>USWest or USEast?
USEast or Europe.
>Channels to chat with other anons?
Try 'd3g' or 'op md2ga' (on US East)
>Diablo 2 spam filter
enjoy not seeing half of the things anyone says and still seeing spambots
>USWest or USEast?
USEast or Europe.
>Channels to chat with other anons?
Try 'd3g' or 'op md2ga' (on US East)
>Diablo 2 spam filter
enjoy not seeing half of the things anyone says and still seeing spambots
I hope the massacre meme doesn't die
Is there a way to make a ww barb that will destroy everything on P8?
also, what is the secret to ww? some people use it on left click, some on right. I personally hold alt + rmb and spin without stopping but i don't know if it's the best way to deal most damage
How the hell do people do GR 91 with the squish that is the hammerdin without unity?
Got all the items I need for 2 different specs. Now it's just hunting for ancient versions.
Even D2 gets boring after one mf run for me.
So the only thing I'm missing from my Firebird Archon set is In-Geom so I can Archon more frequently. Any tips on choices of skills, abilities, passives and staying alive? I'm having lots of fun with it. At the moment I have the double hydra in my cube since In-Geom hasn't dropped after 420 paragon levels
I can do up to T10 solo decent, T8 and 7 super fast. I feel like there's more I could be doing.
I farmed DBs pretty well with disintegrate build at TX. You just need the Etched Sigil offhand and put Blizzard and Meteor Storm in your bars.
Also put Aquila Cuirass in your cube because you literally can't go below 90% AP.
Just started playing Diablo 3, my first Diablo game
What's the best difficulty setting for story mode? I picked Hard but everything gets pretty much oneshotted except for blue or yellow aura enemies.
Does the game actually get challenging? Or should I bump it to expert then finish the story to unlock higher difficulty
Whatever difficulty you feel comfortable with. I usually go Expert and switch down to Hard if mobs take too long to kill.
>have to do a second conquest today
Did the chest, which other one is the easiest to solo?
People abusing the red soul stone bug. As soon as they fix it ladders will look a lot different.
I cheese Avarice every season by hoarding 10 full TX bounty runs (100 caches) and opening them all at once. Remember to uneqiup the pet and stand completely still during opening.
For people who like fun though, one Ruins of Corvus run with Boon of the Hoarder and some gold find items is enough. First open all doors, spawn scarabs without killing any and then backtrack.
I wanna do that cache thing, sounds fun, but I can't hold 100 caches. How much should I level my boon to?
>kill an elite named "Imp"
>game message says "Big dick user has killed a Imp"
Isn't it an Imp? Helllooooooo?????
I don't imagine attempting this conquest if you can't breeze through T11-12, which would also mean being capable of leveling Boon to its max level, 50.
Is this season crusader set any good? just started playing yesterday and got the first 2 pieces
>make insight Colossal Voulge for merc
>forget to check his str
well I guess I gotta find some perf amethyst he won't have the str req till I think 95ish
fucked that up
50 boon, green gem in helm, leroics in cube, avarice band, squirt's necklace. Am I ready?
Avarice is easier in the cow level imo.
eth cv has 200 str req instead of 210 so you equip it earlier if you get ahold of one
also insight gives +5 if you switch an item for a sec to get it
but yeah you dun goofd
mby get andy visage if you can it gives like +25 str and it isnt that bad for a merc
Do gems in follower gear matter for D3?
When does the anniversary event end?
End of January, I believe.
They work about as you'd expect, if that's what you mean.
im new
whats the point of seasonal characters?
To not get bullied by alphas.
Because playing with everyone starting over from 0 at the same time is more fun.
What happens to your seasonal character's stash when the season ends?
You get all the stuff in your mailbox. There's a I think month time limit until the items are gone forever.
is D3 supposed to be babby town frolics on hard mode? im on act 2 and everything dies in one tick of disintegration ray.
It's supposed to be a casualized/streamlined piece of crap, so yes
Yeah, D3's story mode is pretty easy. The real game starts when you hit level 70 in adventure mode and start trying to get your account to a point where you can do T13 and Grifts that are harder than T13.
watch "making of D3" or w/e it was called from GDC
the talker explicitly takes extra effort to explain for an hour how they needed to make the game cater to casuals because amagad who's gonna learn those complex systems?
It's a bummer to hear that. Here I thought solo crusaders were gonna be king this season.
>tfw some kid in the Veeky Forums clan leveling by himself and not asking for a boost
>not even talking in chat
Invoker/Punish is pretty high tier, and can probably carry you all the way to your stash tab
I can has invite? Ƕlf #2252 (EU)
Getting the stash tab is easy as shit for every class. You just need decent items.
No, I don't have invite rights. And even if I did, I wouldn't invite someone that talks like a redditor.
I just started Diablo 3, I should finish the story mode first right?
