes
>Arthur the Faithful Wish I could be your friend and play the game with you user
Joshua Myers
>Fresh Fresh is a PvE server.
Carter Adams
>I voted for a misogynistic racist homophobe loser
wow, we don't want you... dick...
Carson Jackson
Is Warrior DPS viable at first or is that not until a later patch? I've heard fury (pretty sure it was fury not arms) can compete with rogues.
Oliver Bailey
Nope PvP. I am rolling same race and class I just spent a talent point in the wrong place and dont want to pay for a respec
Brody Wright
very likely Glurf said he won't lead another raid/guild and Infamy quit already Auto will take over soon, just look at how active he is in discord
Jordan Anderson
Asher Morgan
how much does respec cost? you are scaring me with that comment
Aiden Cooper
How do I report a players name? I didn't see an option on the Help Request menu.
I just fucking love making a snarky comment after I solo tag a boss from like 20 people that refused to invite me to a party.
Tyler Fisher
yeah, it's just not amazing until later patches.
Logan Baker
- They are the best tanks in the game - When geared they are the best dps in the game - They hit the hardest and most consistently in pvp
The only downside is that you pretty much need a babysitter to do any of the above, but in terms of raw stats and scaling Warrior is the best. Mage and Rogue can do really good dps in pve and OK in pvp, but don't need support.
Paladins are the best support in the game and are what enable Warriors to do what they can do. They can also hold their own quite well in solo pvp situations.
Nathan Morales
> getting cucked & enslaved by big bull purging Shamans
Ratchet is Horde territory now.
John Hughes
Justin Nelson
When will the fresh fresh guild be up?
Carter Allen
Nolan Wilson
can you fucking put salty dogs in the OP please? this shitposting is getting tiresome now. it was amusing the first few times but seriously we're hemorrhaging members. stop trying to deliberately sabatoge our guild over your autistic internet vendetta. fucking spergs
William Ortiz
Michael Martinez
I'd want to roll a gnome warrior but my autism wont let me since I plan on playing pve mostly
Daniel Johnson
>They're splitting the community AGAIN.
What are they fucking doing...
Ryder Russell
>Why should I roll on this server when it refuses to ban the Chinese, allowing goldspammers aplenty and is hilariously overcrowded? You shouldn't. The overcrowding is actually pretty cool,but the first to issues are terrible.
Daniel Ramirez
nobody will let auto tank again
Noah Reyes
What's the Horde/Ally guild on FreshFresh?
Ian Campbell
Jason Morales
it's happening, boi the GM does what he wants
Joshua Perry
Infamy quit? Since when.
Ryder Bailey
With similar gear fury is on par with rogue pve dps. Farm that Ironfoe, user. Godspeed
Zachary Long
>Last online: 2 days ago >Level20
Benjamin Long
everytime >grizzly
Ian Gutierrez
So in other words, you're pulling shit out of your ass.
Liam Phillips
You're a shitty guild and you deserve every bad thing that happens to you, to be quite honest, famalam.
Dylan Lopez
cool, we haven't seen this before. now post it again senpai. we were all so impressed the first 10 times.
Caleb James
cool beans I'll give warrior a go then, thanks anons.
Evan Mitchell
So....second fresh.only server coming online tomorrow?
Adam Cook
> is recruiting HARDCORE (((PVERS)))
Kevin Sanchez
No. I hope you get everything sorted out though.
Isaac Lopez
I never got to experience World of Warcraft Vanilla. I started young and during Burning Crusade.
All this hype has made me want to try Nost 2.0 But I'm afraid I won't enjoy it.
John Green
To presume a paladin would travel without their warrior!
Foolish! We are as inseparable as kittens!
You'd best tend to your wounds, every second spent trying to earth shock me could be spent putting your guts back in your stinking green ape body.
Anthony Cook
i dont know why you think low level pvp means anything, how about you try that again at 60?
Angel Carter
>being this new >literally jumping on the bait every time getting mad af get used to it, pic related; its you. :^)
Jayden Taylor
Dude that guy was noob as fuck, who the hell come in your face to use CoC? Prolly his first character.