League of Legends General - /lolg/


Cute bfs edition

they hold hands and cuddle during their down time on the rift~


>posting early to force your faggotry


kek it takes more skill to get perma'd than to get into Challenger

Renekton is not a cute bf, and if you want to fuck him you're a gross degenerate, but you should play him!

>when I spent 5 min to wait for someone else to make a new thread since we were at image limit

fuck off I always give someone else a shot to make their own thread

>Locket on Rene

just like epic SRO did right? xD

don't forget to pick Fury instead of Sorcery as well despite the fact that he doesn't benefit from it at all but hey SRO did it so it must be viable

>Tomoka is from LAN
>Play on NA

remember to not think about having sex with the champ you're currently playing as!!!

How come all renekton mains are autistic as fuck?
>m7 renekton flashes mastery
>play passively to not feed him
>he dives and i cheese kill him with ignite
>laugh and spam m7 as well
>he tilts and shittalks calling me pussy and asking 1v1
>spends the rrst of the game trying to kill me while he gets cc'd to death and keeps shittalking
>carry the game and win
>"You are not good, you are very noob and pussy"

Every renekton player is autistic

Image limit isn't a reason to make a new thread. Especially not when it's you fag's fault we reached it.

t. nasus main
fuck off

scales rule


nigga the only one being a faggot is you, so shut the fuck up or just leave

>Image limit isn't a reason to make a new thread
it is

actually a graves main

just report his fag ass thread and wait it to get 404'ed

That game was an edge case where Locket was actually useful. I got it super quick and their Ahri was absolutely huge, so the stats were relevant and their team was popping our squishies a lot so the active was very strong.

I didn't know that guy takes fury but I do it because whenever I don't, I miss the attack speed for timing last hits and combos.

Reminder only dead threads reach image limit before reply limit

>Hitting one posting limit is not a good reason to move to new threads
>Instead we should remain in the lifeless husk of a thread making a steady stream of low quality posts in an effort to reach another posting limit

Realize you're complaining about a poster who built rene differently in all available matches. He's clearly reacting to his and his enemy's team comp and possibly his lane matchup.

Also realize new locket is absolutely busted in terms of stats and the active is particularly useful on renekton.

Also realize fury is immensely more useful for weaving autos, pushing, taking objectives, and many more reasons than sorcery.


Uh lolbabs?

Yes that's why no one fucking picked Fury on him before Season 7 when SRO started using it for some reason right?

>lmao go lose another world war fag

it has been always like that, you're showing your newfaggotry

*walks slightly to the left*


feels gud man

Get cancer corporate tool.

we won BOTH of your wars for you, dumb britcuck

Couldn't tell you why people took it. It also probably factored in to the "renekton falls off hard" meme which is completely untrue.

I like how you realized all my other points were completely valid though. Feelsgoodman.

>playing Nasus vs Renekton
I love roleplaying that matchup.

???? nobody played ap yi before it became meta and it was op quite a while before that.
things like masteries are far less minmaxed and most people just wing it. faker only uses 3 different rune pages for soloQ. do you honestly think those are optimal?(and other similiarly skilled players use different runes).
Just because something isn't common doesn't mean it's necessarily bad.

if he flashes mastery before killing you he's a huge fag

mastery emotes are reserved for outplaying ganks and taunting the corpses of degenerates like riven/yasuo/camille pickers

personally i've been doing it for at least a year or two, i can't remember

you seem really autistically triggered about a mastery that doesn't actually matter

sorcery adds like 3 damage to your early game combo

so whats considered the strong type of support style/champions
is it still damage kinds like brand/malz?

only sups i play are leona/sona and sometimes nami

You know, why isn't there a shadow isles ectoplasm ghost champion that can go transparent? Sion's ult really makes me wish there was a champ I could hit a button to go incorporeal for a second and watch Sion run straight through me. Like Vlad's pool or Fizz's pole except I'm not untargetable, just unable to be hit by skillshots or contact.

All supports serve a purpose and you should be worrying about team comp primarily. I haven't seen a taric in ages. We have a vg denizen bordering master tier one tricking taric.

Believe in your heart.

you know I really enjoy getting fed on yi while laning phase is still up but vayne is such a bitch to kill unless you go crit and I lose most games because of it.
t. silver shitter

>playing darius against a renekton
>he has ignite
>bait his ignite
>he flash-e's with his W up
>I'm a faggot and brought cotc
>E him mid E
>get shield
>get my auto-w off
>flash as his W auto hits and tank it
>walks too close and gets clocked in the chops with a turret shot
>flash m7
>never see him again
>he fucking ragequit

>corporate tool.
why that one in particular
i mean you could insult him in a variety of ways,
why "corporate tool"?