I want to try making a seasonal character but my friend said that I should do it on the adventure mode after finishing the Acts
Eh. I struggle with the sub 5 minute t13 rift on a lot of traditional builds. I ran hammerdin last season, but had to clear out the speed rifts with LON bombardment.
Wasn't it sub 2?
Yes. I believe you need to first finish the story to be able unlock adventure mode.
sub 2 is a conquest this season. Last season, you had to clear our a t13 rift in 5 minutes for the stash tab.
You can run adventure mode immediately. Finish the story mode if you want to - most people run story mode up until they kill leoric for the guaranteed leoric's crown at the start of a new season.
Should I get this game on a shitty laptop, or on a PS4 where I have to pay to play online, but can play couch coop?
>diablo on a console
Fuck no. Get a PC.
what makes PC version better?
I hear the game flows surprisingly nicely on a gamepad
Every game on PC is better.
Not if said PC is an old laptop
It also doesn't have couch coop
Yes if your laptop can run it. D3 isn't the same on consoles and on PC. It's an even bigger piece of shit on consoles.
>having friends
despite what the other guys are telling you, toasters fare very poorly with diablo 3
friend of mine runs the game with a toaster, and a ton of the time he takes so long to load that he loses the connection to the game and has to start all over
recently it's been better, but if you really have an ubertoaster, consider console
For leveling generally Hard then later on Master
Is Flail of the Ascended Broken?
I just got one and then remembered I reading that it was bugged this season. There's a several page thread of people saying it's broken, some people saying it isn't.
It sounds like a really fun build to play, but I don't wanna invest into broken shit.
Neck yourself.
Just get it for PS4 for now and upgrade to a PC later when you can afford one.
I saved the image off of 4chains, as you can tell by the filename.
I'm not gonna edit it to prevent some sperglord getting autistic about it.
I thought the extinction would bring us together instead of being pissy about a reposted meme
Fuck off retard.
Don't count on it working. You can give it a try, but shield bash builds all seem to suck right now anyway.
Can someone who knows D2 shit tell me what I should go for as a Windy Druid who just hit Hell at 65?
Where to farm?
What items to try and get?
I know the runewords I should make, but lack the runes, but not sure on all the inbetween.
What should I change to increase my damage outside trying to get ancient items
>these character names
Get a real amulet and rings that have CHD and CHC, earthquake on chest, and non shit items.
I don't want d3g to die.
Same. How the hell is it getting bumped down so easily? How many other fucking threads on Veeky Forums are being made?
There was nearly an hour between the posts before yours.
You'd best start believing in dying threads. You're in one.
this wouldn't happen if more people played D2
join us in d3
A lot apparently. MAAG dies easily too.
why is barb so fucking obviously weaker than sader?
idk what you're talking about senpai
I don't see any crusaders pushing 4 man GR105s
I gave all my nice runes for a shitty Griffons Eye and not only hasn't my kill speed changed much, I actually feel like it might be a little slower. I also keep running out of mana much faster since I was using a shako before on my sorc. Is Griffon's even that good or did I just get memed?
i guess its partially because lightning dmg is volatile as fuck
why do people hate wizards again? Aren't they welcomed in 4man GR pushing?
How the fuck does bumping work now? 3 minutes after a post and the thread's already at page 5?
other threads are more popular
they have 1 viable build that's boring as shit
why doesn't /d3g/ have its own community yet?
Game is too shit for the shit tastes of even neo Veeky Forums. Even threads about games like CSGO are dead, even with the major in a week,
If Diablo 3 is too shit for Veeky Forums, why does /nepgen/ manage to have over 1100 threads so far when Neptunia is the most shit game series ever made?
Because the game is technically not shit for what it is, a game for autistic losers, which there are a lot of in here.
>Anime Waifu Game
>Why is it popular?
>Diablo 4 is a perfect mix of D2 LoD and release Diablo 3
How hyped would you be?
release D3 was shit though
>Release Diablo 3
hence why I added LoD
release D3, except the RMAH was fantastic EXCEPT its horribly boring and bad legendaries.
>Literally unplayable in groups because enemy damage scaled with group size
Isn't there both firebird archon and vyr's archon and also tal rasha spectral blade
Is there any reason I should play Campaign instead of jumping to Adventure?
I'm at Act II but I wanna get to Adventure ASAP since all my friends are in there
No reason at all to play campaign, outside of Blitzing it on T1 for achievements/guaranteed Legendaries.
Unless of course you really wanna get to Act 3 and have Evil Cousin Azmodan phone you every 5 minutes asking to go bowling.
underrated post
>if you switch insight for a sec
That's not how that works.
Griz armor: 20 str base with 3 os
>You killed my badass demon general, but it doesn't even matter because my evil plan is still going to happen hahaha
Every single time
Is it worth it buy Diablo 2 or should I just pirate it and set up a hitachi server