>he doesnt plunder with a glorious british man o war
>being a stowaway faggot
Veeky Forums during the golden age of piracy
You got pressed into service and now your cucked enough to enjoy it. enjoy taking it up the arse from midshipmen.
I ride a hackney stallion.
>not getting pressed into service
>not getting the crew on your side
>not throwing the captain overboard
>not pulling sweet manouvers with your new boat
enjoy being stuck to land
>sweet manoeuvres
>pigfat manowar
>all of a third of a horsepower
>shoot horse
>horse is dead
>cut horse
>dies of infection
>shoot boat
>fix with wood
>cut boat
>sand it down a bit
>enjoy taking it up the arse from midshipmen
I absolutely will. That sounds like heaven to me.
why are there so many gay men on Veeky Forums?
Have you seen all the Miata posters?
That's just Alphonse, he's been avatrarfagging recently
Alphonse is 16.
Miatas and Twingos.
not having sex with someone that actually likes cars and wont convince you to get a minivan and make you sell your project cars
enjoy being cucked by chad when your women gets pissed that you spend more time with your car than her
I'm gay, but holy fuck. You /r9k/ memetists are insane.
Ignore the autists that haven't talked to women once in their lives. Women are fucking awesome but they're just not my thing. Cock is a thousand times better.
you dont have to be salty just because your boyfriend doesnt like cars and wont blow you while you work on your car faggot
He does though. He gave me road head on our last date as a matter of fact.
Pigfat takes 2 hours to turn
Letting someone distract you from driving
i bet you drive an automatic
Lrn2greentext you cancerous tripfag
>implying anyone on Veeky Forums even knows the slightest think about sailing
There are more sailors on /n/
It's site wide, really.
Remember some guy saying on /k/ "wtf I thought you were normal gun nuts" lmao
Thread derailed in a record 6 posts
Hey faggots, Enjoy 5 Nauts.
You're just a blur in my hand mirror.