>renekton aggressively diving a darius

ok buddy nobody needs to hear your stories from bronze 6

what champ lets me play as evil homer

>last thread was also a gay OP but because you get horny when its two girls you dont bitch

such shit people in this general

for sure i see, whats up with taric?
i normally play leona like when i feel we need init
sona when i feel i can play back-ish more
nami w.e

It was in gold

but I mean, that's just shiny bronze.

>colossus darius
>someone just randomly fucking igniting you

>randomly igniting
>not reading that I baited it out of him

only brought cotc because they had renekton.

it all worked out.

The last thread wasn't early you fag
>a Bloo Bloo Bloo, stop bullying gay people


>ghost champion
I can get behind that

>Op is literally an extension of the ezposter avataring
You'll find that is reason for that anons anger mate, same with lizzfag's threads until their autism calmed down.

that dash

Well op is a tool of his corporate owners, aimed against himself and us, and corporate slaves and indentured servants.

You see where wasting your second e cost you this life right?

kek , nice one

>when the renekton dives in when he has a stack of bleed
>when the darius autos him during renekton's w animation
>when he gets an auto off
>and the renekton E's further away not allowing him to weave autos
>and the darius just auto-W's him because of it
>and Q's
>and presses R

that renekton played so poorly.

xth for "being committed" to your waifu

fuck off lissfag buttfuckers


im not an extension im the real deal

the other ezfag just posts solo ez but this ship is specific to me

anyway half of the threads that have been posted recently have been by twitchfag and furry yordle shit, there are worse threads but I make ONE after weeks of not making an op and little uppity spergs like you feel the need to bitch for no reason

people do incredibly retarded shit even in diamond bud lol

dom has good music
he's a good jungler to watch
but why does he have to be the physical embodiment of everything wrong with REDDIT

Twitchfag is a ban evader who does it on purpose. You're just a newfag.

do they still chase proxy singed in diamond?

>little uppity spergs like you
that was my first post this thread m80 :^)
>reason for that anons anger mate
>that anons anger mate
>that anons

>Riven roams bot
>She flashes + R +W in like half a second
>something fucking happens dunno even what just know she proced her R' a second time.
>I die fucking faster than from a kata combo

How does this allow counterplay in a 1v1 situation again?


yes, but most proxy singed's i see just lose before they actually become useful because they fed our jungler who then carries the game hehe

>commited to your waifu
>not even at the top of the lists

the only thing youre committed to is being a faggot with pleb taste

not even committed to your pleb taste

/lolg/, I need some advice.
I came back to league from a long hiatus. Hit D3 at my peak. I decided I wanted to try again for diamond this season, I lost all my placements and got put into silver 4. I climbed up to plat 3 in a month of grinding out a lot of games, but then for the past 3 days or so I've been getting the worst rng teams I've ever experienced in my entire MOBA career. I played dota casually for 4-5 years as well as having spammed enough league to get D3, so I've played a lot of games and this week has been by far the worst teams I have ever played with in my life.

So basically in the course of 3-4 days I've dropped from P3 to P5 and my mmr has hit the shitter. I'm at 0 Lp and I'm now being queued with low golds and even a silver here or there.

I have games where I can go 5-0-x in the jungle but still manage to lose because someone gets caught - despite me pinging them away from their position. Just shitty games like that for the past ~50 games back to back.

My friends tell me that my account is officially in elo hell and that I'm going to be stuck for the rest of the season. Give me some advice guys, how do I climb out of this?

>implying I havent been here longer than you

bet you started in season 4

I'm am top 10 on na tho?

aka the only one that matters

I watched his stream before he was banned for a year from pro play by Riot.
He was playing a lot of Shaco in a very abusive way, usually high and usually trolling both teams. It was fun to watch and he had character.
Neo-Dominate is like a neutered politically corrected streamlined corporate shit compared to his old self.
He sold his soul for Riot money.

i dont really have advice but if you figure out a way to get out of your funk, lemme know

>Australians playing a spider champion

Because it takes skill and understanding on how to animation-cancel riven's abilities to do things like that.

Typically it goes like this; the riven on your team can't animation cancel. The enemy riven is a challenger smurf with perfect animation cancelling.

S3fag detected

>Because it takes skill and understanding on how to animation-cancel riven's abilities to do things like that.

Just because takes skill doesn't mean its fair.

>letting other regions be more committed to your waifu than you are
>letting lissfag show you up as the most dedicated autist on /lolg/

must suck to be such a small fry who cant accomplish even one little thing

hows it feel to know that one of the most hated posters on /lolg/ is more worthy of his waifu than you ever will be? even riot acknowledges his autism

That's riot's reasoning, at least.


IS Kindred playable? What build?

Sounds like you need to climb mount targon

need to refocus, and stick to playing your best champions. outside of that all you can do is play and try to win.

Why does Riot take so long to do anything?
Seriously, it's completely unacceptable, just look at Jax's or Udyrs animations. Why haven't they been updated yet?

>need to refocus, and stick to playing your best champions
Not sure what you mean by refocus, but I am sticking to my 'best' champions.

Dota 2
>all characters avaliable from the start, new players have to learn only them and don't bother with farming for masteries and runes and which are viable

>you have to farm for Gods but other than that it's all fair play, game is generous too

>farm for champs
>IP gains are laughable
>farm for runes
>farm for levels to get masteries
>matchmaking is busted so level 18 can fight against lvl 30 with all runes and a keystone

great fucking game

They did an udyr vu already

You need to refocus your mental, losing so many games like that takes a toll on you that you don't realize, and so you continue to queue and play suboptimally, you're hurting your chances to climb because of it.

By best champions you mean the ones you have the best winrate on too, yeah? Outside of that, you're bound to have streaks both ways, wins and losses, the only thing you can do is try to play optimally to climb. If you deserve to be a higher rank you'll climb. Replays exist now, do yourself a favor and revisit games and watch your play and see how you could have played better in situations etc etc

Talking about Jax.

That champ is retarded, when tanks will be nerfed he will become pick/ban again.

Shit is fucking stupid his combo does 75% of the squishy hp and he has the dash on like a 4 sec CD.

And he is insanely Tanky while building dmg somehow.

if you are against a Jax main, the teams are even and the game is going past 20 min you are screwed might aswell ff.

he is the definition of fucked up design, low skill required high reward.

>posters stay within their own general because its actually alive
>has irl friends

Dota 2
>posters would rather post on other generals because their game and general is dead
>will make any excuse to not swap over because of all the time and effort they spent learning it
>friends all play league or dont even have friends in the first place

great fucking game indeed

No such thing as elo hell. You have the best role for climbing (season 7 is does your team have the better jungler? You win). Get really comfortable with 2 cancer picks and one top tier. Go watch high diamond (or better) junglers to see what's changed/you've forgotten.

I've got an 80% win rate on my main in Plat 1 in solo and a 52% win rate on my main in gold 2 in flex. Shits hard in low elo. Finding a decent duo can greatly reduce the pain of being in the shitter.

>red smite
in that order than huricane and other shit you think she needs,

I think you're referring to tilting, I make sure to take breaks in between games to refresh myself and if I ever feel stressed I just leave the game alone until the next day. That's worked for me so far.

And yes I'm playing the champions that I have the best winrates on.

No mallet?

Is the warwick rework actually going to be viable in higher elo's?

Nothing else to be said then. If you end up stuck somewhere it's because that's where your skill level rests at. Focus on your gameplay, not the climb.

LoL is a shit game and MOBA is cancer.

and other shit you think she needs,

>I've got an 80% win rate on my main in Plat 1 in solo and a 52% win rate on my main in gold 2 in flex.
Does flex even count? I think the variability in skill level is probably really high in those games.

yes, in my high elo PBE game he reliably performs well against other solid picks like yasou leesin, riven zed and vayne

>Focus on your gameplay, not the climb.
I always look at what mistakes I'm making, etc. Like I said I've been playing competitive games for years, I know how to climb. Problem is what are you going to do when bot goes 0-2 when you've finished your first camp? and then proceed to go 0-4 as soon as they return to lane - without enemy jungler intervention?

How about that kind of scenario for every lane?

Those are the kinds of games i've been getting this week.

>does flex even count
Not sure what that means but generally, no. No one takes flex seriously. I mainly play it with friends who aren't good enough to Yolo queue with but are good enough to not bother with norms.

only advice from lolg you should ever take is to never listen to lolg

always research any information they give before you accept it as fact

its early in the season you can still make D3 or more if you want as the year goes by dont sweat it

heres an example, theres a guy here who is currently saying that new ww is garbage even tho the fact is that hes a CertainlyT champion

after his initial new toy banrate goes by watch as all the high elo players say that hes broken and the sperg stops posting about how new ww is bad

same thing happened with Jhin, lethality MF, and Ivern

never trust /lolg/

guess the champ